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Time to shoot me your cool ideas!! Tell me whatever you'd like me to draw. 

SPECIAL NOTE: This month, like last month's open request, is going to be a little small in scale, due to some issues limiting the amount of time I have IRL. As always, post as many requests as you like but heads up I'll have a more limited number of slots and probably won't be able to do more than one per supporter. I'll try and make the ones I do extra awesome tho. Thanks in advance for understanding!


  • Y'all suggest things.  Post in the comments or PM me. 
  • Cute is okay. Lewd is okay. Have fun and be creative!!! 
  • I'll sketch up as many of the ones that tickle my fancy as I can (subject to time availability, open to all supporters at the $3 level).  
  • Deluxe Upgrade #1: My personally favorite request from a $10 supporter!
  • Deluxe Upgrade #2:  The most popular request of the month (as determined by a vote of the $5 supporters)!  

If you post a request I don't think is going to work for me, or features themes that just aren't firing for me, I'll *try* to give you a heads up within a reasonable time frame so you can throw in another suggestion, okay?

Cool requests:

  • (Some) preference given to requests involving my OCs, or supporter's OCs I'm familiar with, but ask for what you like because I might like it too!
  • If you're gonna be super-specific, link a reference pic!  

Not as cool requests:

  • Requests for licensed characters/real people
  • Content that crosses the line (gore, extreme violence, loli/shota etc.)
  • Stuff I'm burned out on (pregnancy, vore) or just not interested in (mature, muscle, etc).




Deedo in a Greek bathhouse being stalked by Manoa and Bodacia as Goddesses.


Barbarian Queen Bodacia riding a very exhausted Minotaur not able to handle her extreme snu snu


Manoa and Moana getting spanked by Salome


A sequel to “Ship's Too Big and the Bottle's Too Small” where Moana enters a Big Booty Beauty Contest and then uses her new giant butt to knock the other big butted competitors out of the competition. Literally.


Memo to self: Nira/Drow’noa


I think you posted a couple other ideas too but pared it down, ya? Those other ideas sounded pretty cool too, but I'll treat this one as your #1 request. 😉


Memo to self: Red Riding Hood


fifer and fiddle have been miss behaving she tells them backing right in to the spank machine which flips the pigs over and does spank them but moana is the one to decied


Deedo wearing a dress and wig fucking Fukumi doggy style.


Oh man! I thought she only liked.... people with a little more meat on their bones? 😉


While in the middle of a lecture, Guinea accidentally drops her chalk. When she bends to pick it up, her pants rip open in front of her students, revealing giant, form fitting panties that read "Nasty" on the seat.


Kaiju Sized and plumper-than-usual Manoa and Fukumi competing on who's the biggest


I'm not really into cuckolding, but I bet I can put together some circumstances that'll hit the mark...


Manoas son is getting head from a thick Latina girl (maybe a new love interest/GF for later?) while he is imagining plowing her from behind after she gains another 100 or 200 pounds.


Coming in right under the wire for the deadline huh? Fine, I'll allow it. 😉