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these were alot of fun :)


Kathryn T

The ending of these always makes me cry. I've seen this movie probably 50 times and it still gets me. I'm also still always so creeped out by Shelob (the giant spider). I still have to look away for most of the time she's on screen. I feel like we have very similar taste in our favourites in things. Legolas has been my favourite character in LOTR from my first reading of the book (we even had a long debate in my high school english class of him vs Aragorn during one of those last days before Christmas when no one's there) and JK is my ultimate bias, not just of BTS but of kpop and probably just music in general. I'm so glad you loved these movies. They hold such a special place in my heart as they helped my strengthen and form some of my greatest friendships in my teen years. The day before ROTK came out my Dad took myself and my two best friends out of high school and the theater played the extended cut of the first two movies. Then at 11pm, an hour before the midnight screenings started, they played ROTK so we were among the first people to see it. It was 15 hours in the theater but its one of my most treasured memories. Thank you so much for going into these with an open mind and always showing such insightful thoughts and such care to the things you react to

Mary Beth Welch Collins

Loved watching every single second of these movies and your reaction to it!