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Olivia Sophia

Regarding the hair thing: Hair is very symbolic in the fire nation, being heavily inspired by Japaneese culture, the topknot symbolising status in the fire nation, honor and respect. Due to Zuko losing the Agni Kai against his father, he had to shave his head except the topknot/ponytail area, a common practice for the one's who lose the fire battle as a form of humiliation. The frazzled ponytail also makes sense, as a well kept topknot also stands for personal honor and as we all know by now, Zuko has lost that in the eyes of his father. At least while he was younger, it was well kept and smooth. By cutting off those symbolic hairstyles, Zuko and Iroh have now cut themselves out of the fire nation, denouncing their ranks and becoming refugees and traitors.


I can guarantee you that there are more Game of Thrones parallels to come. I think it has to do with the complex character dynamics and world building that most fans find similarities. Without spoiling them specifically, there are definitely storylines that Avatar does better than GOT.


Hey Michael I apologize for the long comment and info dumping here but well this is my favorite show and I could talk about it forever. The s1 finale is really such a great two parter finale. Dave Filoni really put his all into it before leaving the series to create some of the best Star Wars content. It's filled with so many symbolic moments and lots of small foreshadowing that you won't pick up on till later. The show actually does lots of foreshadowing often and it's one of my favorite things about it. Not to mention the coloring and the "shots" used. Zuko talking about how his father views him as a mistake while focusing on his scar is just so *chefs kiss*. Yes Zhao is actually dead. While this show will get darker later on ultimately it was targeted towards kids on a kids network so death isn't really shown explicitly. However yes the moon spirit does take him and [SPOILER ALERT] in the next series The Legend of Korra we do get to see what happens to him. It is on youtube and you don't need context for what's happening in that show for it to view it if that's something you wanted to look up. [SPOILER done with] Like someone above said the cutting of their ponytails had a lot of significance. The creators of the show did a lot of research when making this show and a lot of things from the way characters dress to how their cultures interact are all based off of real cultures. The badger moles were the first earthbenders and you do get to know a little bit more about them in just a few episodes from now. Mai and Ty Lee aren't related to each other or Azula and Zuko in any way. Both their parents are just high ranking in the Fire Nation and because of that they all grew up together. Zuko bonding with that girl about their scars is really what I believe to be some of the first instances of him seeing what his own nation has done to people. Yes he knows what his father has done and is capable of but seeing it in action is something completely different. You have to remember that as soon as he was banished he acquired his own ship with people who were from his own nation and had to do what he said. So I think that look in his eyes was both a bonding moment and a oh shit moment for him. This show has some great music. I was actually thinking about it the other day because I often play the songs in the background while doing stuff. Some of the best composed music on any show in my opinion. Unfortunately there was never any official release with any of the tracks. Many people just have their own files from what they were able to grab. However the show creators recently posted on their Instagram story of them and the original composers and what looks to be them working on a possible official soundtrack so 👀 Really excited for you for the next few episodes they are really really good and set up a lot of the future story. It's been so fun rewatching this with you and can't wait to see how you react to more!


!!!!!SECRET TUNNEL!!!! 😂 also loved the quote from Michael: "Ozai's not a lover, he's a hater." So excited for this new season!!


This was on Nickelodeon so if you think they died, they died. They can't say it. Even with Yue, they had to make it so she just 'became' the moon and were vague like saying "she's gone". There will be a few deaths in the show, significant ones, but they are worded in certain ways or they're off camera eccentrically. If at any point you wonder "did they die?" the answer is 99% of the time yes.

Mikayla McCord

I can’t waaait for more! so glad you’re loving it

Mikayla McCord

also not sure if it’s true, but there are fan theories that Yue (the northern tribe princess) was supposed to be the Avatar had aang lived his life like normal. Water would have been the next life in the Avatar cycle, and fans speculate that the reason she was so connected with the spirit world and able to be saved by the moon spirit was due to the fact that she was supposed to be the next avatar. had aang lived and died in his own generation, Yue would have been the avatar for Katara and Sokka’s generation. Again, I’m pretty sure it’s just a theory but it’s cool to think about!


Oh, I haven’t heard that theory before. That’s super interesting!!


As usual, loved your reaction. I actually didn't remember a couple episodes (again, I don't think I watched every single one back when it was airing) so it was nice watching them with you. Can't wait for more! : )


Ooooh didn't remember that swamp foreshadowing 👀👀👀

Tomasina Hill

The trash that is The Last Airbender (M. Night's live action movie) only covers season 1 so feel free to treat us with that reaction


I’m on Day 4 of Covid, and this was a nice thing to lay on the couch and watch. Thanks for perking me up a little bit, friend! Some thoughts: - “F*cking Fire Nation. This is why we can’t have nice things.” made me laugh. - Chong is the main nomad who sings Secret Tunnel. That song gets sang at almost every con, it’s become a lot of fun for the voice actors + fans alike. - Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are such a great group. Mai and Ty Lee are polar opposites in personality, but work so well together. (I love Ty Lee, she’s like bottled sunshine.) - If you haven’t seen Hook (the Peter Pan retelling with Robin Williams), that’s a fantastic movie. (Either for the channel or on your own.) Dante Bosco, the voice of Zuko, plays one of the main characters in that. He’s also fantastic there.


You keep spoiling shows I haven't watched/am watching as I'm watching your video. 😭 It's so funny and frustrating.