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rewatching this episode with you and rewatching the bit where yoongi makes the comparison to a couple breaking up and the realization that that entire situation was retold in ‘trivia: seesaw’ still sends shivers down my spine because we truly never catch on until years later 😭

Alix Drifty

BTS didn't end up taking a break in 2018 when they were going through the rough time - but what they DID do was have regular long vacations built into their contract when they re-signed. So, in 2019 they took a month off, and then they did the same again at the end of 2021 (2020 was kind of a weird year because of the pandemic, so there was no announced official vacation). Usually when BTS goes on official vacation, their label will announce it, so that fans know that if they see them traveling that they're on their personal private time and not to disturb them. ARMY as a fandom is known to be very respectful of BTS's private lives - obviously, ARMY as a whole can't be perfect, because it contains so many people - but the majority of ARMY will deliberately keep it to themselves if they see a member while traveling and wait until that member either reveals their location themselves or they've clearly moved to a different area, before ARMY will mention seeing them at all (and if they do mention seeing them, they'll usually only talk about the member, not any of his friends/family that he may have been with). When BTS traveled to New Zealand as a band in 2019, New Zealand ARMY came up with a whole code word for them, so that SNS trend/search algorithms wouldn't pick up on what they were talking about. Many of the members have their weight fluctuate when they're going through a rough time or are really stressed out/busy - V tends to gain weight; RM, Hobi and Jin tend to lose weight (if you watch the j-hope documentary, you'll see Hobi get SO SKINNY, and it's just due to working too hard and being stressed out). Suga either gets really skinny or gains weight, depending on the cause of the stress. Jin also gets really skinny sometimes when on vacation, because he's a huge gamer and will game for hours on end and forget to eat... so it's not always just due to stress. It's not so much diagnosable eating-disorders, as it is just disordered eating as a symptom of something else. Jin and Jimin have also had mismanaged diets in the past that became unhealthy, but they both know how to avoid that now. Pause as much as you like during episodes! It's great to hear your thoughts! Don't worry about it. I didn't discover BTS's music until 2019, but I remember seeing them on a red carpet at one of these award shows in either 2017 or 2018... I always kick myself that I didn't look more into them then. I think the fact that radio is so controlled in the US, and doesn't like playing anything that isn't English (or Spanish) is a big reason why it's so hard for kpop groups to get the recognition they deserve over here. Sorry I ended up writing you so much! I was just going to answer a few of your questions and then it turned into a novel!


For the 'eating disorder' discussion, none of the members have ever said they had/have an eating disorder, but all have spoken about disordered eating and extreme dieting. There is a pretty popular clip a lot of people use to say some of them having eating disorders, when Jin and Jimin went on a talk show and mentioned only eating a single meal a day for months. More in recent years though, Suga has been in the Korea 'gossip' news many times relating to weight, he tends to go from heavier weights to skinny very quickly between shows/appearances. It's good to remember though that Suga and RM have both talked a lot about anxiety disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc., which can also contribute a lot to weight gain/loss. A lot of Suga's talk of extreme dieting and weight gains/losses actually stopped once he got his shoulder surgery and started getting more help in general. That's why, for a lot of older fans, Suga's albums and tour was so impactful. Suga today is very different than he was just a couple years ago. He was never that 'stone-cold' person a lot of people pretend he was, but you can just see the authentic confidence and happiness from him now that wasn't always there. And it's so incredible to see it because it gives so much hope to people who relate to him.


Please pause as much as you'd like and give us as many thoughts as you want during these episodes, I love to hear your thoughts and see you enjoy learning their story.


When he opened the door in that last concert, I felt it in my bones.


So, none of the boys ever talked about having eating disorders. I believe a lot of people can relate to the feeling of being so stressed or anxious that they can't eat anything, some other people end up eating way too much to relieve the stress. I think Namjoon was talking in that sense. Throughout their career they've been though diets and I think the korean beauty standard is very strict and even unrealistic, plus there's this image of perfection on the idols, Yoongi even talks about it on his documentary, all that is more than enough to mess with someone's mind. But fortunately I believe the boys learned to deal with it and take good care of themselves. About the Billboard, they didn't knew they were going to win. They say Yoongi can't go to the bathroom cause their category will be announced next. And the top social artist award they won in 2017 was a big deal cause Justin Bieber was winning it for like 7 years straight. They just didn't knew what it was cause everything was so new to them, so they're like "just know we won a Billboard award" 😂 And like, even thoug a lot of people knew who they were at the time, it feels like the media did a poor job at showing them as artists, you know? Even today is hard to find decent american interviews, it's always the same meaningless questions "who is your celebrity crush?" "who do you want to collaborate with?" "what is your favorite english word?" etc... I remember that the first good interview the boys had in the US was backstage at the AMAs with Zach Sang, who really took his time to learn about them and asked about their music, their activism... Plus it's so difficult for american radios to play anything that it's not in english. When the boys started to grow in the US, ARMYs were pretty much like their agents 😂, we would request their songs on the radio, their presence on talk shows, promote on social media and even so it was hard. That's why I feel the relationship BTS have with us is so special, like Yoongi said on Suchwita, we're partners. It may sound silly for some people, but when BTS achive someting, it feels like we did too, and when they struggle, we feel it too. They ended up not taking a break in 2018, but they got regular vacations, in the next episodes you'll see how they overcame this hard times. Really looking foward to it.


