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Speechless during so much of this. Perfect TV




Megan 🇵🇸

I loved the first two episodes so much, and think they're such a gorgeous adaptation of the game, but this one made me truly realize the potential this show has to elevate the source material. When you meet Bill in the game, there is some subtext implying his relationship with Frank but it obviously plays out very differently and Bill is a much more adversarial presence. The lessons that Joel learns from him in-game are more of an example of what not to be. In telling the story this way they were able to give Joel the character development he needed but in a much more uplifting melancholic way. If they continue to elevate the side characters like this I can only imagine how incredible the rest of the season will be. Also the scene where Bill and Frank get married made me so emotional because although Massachusetts was the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, it didnt happen until 2004. So the world was already over before that could ever happen. It was so incredible to see such a touching queer love story play out between two characters who dont fill the stereotype seen in most representations of gay men on screen. Bill, as a closeted gay man who would have lived through the AIDS epidemic and presumably grew up surrounded by conservative ideology, would have had huge amounts of internalized homophobia to unpack. No wonder he hated the world and was happy to see everyone die. And to see them carve out such a long fulfilling life for themselves even as the world fell apart around them, was just heartbreakingly beautiful. Loved this reaction as always Mike ❤ P.S. as someone who worked at an Arby's for 4 years to put myself through university, I can confirm that it is in fact less than mid.

Tomasina Hill

So glad I rewatched this episode to feel all of the feels because I was in too much of a good mood on Sunday after the NFC championship that even the beautiful tragedy of Bill and Frank couldn't bring me down. Also, I will be voting for Parks and Rec on any future polls because Ron Swanson is the legend we all need in our lives 😉

Hedda Dybvadskog

I live in Europe so the eps are released on Mondays. I happened to have a short flight on Monday and was like I might as well watch the episode on the plane. BIG MISTAKE. I was bawling my eyes out for half of the flight. A flight attendant asked if something was wrong and I was just like "no no its nothing!" Thank heavens I was the only person on my row...


I'm playing catch up with reactions lately, but I wanted to tell you Michael, that you are a big reason as to why I am watching the last of us lol! I didn't have much intention to watch it, and was fairly ambivalent about the release, because I never played the game. BUT I knew the game was a big deal and that a lot of people were really excited to see how it goes. Then I saw that you were reacting to it, and THEN I heard that Bella would be in the show??? I was sold. I've been SEATED for every release since the second week and I enjoy revisiting the episodes with you. I absolutely cannot wait to see where this show goes and am really enjoying it so far. Thanks for all your time and effort, as usual, Michael!


My bf and I were u controllably sobbing during this episode no joke


YES to parks and rec!! I keep seeing clips from p+r of Ron being an over-preparer for the apocalypse all over my timeline and it makes me giggle


ok so i've only been watching the show with your reactions so i've been waiting for this one and already got spoiled a bit cant wait for this and to cry

Sav Miller

If you want another bit of sad trivia, the first state to legalize gay marriage was Massachusetts (the state Bill lives in). The court decision was made in November 2003... 2 months after Outbreak Day in this universe. Bill and Frank have never known a world where marriage was an option for them, but they made that world for themselves. I'll genuinely never recover from this episode.


I'm a waterfall through eyes and nose, that was so emotional gosh


I've been watching the episodes for the first time with you and I was crying so hard!!! Absolutely heartbreaking. This show isn't fucking around.

Talía Caraveo

As you've said this episode was perfection. So well done, an incredibly beautiful love story, but heartbreaking at the same time. This was the time an episode of television had made me cry the most. Loved the script, the actors, the visuals.. And watching your reaction, was a great experience too, I stilled cried, just less.. Can't wait for the next ones!


Thank you.


I genuinely don't think I've ever seen a tv show episode better than this. it's just beautiful. it's been three weeks since it aired at this point and I still can't get over it. I'm not sure if you've been keeping up with the official podcast, but the directors give such an in-depth look into making this episodes so it's definitely worth checking out if you're interested in that