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Interesting ending, I like the setup for the next season!



it's not that she sacrificed herself for him, she wanted him dead, and he wanted to use her to go first and risk her life for him, and that's the difference, because she would be giving him a chance to survive, and she knew that her chances were really low too, and with that decision at least she wouldn't be used by him and got revenge. it wasn't an amazing decision because there weren't any good options either.


about the "choice", I don't see it like that, where do you go when you don't have a place in the world? and the "option" is kill or be killed, and try not to die. there is no choice for them. when Oh II-nam says "i didn't force you to play" he just wanted to come up with an excuse to make it seem like he's not a horrible person and the game isn't a nightmare created just for fun by taking advantage of people who have no choice. they do a lot of research and only go after people who are going through a lot of needs, because they know it's easy to manipulate. anyway, it's so unfair, and the "common thing that rich and poor people have" that ll nam said makes no sense, poor people don't get bored, they work a lot and don't have time to be bored because they're too busy trying to survive. once again showing how manipulative and sick these people are.

Allison V

just like stranger things, trust no 001 😂


-for our dear friend 09 or whatever, i UNDERSTAND why she did what she did. Like you said, she was saying "if you betray i'll kill you," and with him betraying her, she had no trust. right before her he'd already pushed someone off, and more or less said "i won't budge, either you go first or we all die." I saw her thought process more as "well i won't let him use me to his advantage (in the game) again, if i'm going down i'm going down with him. AFTER that tile still had 1/(2^3) odds of living, so she knew she wasn't making it, so she was taking him down if she was going down too for his earlier betrayals. -for the brother who won, it would be sus if someone dirt poor all of a sudden had a ton of money, so i think the reason he didn't pay his rent was that he was away prepping for the games, but he prob kept that apartment as well to not arise suspicion. -lastly, i'm curious as to how our red-shirted friends came to be, clearly they have small rooms, rules with circles labor, triangle guns, and square, and their different rules. I also want to know how brother came to be front man, and more about the red shirts next season, so hopefully we can see some of that too. They're clearly not rich if some were trying to traffic organs and stuff, but also have to have enough training and pre-warning to be able to do labor and have enough trust to not mess up the games. - I agree, we lost a lot in ep 6 that was hard to get back in the last few episodes, so binging it it doesn't feel as bad, but taking a break after 6, it's hard to get back into it and feel as much excitement for the ending and series after so much loss, it was a rough episode and to this day it still hurts hahahah. I still really look forward to season 2, can't wait to see where that goes!

Hedda Dybvadskog

As a basketball fan I thought you might enjoy this: At a press conference shortly after s1 aired, Lebron was caught on video asking Anthony Davis if he had finished it yet. Once AD confirmed that yes he had, Lebron said “I didn’t like the ending though,Get on the f–king flight to see your daughter. What are you doing?". Upon being asked to comment on this by reporters: the creator of the show said “Have you seen ‘Space Jam 2’?”

Jade Hunter

Han Mi-nyeo (the curly haired woman) didn't sacrifice herself for anybody. She's expressed how she's been treated horribly by men in the past, and thought she found a man who would ride with her to the end of the games, and he betrayed and embarrassed her. She swore that she would kill him, and that was her opportunity. She was smart enough to recognize that she was most likely not going to guess the next 6 or 7 tiles correctly, and she said she wouldn't die so he could potentially live, she took him out with her while she had the chance. I loved her character arc tbh

signe !

as for cheol, his dad is dead and his mom is stuck in north korea, so unfortunately the chances of him reuniting with his parents were pretty much slim to zero and i think him getting taken care of by sangwoo's mom is one of the best possible endings for him, even though it's very tragic.. but yeah just as you said the mom lost one son and gained another pretty much :/ there are also tons of theories circling around about the ending and why gihun did what he did, and a lot of people are finding it suspicious how the guards knew he was about to get on a plane... i think ultimately he decided to go back to 1; save people from having to go through the same thing he did, 2; give the guards and the frontman the punishment (?) they deserve, and 3; for the safety of his family

emmie jeans

I get why minyeo fell with him, simply cos she had no other choice and this death is the only way she’d have control. There’s no way she’d be strong enough to push him off and going in front of him when no matter what she’s gonna die would just be letting him win. This was the only way she’d have control of her death tbh. If you’re gonna die might as well do revenge and make it a little sweet.

Yenelly Tejada

with the disgusting stuff I've heard that the elite do for entertainment, I wouldn't be surprised if the writer got inspired by one of those events


this show really reminded me of the hunger games

Ray Criswell

No hate at all, love the reaction videos, but chill out on my guy Mattress Mack. He's done alot for poor ppl in the Houston community and even allowed people to use his stores for shelter during Hurricane Harvey when Joel Olstein closed the doors to his Mega-Church. Local houstonians love that guy, he means well.

Michael Beveraggi

Don’t remember what I said but I’m guessing I joked about him being the gambler rich guys? Just seen all his crazy sports bets lately, had no idea he’d done all those good things (Def know about Olstein smh). thanks for letting me know Ray! Nice to have some decent rich people out there


The acting in this show was so good, and I both love and hate how every Korean drama I've watched makes me think about humanity a lot, is heartwarming, and f'ing heartbreaking at the same time.

Ray Criswell

No prob dude like i said no hate, big fan over here lol! I forgot about that, he does really flaunt his winnings from those bets tho. Guess at the end of the day rich guys gonna act rich smh can’t defend that.