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AH! Thank you for getting this out so fast can’t wait to watch🫶🏽


my man wasted no time to react haha


true story and the boy is mine is ariana embracing the image the media gave her. i have a feeling we can't be friends is about ariana's relationship with the media/public. it can be interpreted as a relationship ending song of course, but i also like the meaning from the point of view i mentioned. in the final chorus of i wish i hated you, you can hear ariana crying in the end 😭 this song made me cry the album opens with ariana asking how to know if you're in the right relationships, and ends with her nonna giving her the answer of how it should feel, but if it doesn't feel that way then she should leave which she did! overall, the album is inspired by the movie 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' starring jim carrey. its about wanting to erase your memories after a hard breakup, but in the course of that realizing that its better to keep the memories because through all the hurt, there are beautiful moments. ariana constantly references this theme of not wanting to go through a loop, and wanting to erase her memory.


when yes, and first came out i was scared for the rest of the album as yes, and wasn't my cup of tea sonically but damn this album is so good. the turning up the tv line was truly so insane. don't wanna break up again and imperfect for you are my faves currently.

Kimberly Cload

She also said she released yes and as the first single because it was so different and she thought it was funny to throw everyone off 😭😂

Katie W

To know more about what she said about the album I would recommend checking out her Zane Lowe interview for Apple Music on YouTube and the interview with Zach for the Zach Sang show (Part 1 is out, part 2 should be coming out soon). If you would be up for a reaction to them I would love to know what you think about what is said in them but if you want to watch on your own that is absolutely fine, I just think they both are great interviewers and a lot is said in both.


Love how a 35 minute album has a reaction double that length 🤣. Cant wait to get home from work tonight, snuggle up and watch this.


i have no idea what i was expecting, i just knew it would be brilliant. i love how her voice sounds in this album, a lot of people noted how her tone seemed to change in yes, and? due to the opera training for wicked but i think its perfect. can't wait to listen again and again


also yes, nonna is her grandmother and is extremely important to her; her grandfather passed several years ago but she's always mentioned how she admired their relationship


I was feeling really conflicted about the new album with all the Ethan stuff - I don't think there's ever a good excuse for a man to leave his wife with a newborn to be with someone else - but I admit that after hearing this I'm even more conflicted. As someone who left a loveless marriage also, the songs where she's reflecting on that are speaking to me

Kyra Brown

My top3 on this would definitely have to be true story, imperfect for you, Eternal sunshine but honestly I love this whole ablum very very beautifully well done 👏


I'm so glad you talked production because that was my big thing with this album. She did a ton of this production herself and that's so inspiring for me as a musician especially watching the videos she's posted on instagram and tiktok of her sitting a studio by herself and going over one little line multiple times and editing it and choosing how she wanted it cut trying to make it perfect. All of her hard work in that area DEFINITELY paid off because I don't think the production could've been any more perfect truly it's insanely good.

Marlyse Cruz

ahhhh I’m so happy she’s back and it’s already one of my faves 😭love to see double the stream time on this hahaha cant wait to watch

Paula Amezquita

Definitely should check out eternal sunshine of the spotless mind with Jim Carey. It’s a big inspiration for the album. I think it would help with context for some of these songs

Viviana Trujillo

This is her best album so far! Never thought something could replace Sweetener and Positions but hands down Eternal Sunshine is my favorite Ari album!


To me the melody of eternal sunshine you might be thinking of, to me, could be "nonsense" by Sabrina Carpenter

Giu Bressani

About Saturn's Return, it is quite self-explanatory, but basically, Saturn takes roughly 29,5 years to go around the Sun and come back to the exact place it was when one was born. It's said that you can feel this shift from 28 - 30 and Saturn is the planet related to responsibility, discipline, boundaries, etc so it really is the moment when one tends to enter adulthood completely

Bangtan is life

The thing that stood out to me right away was how different her voice sounded, so it’s interesting that you pointed that out so early lol but no joke she sounds like an angel all through the album🙌🏼 my favorite songs are probably: eternal sunshine, supernatural, the boy is mine, we can’t be friends and imperfect for you When me and my girlfriend was going through the album together we agreed that imperfect for you was about us because we both have a lot of baggage and been through a lot but we’re perfect for each other 💘🥰