I also see a lot of 1D parallels, would be fascinated to hear a conversation between any of the members with any ex-1D member about this. I know a few of the guys went to harry’s concert a couple years ago. What Suga said about a couple breaking up, passing responsibilities because noone wants to be the bad guy - those are all lyrics from his solo song Seesaw… a lot of break up songs that were assumed to be romantic actually seem to be inspired by their relationship with each other. Please pause as much as you want! I love your thoughts and questions and that you don’t want to talk over and miss what’s happening. Like someone else said, they never took “a break” until the solo announcement in 2022, but starting in 2019 they did take 1 month long vacations here and there. It’s kind of hard to think that from 2010/2011/2012 (whenever training began) until 2019 they didn’t have more than a few days off at a time. !!! Like you said, one can only push nonstop for so long, no wonder they were getting burnt out. It’s a difficult situation to balance.




I also can't remember when I started hearing about BTS, but I used to watch the BBMAs and AMAs all the time. I'm pretty sure I saw them perform DNA and later Fake Love at award shows, and was interested enough after Fake Love to look up their names and try to find a biography of the group. But, for various reasons, I just didn't fall down the rabbit hole in 2018. It took the pandemic and finally watching YouTube more than Netflix for me, where I could see dance practices and behind the scenes and the Burn the Stage documentary plus listen to all the music, and that's when I became ARMY. I've always been in awe that the members could stay so grounded and humble, generous and loving at the core. So, I appreciate in this documentary that we see insight from Bang Si-hyuk about this. It's not something that just inherently happened--it seems like it took purposeful planning, discussions, and reflection by the members and the staff around them to keep everyone involved with the group to make sure they never lost those ideals from when they started. I think there's so much that other artists, teams of any kind, or just any humans to learn from watching them. Thanks for watching this with us. We definitely don't mind the pausing. They really pack so much into these 30-minute episodes that it's hard to watch the visuals, keep up with the subtitles, and have time to process what they're saying. I paused and rewound a lot when watching on my own!


I had the advantage of having a best friend who loved kpop during high school so although I never followed any groups at the time, I remember her telling me about when BTS were about to debut because she was really interested in them based on predebut stuff she had seen. I think I started seeing more about them in my own circles (I used to run a 5sos blog on Tumblr LOL) probably around 2015 - so after I Need U dropped. 2016 was the year I fully got into them but I think 2017 is really when they took off in the west and I started seeing stuff about them everywhere. You pausing so that you can comment is great! Pause as many times as you want to - your insight and commentary is really appreciated!


Agree 100% with what you said about Yoongi 🥺 he seems so ‘light’ these days 💜💚


Just came here to comment as its the most recent, but it would be amazing if you could react to the music videos too when doing album reactions i think youd love it and be blown away by the cinematography and choreography. also a lot of the videos follow a story, starting from either tmbmil or wings i forgot which album is first but yeah.


Finally catching up on these and so love watching them with you! In Korea many groups disband at 7 years (many contracts are signed for 7 years). It is so common it is considered the 7 year curse. When Map of the soul: 7 came out that was part of the reason for the 7, they were breaking/getting past that course, which is quite rare in idol groups. Even more rare to get past the 7 years with all the original members still intact. It didn’t really hit me how rare it is even in the west until getting into kpop. The west doesn’t seem to be quite as strict on the 7 years, but going past 7 years seems to be pretty rare as well. 1d was 5/6 years, NSYNC 7 years, spice girls 6 years, cnco (they’re a Latin American group that was formed by Simon cowell through a show, get compared to 1d a lot) nearly 7 years, etc.

Bangtan is life

I am so thankful that we have someone like Bang BP in charge , BTS would not be the same without him, and I think the same goes for TXT