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I'm considering a "request tier" wherein backers can request a specific model/subject (within specific rules, celebrities/public figures/erotic actresses & models only, of age (obviously) and with a veto-option for problematic requests) and/or theme (bimbification, dollification, general brainwashing, etc.) as a sort of limited-commission system.

With the way I have the backer system set up, you would first PM me to work out the details of the request, and, once we had it worked out, you'd pop up to the request-tier. Patreon would charge you the difference between the request tier and the standard $5 tier, I would create said cap and it would be posted as per usual. At any time after this point you could then drop down to the $5 tier for the next month's cycle.  According to Patreon's FAQ, going from a higher to a lower tier does not invoke any additional charges until the next month starts (nor does it provide any refund). Alternatively, if you always want at least one of a given theme each month, or if you just want to contribute more to the project, those options would be available. 

I'm not sure what the tiers would be just yet, I need to do some research on going rates for similar work, but there would likely be at least two, one for simple caps (basic glow-type effects, eye-blanking, etc with text captioning) and a higher one for fakes, multi-figure cloning, skin-color changes, etc. 

In order to ensure everything is on the up and up and results fit my standards, the specific shots/poses used and story content would be my choice.  I'm walking a number of aesthetic and content tightropes and I produce better work with more creative freedom.

Is this something you'd be interested in?



Would that include NFSW and mult-parters?


I can include both of those. Still looking for a good way of hosting the NSFW manips during the preview period.


I'd certainly like to participate!