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Nathan and Haley would have had issues with or without Chris. They rushed into marriage without even knowing what marriage really was. Chris represents freedom for Haley. Living his dream with no attachments. Haley seems to be having an identity crisis of sorts, which began when she got married. Her rash decision to marry Nathan was so unlike her that it's pretty much snowballed into other "unlike Haley" decisions. She got married at 16 after her first serious relationship and before she really knew who she was and what she wanted. Music wasn't even on her radar then. There's just so much they didn't consider when they got married. I think Haley realized that pretty early when she was crying about them making a mistake after conversations with Deb and Karen who can definitely relate. It sucks how she is acting (Nathan is not perfect in this situation either btw), but it makes sense. I do like that they aren't romanticizing them getting married at 16. Marriage is a serious commitment and hard work. Honestly, Nathan is way too dependent on her because of his family issues, which is contributing to her need for independence. They both had things they needed to figure out before they jumped into this. I'm in the minority in regards to Haley because I liked this storyline for her. It gave her layers. I thought she was one of the better written characters in the whole series, including this storyline. I mean it sucks watching her hurt Nathan by her actions and questioning her decision to get married, but it makes sense. Her not being more assertive on tv about her marriage is just more of this. The storyline felt organic to me. It's been building to this since she was crying to Nathan about them making a mistake. She's scared and has no clue what she wants. Haley is Deb this season, deciding the course of your life so early. There are so many different directions your life can take at this age when it's just yourself you have to consider, but marriage and kids can really limit your possibilities. Sacrifices might have to be made. 16/17 is just really young to face this reality. Becoming Deb is one possible outcome of Haley's decision.


Still in the middle of the first episode part of the reaction, but had to write this. Lucas & Peyton didn't sleep together. They were making out until Brooke's necklace she bought for Lucas got stuck in Peyton's hair, stopping them from going any further.

Desiree Mclaughlin

Honestly, I think season 2 is one of my least favorites. Between the Jules and Keith story, the Haley and Nathan story, and Felix's brooding pout every time he doesn't get his way, it's a lot of lows. Not that it's all bad. Season Two brought us Tric, Anna (who I like but wish was given more screen time), and Andy, as well as a lot of growth for Brooke's character. I keep thinking about the things that happen down the road and can't wait to see your reaction to what is coming up.

Ashley Kinney

I just can’t wait for you to get to season 3!!!


Okay ... finished the whole thing. I still love love love your hate for Dan Scott 😂 bc rightfully so. I always enjoy your reactions because I love seeing them to the drama in these episodes. And as usual it's soooo hard not to like write spoilers in these comments bc of course I don't want to ruin it for you and others who are watching this for the first time. BUT there are so many things you say in your reaction that I'm like "yep ... nope ... maybe ... ummm ... well possibly ... gotta wait" and so on 😂 There is SO MUCH more to go when it comes to these storylines and characters that I can't wait for more reactions. Also when it comes to weddings and walking down the aisle, I think it depends on how the bride and groom want it done or the venue. I've been to a few weddings: a couple had the groomsmen up with the groom while the bridesmaids walk down the aisle, a couple had the groomsmen walk with bridesmaids, and then if I remember correctly with my sister's wedding—they had the best man stay with the groom but the other groomsmen walked with us bridesmaids while the maid of honor walked by herself. So again it all depends on the bride & groom with how they want it done. 🤷


I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but the show actually sent Bethany Joy Lenz, who plays Haley, on a real tour to promote the show with Tyler Hilton (Chris Keller), Gavin Degraw, and The Wreckers. They also had cast members go out to introduce the acts at every show.

Giorgia M

Honestly I’ve been holding back from saying it because I don’t wanna seem mean but Mouth just gets on my nerves. I didn’t notice when I was a child and saw some of these episodes but my god, the Mr Nice Guy routine is so tired. I know it was a staple of this time period but we know better now, guys who are your friend only because they want to be in a relationship with you, constantly mope around trying to make you feel guilty for not being interested in them even though they never outright say it, the way they think they are owed some physical affection or interest for being nice to a woman is so infuriating. Being nice to another human being is the bare minimum and you aren’t owed anything for doing it. Especially knowing that he was the creators self insert into the show and it’s just him basically writing himself into the show to be like oh none of the hot girls liked me even though I was so nice and then it gets even worse later. Knowing how much of a creep he was to the female cast makes everything worse. Knowing he was making Brooke say she’d end up married to someone like him and he’s probably a big deal senator now, when he’s basically just talking about himself is soooo 🤢

Desiree Mclaughlin

I agree. Knowing more about what was going on behind the scenes definitely frames that character in a different light.


I totally agree with this. It’s not something I noticed when I was young watching the show as it aired, but now it’s hard to watch some of his storylines. And the behind the scenes stuff makes it even more gross to think about. It’s also the way the show portrays certain scenes. Like when Brooke tells him they can’t be friends anymore, it always felt like the show wanted you to also feel bad for Mouth in that moment, and not just Brooke who had a person she thinks is a good friend confess to vandalizing her car which she can’t afford to replace right now. Then he’s treated like a knight in shining armor when he steps up to give the speech for her at the election thing, essentially “saving” her. It’s like the show is saying “look at him being the better person even though she rejected him. Isn’t he awesome?”


I'm looooving Brooke's character development. Don't know if we'll actually see her go to California because everyone we've seen gone somewhere else in this show has come back, including Nikki 😂

Giorgia M

Omg yes!!! You said it perfectly. It’s not necessarily just his character but it’s the way the show treats him and frames his behaviour that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You are meant to feel like he’s such a nice guy, that he’s so hard done by and the weird things he does are excused. That combination with how characters like Brooke are treated, very judgemental of her sexual behaviour but also going out of their way to make her overly sexual. It just all leaves me with a very uncomfortable feeling about the show as well the creator and his relationship with women! I still enjoy the show but it’s very much a product of it’s time.


That scene with Whitey and his time capsule always makes me cry