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Dumpling was delighted to find the batter was finally starting to thicken up! Maybe this would work out after all... Dumpling worked a few pulleys and, through some clever goblin engineering, the entire cauldron rolled into the massive oven at the end of the kitchen. 

For the goodhearted souls among you fearing for the slime throughout all this, you may be reassured that being a creature of very little structure and even less brain, and was at no time in any serious danger or discomfort (though certainly the whole affair had twisted it up into a serious state of disorientation!)

Later, the cauldron was removed and, after a few more pulleys yanked, lifted into the air and inverted above a huge platter. With a loud *PLOP* Dumpling beheld her vanilla lava cauldron cake, the largest ever made! ...oh dear. That didn't look right at ALL! It was supposed to come out a perfect dome, but the confection before her looked... a little... bulbous?

"Oh dear, oh dear-!! Well, no time to start from scratch, maybe I can cover it up with some decorations before the feast... and oh SHOOT, I need to get changed!!" The distracted goblin moaned, her mind juggling everything she still needed to button up before company arrived.
