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Premise and art by me, written by Haxcall. Check them out on Twitter, DeviantArt, and Patreon for lots more fun BBW-centered stories!

Non-gassy art varient is attached to this post.

That's a wrap folks! Hope you were entertained~ Who knows how many other varients of this symbiote exist out there? It's a big galaxy. after all...


The crew of the Mother Ship heard about Manoa’s shuttlecraft disappearance shortly after it had happened and immediately set out on a rescue mission, ignoring reports that the commander was likely lost for good. After over a month of searching, BOD-AC1A managed to detect the usage of a Space Fleet food replicator on a small, isolated asteroid near where Manoa’s shuttle was last reported. Deedo volunteered to be the one to scout out the location and was teleported less than a mile from the signal’s location.

“Hold up, sweetie. I’m picking up something very odd up ahead.” BODAC1A told him through his communicator.

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“The area ahead is full of oxygen. So much that you could take off your helmet without worry.” She explained. “But that should be impossible on an asteroid like this…”

BOD-AC1A was interrupted by what sounded like an echoing foghorn not too far off in the distance, a noise that lasted for well over a minute before subsiding. Deedo cautiously moved ahead and was shocked by the sight he soon encountered.

It was the missing Manoa, who was now absolutely massive. The influence of the symbiote inside of her allowed her body to expand beyond any natural size limit. She was a nearly 15 foot mountain of flab that was almost entirely coated in the symbiote’s ooze, with a long tube of it connecting Manoa’s mouth to the food replicator to feed her nonstop. Around her the symbiote had carefully disassembled the shuttle craft around her to give her more room to grow while not damaging anything that would interrupt its non stop eating session.

Despite her inhuman girth, Manoa still maintained a body that was identifiably feminine. Her belly was like a taut balloon, filled with a nonstop supply of pure lard and sugar, and it covered her thighs to the point that only her ham-like feet were visible as they poked out from underneath her paunch. Her arms were just bloated nubs sticking out from her upper torso, so engrossed in fat that she couldn’t even move her pinkies. Her previously tiny breasts were now almost bigger than Deedo and hung by her sides, saggy like sacks but so swollen with milk that they were as firm as actual melons. Her beloved buttocks had grown the most, being almost twice as wide as the rest of her body and kept it in an upright position. From between her cheeks flowed an almost deafening level of loud flatulence that created a pocket of oxygen that permitted her to live in the otherwise inhospitable environment. The only parts of her that were seemingly still capable of movement were her wildly panicking eyes.

“Don’t worry Commander!” Deedo said loudly. “We’re here to help!”

As Deedo approached, the symbiote started to quake and jiggle in a hostile way and menacing blue tendrils formed from Manoa’s bloated form. However, BOD-AC1A was monitoring the situation and immediately teleported the two back to the ship. Deedo appeared in the vessel’s decontamination chamber and Manoa and the symbiote were teleported to a sterilized and air tight storage container.

The Mothership escorted Manoa directly to the space clinic under heavy guard to ensure that there was no more trouble. Once there, many of the best doctors and biologists within the Space Fleet came to examine her. Using advanced genetic targeting and teleportation tech, the medical professionals managed to slowly but efficiently remove every trace of the symbiote from Manoa’s body, placing the blue, slime-like organism in cryostasis before sending it off to a science facility for study and analysis. After this, surgeons and liposuction specialists quickly removed the literal tons of adipose from Manoa’s frame and restored her back to her original, pleasantly plump form. They offered to slim her down even more but she insisted that her nalgas be able to fit through doors but not into anything smaller than a Size 18.

After a month in recovery, Manoa was cleared to return to duty. Deedo was the first to greet her on her return to the ship’s bridge.

“I’m glad to see you back to normal, commander. Are you feeling well?” He asked

“I’m fine boyo.” She replied to her savior and subordinate. “All I want now is to just get back to work and try to forget that the two months ever happened.”

“At least the worst is finally behind you.” He said cheerfully.

Manoa sat down at her station and suddenly felt a tiny gurgle in her stomach and a small pop of gas left her rear, but nearly inaudible to anyone but her. It was likely nothing to be concerned over but Manoa could only hope that the worst was anywhere aside from her and her behind.

~The End~



FabledEarth 6116

Well I was right in the money 😂