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Had a great time with this! Already looking forward to what's next :)




Melissa Ryan

Interrupting my book to watch! Excited for this but your reaction is going to be 😳




you are the greatest for this!!! cant wait to watch


popcorn time 😁


pausing my daily ocean blvd listen to watch this


The end of an era!!! I can't wait to watch this later with a j and drop some final facts. But I'll share this quote from the books that i love to start: "Peeta and I grow back together. There are still moments when he clutches the back of a chair and hangs on until the flashbacks are over. I wake screaming from nightmares of mutts and lost children. But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that. So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or not real?" I tell him, "Real." I think it encompasses the philosophy and themes of the story beautifully. It also validates my #teampeeta lol 💖 good riddance gale.

Bangtan is life

Gonna watch this first thing tomorrow! It’s very late here and I need sleep 😅

Isis Peoples

unrelated to hungergames: but submitting my third attempt of ENCANTO reaction thanks - i'll try again in like a week

Giorgia M

Mutt means a genetically modified animal created by the capitol. In the first movie, they show mutts through the the dogs controlled by the game makers that were actually made with the dead tributes DNA and in the book, the hounds looked like each tribute, same human eyes, hair colour etc. Disturbing!!!

Jared Scoggin

I've loved going on this journey with you. I read the books when they came out and have loved them ever since. This is one of the best series adaptations imo. It was kind of weird being a fan of this series when these movies came out because the irl media basically did everything the Capitol did to the Tributes. They made the leads of these movies megastars for a little while. They focused heavily on the love triangle. Everything was Team Peeta or Team Gale. And they never really discussed how well the films portrayed trauma and the politics of war. It was so bizarre and so spectacularly ironic.


Love this man and his genuine reactions


This rewatch was such a fun ride!! I absolutely loved your reaction to Gale every time XD I never read the prequel but I think I'll watch the adaptation because this world-building is so well done and it has aged so well. I'm so happy you enjoyed it too

Giorgia M

Really great reaction, I love your perspectives on the movies. I love the dynamic characters written for this story, everyone is really interesting. I love Katniss and Peeta, I feel their scenes are so captivating in this last one. I’m hanging onto every word. I think I give Gale a hard time but obviously he’s not a villain and he does some good things but he’s just the least interesting character in the story, he can also be selfish and immature at times. I think it’s realistic that his hate corrupted him when he finally had some power. I love Coin’s ending, I think that she actually fast tracked Prim’s training and placed her in the field so that her being killed would fuel Katniss’s hatred towards the Capitol/Snow further and Coin could use that as a distraction from her own motives, get Katniss on her side. She obviously misunderstood Katniss’s character. Lastly, I don’t usually enjoy a time jump scene where everyone is grown up, with kids etc. Sometimes it can be a little off putting depending on the story, maybe like that’s the only way women can get a happy ending, with being a mother. However, I think it makes perfect sense for Katniss. She did not want to bring children into this world and have them be reaped for the games. Her having her own family shows that that period is over and she finally feels safe enough to do so. Her children are symbols of hope for her.


This is one of my favorite book adaption franchises. However, one thing I did miss was Haymitch and Katniss’s ability to understand eachother with very little or no hints at all to what the other is thinking. All those moments make it so clear why he also voted yes to the symbolic games. He knew Katniss had a plan and was able to blindly trust her. I also love Katniss’s inner monologue about choosing Gale or Peeta. “That what i need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.


katniss and peeta’s ending is so perfect for this exact reason


“Little Tom Holland” loool Josh had him in training early 😂 So glad you did this series. I love a soft boy, so I love that these days everyone reacting seems so Team Peeta. It felt way more 50/50 back in the day. And the political stuff of the last two make them feel so different, but so interesting especially in todays context. Still wish we were getting a Haymitch prequel or something for the spin-off but excited none the less. Appreciate you always!

