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YESS!! istg as the show progresses it just gets better


it brings me so much joy seeing you enjoy the show that very much shaped me who i am today. atla will always be my favorite. the show gets better and better and more mature as it goes on. it really is the best!


yupp i definitely get the starting lighter first especially if you're going to start attack on titan next lmaoo but i can't wait for you to start i know your discussions and breakdowns are going to be so interesting!


same same we are NOT good samaritans for trying to put him through this 😭😭. but i know his discussions will be top tier. i re-watched it recently and fell in love all over again so well-written.

Mikayla McCord

so glad you are enjoying this 💓 I think one of the most beautiful things about this show is the fact that it *was* made for kids, like it was released on nickelodeon and yet it has all of those thought-provoking life lessons within it. I was only 8 when the show premiered and I grew up with it and it taught me so much. Even now I still learn new things as an adult. Idk, I’m done gushing about it now but I guess you’re starting to see why it’s so many people’s favorite show 😭 (my only tattoo is even atla themed, from an important part at the end of s1!)


I'm loving rewatching this with you. I forgot how much I enjoyed the show.


I grew up watching this show, so its really cool revisiting it through your reactions. It’s such a great show for real, and it just gets better as it goes on. Each character is written so well and I feel like you really start to see that in the storm episode with Zuko and Aang.


a therapist i follow online said that he's used this show with a lot of his child patients to help them calm down, learn how to connect with their emotions and release them... season 1 builds so much and there are so many beautiful episodes about loyalty and friendship coming up :)


as well as self-forgiveness and parent wounds!! its just so good, alongside all of the sick animation, jokes and battle scenes


YAY! I'm so glad you get to experience this show! Everyone is on point with their comments so far, I'll just add on one. This show was made for kids but of course as you grow you see the lessons in each episode more clearly. I never re-watch (along with many ATLA lovers) the Great Divide episode because we all know it's just a filler, but the lesson is fantastic for kids. It's hard to get the message across that history is written from different perspectives and that it's important to listen and communicate with others to understand where they are coming from - instead of using hate or violence. LOVE that the writers took the time for that filler and taught kids like me that it's important to ask questions like you mentioned during your discussion! Love the reactions, so happy to see these updates :)

Jade Hunter

I forgot how much the animation improves just in the first 10 episodes wow


I love this show so much. I watched some episodes as a kid, but the whole show I watched for the first time in its entirety when I was 22 I believe. Absolutely a must watch!


- Was kinda funny that you referred to mass genocide as 'lighter' content but i know what you mean, ultimately the show is still accessible for kids. personally i appreciate the calmer tone over a lot of intense anime too. - I cant believe i rewatched the dumb canyon episode with you, i usually skip it - as you said, it's filler, it's also widely agreed as the worst episode in the series. Good thing it's followed up by one of the great episodes right after: the storm. (there were also a couple of easter eggs in that episode that i wont spoil) - It's great to see you loving this story, i've never watched it with someone who hasnt seen it before, it brings a level of excitement to familiarity for me. - Just wanted to clarify that Aang has to defeat the Fire Lord by NEXT Summer, so the whole show is about a year long.

Julie B

It's interesting seeing the comments that "The Great Divide" is not a fan favorite. This is my first time watching. It's clear this episode was inspired by the Kurasawa film "Roshomon." The stories are completely different, but Roshomon is told from four different perspectives. Perhaps the execution was poor, but I liked that they paid tribute to classic Japanese cinema. Also, I was thrilled to see Dave Filoni in the credits for a few episodes. He has a lot of Star Wars credits: Mandalorian, Rebels, Clone Wars, etc.