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To everyone that shared last week, I've spent a lot of time thinking about you all since and I never take that level of openness that for granted. I thank you deeply and I feel like I can speak for lots of others that thank you deeply as well. I also cherish feeling free to be open with you all. Love you <3


Indre Duobaite

I don't really go on IMDB much but what I've been doing for years is going on the TV Time app. I check off every episode I watch (or a movie), rate them, choose what my favourite character was and what's most fun about it for me is the comments. There're no spoilers whatsoever because people immediately report those and they get covered and marked as a spoiler. It's seriously one of my favourite apps since I'm so invested in tv shows. And it's so helpful too. There're a lot of great functions on there!


I occasionally visit IMDB whenever I finish watching a new season of a series, and I also was surprised at the rating of this episode in particular. I thought it touched upon everyone's story fairly well and I very much enjoyed my time throughout it all. The emotions in just this one episode! One of my personal favorites from this season and the whole series overall.

Ray Criswell

Just watched the last SexEd upload cause i didn't realize i missed it until i saw your intro to this one. Hate to hear about what happened to you, its sucks that you can relate to stories of SA. Takes a lot of strength to share that with your audience and I feel grateful to be a part of a space where we can all be open like that. Wish you lots of luck on your healing journey and sending love and good vibes your way man!


I usually visit IMDB after each episode of every show and movie I watch as well and I really don't understand why that particular episode had a much lower rating than the others. I had thought the episode was really well done and like you said it felt like it lasted a long time in a good way but I guess everyone has a different opinion about it.


biscuits are cookies!


aww you missed jackson at the end of the episode wrap up thoughts. i'd love to hear your thoughts on his story and viv - its so hard to balance being someone your friends can trust and confide in while also knowing when they need help that's beyond your capabilities and its time to get other people involved. i've struggled with that myself in the past and it can feel like there are no good options, so i enjoyed that they're adding in that layer to their friendship.


I love that you are so into this show and its characters. They have done an absolutely wonderful job with all character arcs and making us feel so deeply for them.

Sherelle H

Otis’s rant wasn’t Eric’s fault. Otis is an entitled a**hole at this point lol he showed his true colors and has no one to blame but himself imo

Liam Mcfarlane

Mr Groff in his Regina George era at the end 😂


biscuits to us are ur cookies, we call the chocolate chip ones cookies, but like bourbons n stuff are biscuits. american biscuits are kinda like our scones, or dumplings. scones are sweet, dumplings savoury. idk if american biscuits r sweet or savoury