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Totally random but you always upload the videos I look forward too when I’m babysitting and I love it


Will be watching tomorrow!

scarlet Vasquez

hiiiii! please react to RAYES TINY DESK! You will not be disappointed. Her live vocal are INSANE 😭💖


im debating if i can fight my sleepiness long enough to watch it tonight or should wait too LOL


“bad ass , hurting each other ass kids” 🎯


I'm loving every second of this rewatch.

Desiree Mclaughlin

Little piece of trivia - Moira Kelly (Karen) was pregnant the first part of this season. Sending her character to Italy was a way to give the actress time off to have her baby. If you go back and watch the episode where she’s leaving you can absolutely see her pregnant belly when she’s standing in line at the airport.


oh buddy, I'm loving watching your reaction to this show so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so muchhhhh. I feel everything. There's so much I can say here but I can't which is why I'm obviously gonna jump over to Discord where I can. But yes I love Lucas and Peyton, and I want Brooke to be happy. I want all to be happy but just like you said, you know they can't be. But can't they? Only time will tell. Can't wait for the next set of episodes!!!!!


I get they're kids in high school and I do take that into consideration, but this triangle is so messy, lol. Peyton, at least is struggling and seems to feel bad about what they are doing to Brooke. Lucas, on the other hand seems selfish and heartless and could care less about what they are doing to Brooke. It's hard for me to get behind Leyton atm with Lucas acting like this. He's been hiding with Brooke and using her because Peyton is too hard. 🙄 Like you, as much of an asshole as Lucas is being to Brooke and was to Haley, by deflecting when confronted and turning it around on her, I still felt emotional about him in the hospital. His love life is annoying me, but I still love his other relationships (Haley, Karen, Keith) and his potential relationship with his brother. I loved that they had him wake up to Nathan who was there on Haley's behalf. I like what they're doing with the dynamic between the three. Haley cares about both of them and they both care about her, so hopefully they will eventually care about each other. This is the triangle I prefer. 😁 Great reaction as always. Thank you! ❤️


I was watching this while getting ready for work, trying to be quiet to not wake my partner up. When Michael said Dan was thinking of letting Lucas die in that car accident I lost it 😂. It's so hard to keep that kind of laugh quiet. (Fortunately, I didn't wake him up)

Ashley Kinney

Soo happy you’re enjoying this show! And as a Peyton defender, I’m glad you’re just stanning her and Lucas and not judging her. I get so excited when I see you’ve posted new episodes!


the demise of lucas scott, i love to see it!!


Tbh why couldn’t Lucas just break up with Brooke since he clearly has feelings for another person? Peyton’s choice on whether she wants to be with Lucas/risk her friendship with Brooke over him is an entirely separate issue and they shouldn’t be intertwined since they both have different stakes. Lucas has known Brooke a few months while Peyton and her have been best friends for years.


im team brucas forever, but i do dislike the whole triangle and how lucas treated her here. He can't have both. And i love he woke up to Nathan.

Lexsi (canyonlwt28)

i’m ngl peyton and lucas make this show so unwatchable for me especially peyton. she’s just the fakest friend ever. the whole situation pissed me off so much


“I hope he burns his steak” Iconic. 😂 Something I would say, fuck you and your steak Dan.