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Hi folks, Rampant404 here. This has been one hell of a year, huh? Pandemics, politics, murder bees... and August is going to be especially trying for me personally. I’m still slated to be furloughed (😣). The vet says our cat only has weeks left (😥)

But for tonal whiplash some good news... you know how I’ve spent months alluding to big stuff happening behind the scenes? Well here’s the big reveal: around the end of the month, I’m having a kid with better half!! (😱😱👶)

SO! Suffice to say, after this month I’m going to be pretty busy for a while, and figuring out what the new normal means for me. 

What does this mean for all y’all? Well, I guess I’m going to ask for your patience when I suddenly drop off for a bit to focus on the new arrival. Don’t worry, I’ve still got weeks of regularly scheduled content queued to automatically post! You’ll still get early access to the new issue of Tales of Schlock (updates starting in a couple weeks!), and I’ll continue to rotate the $10 rewards at the start of each month. I'll also still be running this month's open request, and working on a couple commissions!

Anyway, the big day is still weeks away... theoretically. Thank you all so much for all of your continuing support, it has made a world of difference in helping us get set up to care for a new family member these last few months. 

I hope you all are remaining well, let’s have some fun this month for as long as we can, right?




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