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I loved the "what if" episode. It really gave Nathan perspective and made him look at what their choices really mean. I love when Nathan learns things that make him grow. Cooper mentioned in the last episode the reason he was there was perspective and I think they carried it over to the dream. Nathan gained perspective on how the choices Dan, Deb and Karen made as kids (getting married so young and having kids of their own) really affected them and changed their lives. Even in this, Dan is still bitter, resentful, living in the past, (because circumstances prevented him from following his dreams) and taking it out on everyone around him. Dan is this way no matter which woman or son he chose. Knowing who Lucas is now, and seeing who he was when raised by Dan, confirms Dan ruins lives. As for Karen and Deb, like present Deb, this Karen is not happy with Dan and like present Deb, she was looking for happiness outside of the marriage. She threw herself into her work and was having an affair with Keith. As for this Deb, like present Karen, she was shown to have made sacrifices for the choices she made when she was young, dedicating her life to her son and putting her dreams on hold. Lucas is able to see this everyday with his mother, but I don't think Nathan has thought about it. The sacrifices and lost dreams are easier to see in this Deb as opposed to present messy Deb. I liked that through his dream, Nathan was able to figure this out. I loved Nathan and Deb's conversation when he woke up. Nathan holds grudges and holds onto his anger. He's been angry at his mother for a long time, with good reason, but at the end of the day she's human and makes mistakes. Him understanding, letting go of his anger and forgiving her will only make him better in the long run. Glad she's going to get help and work on her relationship with him. He needs her support and she needs his. The "what if" with Haley here is what if he and Haley married someday, way down the road, when they were adults, after they both realized what their dreams were and went for them, as opposed to today, when they are kids, not really knowing who they are or what makes them happy. They are choosing the course of their lives so soon. There are just so many different directions your life can take at this age when it's just yourself you have to consider. You need time to explore it all and figure it out. Marriage and kids can really limit your possibilities and does not afford you that time. Sacrifices might have to be made. 16/17 is just really young to face this reality. He also concluded, through this newfound perspective he didn't want him and Haley to be Dan/Karen or Dan/Deb or Haley to become Deb. Up until this point (well also his conversation with Cooper) he hadn't really thought about how chosing to give up his dreams would affect him or her and them as a couple later and that getting married so young, while they had their whole lives ahead of them was the maybe the wrong choice. Going after their dreams is the opposite choice, at least for Nathan, so maybe that's the right one, which is why he is so adamant about Haley not coming home. Ofc he loves her, but maybe they are better off doing their own thing. Basically, he doesn't want to become Dan and he doesn't want Haley to become Deb. Can't wait for season 3!!! It's my 2nd favorite after season 4.

Ashley Kinney

Just happy these episodes got us closer to season 3!!! I can’t wait to see your reactions to seasons 3 and 4!!