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Thought it'd be fun to do a live show plus enough of you seemed interested plus I've been SO damn excited for this to come out :)



So excited for the 2nd episode tonight!!! The show itself and your reaction whenever you get to upload it :D

Yenelly Tejada

if they do this to harry potter I would cry of happiness

Yenelly Tejada

the girl that played his daughter did an amazing job!! I also hope to see her in more


it's ridiculous how excited I am to see this show finally out. this whole story is just something that stays with you, both parts. incredible storytelling and world building. and to see it translated so well into a tv show? chef's kiss I'm really happy that you've decided to watch it and share it with us, it's definitely a different experience when you have a clear idea where the story is going, but it's a fun ride nonetheless. the casting in this is incredible. and the introduction to ellie was so spot on too. the opening? you'd think it won't affect you as much, but it does. I could literally talk about this all day, but just one more thing that I really appreciate is how the yellow pointers are always included somewhere on the set. it's such a little thing but it really ties it all together. (oh, and the play through would be so much fun to watch too!)


I have not played the game and thus do not know anything about this and I loved the first episode. And thank you for avoiding spoilers!!


I never played the game but I know the gist of it because my partner did. When I saw the show came out I got really interested to watch it and so I'm watching along with you as a first timer to the story. This was amazing! I cried in *that* scene, such an effective intro.


I've always been an xbox baby and have never played this game but really want to before watching this ahhh


I just found out Bella Ramsey recently came out as gender fluid! They use any pronouns and don't like being gendered (so probably best to refer to him as a "person" or "actor," not girl/woman or actress). "'I guess my gender has always been very fluid,' she said. 'Someone would call me ‘she’ or ‘her’ and I wouldn’t think about it, but I knew that if someone called me ‘he’ it was a bit exciting.' Now, if she sees 'nonbinary' as an option on a form, she will tick it. 'I’m very much just a person,' she said. 'Being gendered isn’t something that I particularly like, but in terms of pronouns, I really couldn’t care less.' Note: I'm not sure if the article linked below has spoilers for the show, as I just skimmed it to find these quotes. https://web.archive.org/web/20230116003603/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/11/arts/television/bella-ramsey-the-last-of-us.html


OK I completely missed this when I watched it so for anyone else who may have missed it the little kid that they gave the "medicine" to was the child we saw in the next scene that Joel threw the body out of

Talía Caraveo

Haven't played the game, but i knew what it was about because of my husband, and when I saw Pedro and Bella were a part of it, I knew I need to watch it! I really liked this first episode! Pedro is awesome <3 :)


Just to clarify, I’m not sure if Beveraggi said actress or girl or woman in this video. If he did, that’s fine, as he probably just didn’t know (and it’s okay for people to make mistakes as long as they apologize and do better in the future, anyway). I just wanted to share the info with everyone for future reference. :)


Thank u for sharing this! I feel like not a lot of people know this. Bella also said they go by any pronoun, so no one has to correct themselves for using she/her pronouns :)


youtu.be/-SEYmfA1GSY This is talking about the episode from the makers of the game and show and troy baker- Joel in the game if you wanted to watch


I'm so happy you're reacting to this!!!