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(Catch the last page here) 

Looks like by ONE vote, you all opted for Matilda to join the party over Patrina's curse being broken. Very well (although I hear your calls Patrina Stans, I'll try and line something up for our poor benched newt). I

Though it may make her squirm in her seat a little, Manoa will benefit from Matilda's magical tutelage. Matilda's experience gives Manoa insight into whether a roll is at an advantage or disadvantage!!

While Manoa pays out for this bonus... let's plan our route!

HOW THE MAP WORKS: This adventure features a branching path on the way to our final destination. At each fork in the road, y'all will vote which way to go... but beware, as every route features a unique set of monsters, one of which the party will encounter (randomly selected)! 

This week's poll: Above the waves, via boat? Or under, via sunken caves? The open waters promises a direct route, though the confines of a boat make for a small and unstable place to stand against the whatever the dark waters may hide. The sunken caves 

The swamp is a dark and forbidding environment, who's murky and gloomy reaches provide ample hiding for a variety of hungry inhabitants. The river's rocky rapids have bred fierce competition between those who live above the water and those beneath it. The sunken caves are dark, cold and wet. Strange things dwell in those depths, creatures neither quite of air or water. 

Voting will remain open through midnight, Monday, 03/30!


Choky Feddy

I feel bad for patrina... but manoa being molested by a belly mawed witch is to good