Lisa Briley

Every time I listen to “The Great War” I think of Katniss and Peeta….esp the betrayed part and the “we could plant a memory garden” because it directly relates to Peeta planting the garden of Primrose for Katniss at the end of the movie…not to mention the whole series literally followed the, throughout a literal Great War…”all that bloodshed”


i love this sm, the ending always makes me cry. i usually REALLY dislike an ending where the characters have kids bc it always seems like it’s the only option for women in a story haha. but for katniss it makes PERFECT sense and i couldn’t imagine it any other way. i’m sure katniss wanted kids, but didn’t want them in a world where the games existed and she had to watch them go through what she saw other children go through, and what she went through. now that the games are over she FINALLY feels safe enough to have kids like she wanted, it’s a sign that it’s over. she will have to live with that trauma, and she’ll never forget it, but she has peeta and her children. she’ll never go back to “that great war” lol. that song perfectly fits with this movie.


I understand what you mean about the momentum and energy changing near the end. To me, it seems like it accurately captures a possible aftermath of trauma. Like everything you thought was normal has fallen away and nothing feels the same and the air has been sucked out of your lungs (i.e. you’ve lost all momentum). And things feel empty. So it could be appropriate that the tone of the movie changed due to the trauma Katniss experienced.

Ida Lisby

Watching you watching that mutt scene was a whole workout!


strangely enough, i'd never gotten around to watching the final movie, but once i saw this video pop up, i decided i might as well watch it with you! so thanks for giving me the push to finally finishing the film series!! i adore the ending. as someone stated above, sometimes the usual nuclear family ending gets old and noramlly i would scoff at it, but katniss' reasoning for not wanting children originally is because she didn't want to bring kids into this world where they could potentially be forced to 'perform' in the hunger games. she has always been very maternal and childrens deaths, in particular, always hit her especially hard. her having children in the end, years later with the man she loves, feels very earned and cathartic. it's beautiful.


No matter how many times I watch or read these, I am never ready for the Boggs or Finnick storylines. The Finnick line wrecks me all the way through to the end.


I was also a bit confused before I read the books as to why Snow was just chilling in the greenhouse but when I got to this paragraph it made sense: ”This greenhouse is one of his rooms, perhaps his favorite; perhaps in better times he tended the plants himself. But now it's part of his prison. That's why the guards halted me. And that's why Paylor let me in. I'd supposed he would be secured in the deepest dungeon that the Capitol had to offer, not cradled in the lap of luxury. Yet Coin left him here. To set a precedent, I guess. So that if in the future she ever fell from grace, it would be understood that presidents—even the most despicable—get special treatment. Who knows, after all, when her own power might fade?”

Talía Caraveo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 18:01:57 I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much! It was such a joy rewatching these movies after such a long time, and now re-reading the books it's been awesome too! I'm so happy with how they adapted the books, but of course there is so much that makes more sense when you have more information. So happy to watch you react to this! Team peeta forever <3 :)
2023-04-17 20:01:20 I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much! It was such a joy rewatching these movies after such a long time, and now re-reading the books it's been awesome too! I'm so happy with how they adapted the books, but of course there is so much that makes more sense when you have more information. So happy to watch you react to this! Team peeta forever <3 :)

I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much! It was such a joy rewatching these movies after such a long time, and now re-reading the books it's been awesome too! I'm so happy with how they adapted the books, but of course there is so much that makes more sense when you have more information. So happy to watch you react to this! Team peeta forever <3 :)


Great reactions to this film series! If you're interested in learning more about the books, here's an interview with Suzanne Collins: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/books/suzanne-collins-talks-about-the-hunger-games-the-books-and-the-movies.html


I really felt the SHHHH at 53:10 bc same lmao

Kristen M

you’ve just convinced me to finally start reading the books. thank u😭

Kelly Lopez

Here I am crying again for this saga. What a heartbreaking ending but what a good ending it is, it was an adventure to watch the movies with you again, thank you for it I LOVE YOU PEETA!! 😭