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I love this show 😭

Album tomorrow & customs requests this weekend!



A Toph tattoo on your leg sounds just perfect! And I love all the movies you receommended here, they're so good. I was a late watcher of Avatar, so when I got to it the whole show was available; which means I binged it because yeah, it's hard to stop past certain point. It also means that there were many things I forgot (the fastest I consume something: tv shows, or books, the less retention I have on them) so Iroh's tale hit me again like a ton of bricks. This show just knows how to pull at your heartstrings.


iroh drinking tea is my screen saver 😭 he reminds me to be calm 🧘‍♀️


Not sure if this has already been mentioned at some point but each element has an 'original bender' and was learned by humans from these. The sky bison (what Appa is) are the og air benders, badgermoles are the earth ones, the dragons are the fire ones and the original water benders were the lion turtles however they learnt from the moon and the ocean. Iroh has the nickname of 'Dragon of the West' because he slayed a dragon and when that happens you earn the title Dragon. I can't remember if it's this season or the next one where we see a lion turtle but they are pretty cool.


I love this show so much it genuinely heals my soul and I re-watch it all the time. No idea how you make it through these episodes without Appa, especially 'Appa's lost days' without crying because I absolutely sob my way through it every time

Ray Criswell

Iroh is by far my favorite in this show. As someone who didnt have a lot of good male role models growing up, seeing Iroh on screen always felt like the affirmation that men can be gentle, patient and emotionally open and aware, and these qualities make you strong, not weak. His outlook on life inspired me to look into the teachings of Taoism and now I live my life as an adult by those principals. I was very much a Zuko when i was a kid so in a way, Iroh kinda helped raise me too lol.


glad to be getting into the real juice of the show! ba sing se reminds me of a lot of conservative east asian countries like singapore (or city state)- beautiful place but controlling af wtih censorship


Season 2 is my favorite season, after Zuko Alone, every episode is PERFECTION. This set of episodes are majority of my favorite from the whole show. Maybe its cause earthbending is my favorite element and toph is my favorite character, but god, i love this season. I actually felt bad for Jet the whole time. He was RIGHT but cause we follow Zuko, we tend to side with him in that battle. However, they kept gaslighting him into thinking he's wrong (i understand why ofc), and he wasn't wrong...it's really sad. He clearly is trying to improve his ways but was basically triggered by seeing iroh firebending.


I have been stuck at home from being sick since yesterday and ended up binge watching you reacting to this show from start to current. Thank you for allowing me to relive this experience, I absolutely adore ATLA, this has to be like my 5th time rewatching. Your reactions add so much to the experience and overall it has been so great to have this to pass the time (: also, the soldier boy song that Uncle Iroh sings is just so iconic and filled with emotion that I was INSTANTLY shedding tears when I heard it. Iroh is just such an amazing character, I feel that if I could meet any fictional character, it would be him.

Dandy Welosky

RIP mako its for the actor who voiced uncle iroh! It was his last acting job so the voice might be different from here on out. Rest in peace mako!


Finally got to watch this and as usual, loved your reaction. I actually didn't remember much of the Appa episode. As you watched it, I was like "wait ... I think my memory is messing with me bc I remembered a completely different way of this episode" but then it ended and I'm like okay maybe my memory wasn't too far off. LOL love rewatching with you especially the parts I don't remember much of or didn't see.

Dandy Welosky

Would love if your next anime is attack on titan or demon slayer


Toph forever! 💚

Muriel Westover

There were hallucinogenic plants well before we made them into recreational drugs, lmao.