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My main light wasn't on and I didn't realize so sorry for the bad lighting! Also I only did 1 episode because I didn't realize it would be THIS scary lolol. I'll be back next week with 2 episodes after some mental preparation. (The last 3 I'll probably do 1 each because they're like movie length. You all weren't kidding about scary and long episodes)


strangerthings4x1 (1080p)



"dont stab down into the package, what if theres... a child in there" quote of the year


Sorry if you realized this already, but I just wanted to point out: You aren’t totally off about Chrissy being a victim due to traumatic experience—but not because she lost someone. This is why they emphasized her mom during her hallucinations. Her mom was making comments about her weight (sewing to loosen her clothes, etc.) and shaming her. Hence why Chrissy was throwing up…which we can come to the conclusion that she was making herself throw up. So yes, she was targeted by the Big Baddie (won’t spoil his name lol) due to her suffering, which he claimed he wanted to “end” for her…… so much to come! I second what a lot of other comments have already said as well: - Sadie Sink wipes the board clean this season!! Others, like Millie (El), stand out as well, but Sadie Sink was by far the #1 stand out. - I agree that it gets slightly less scary, but mainly because I think you get used to it and can anticipate what is coming. I felt so bad for you, because I relate—I hate being scared with horror stuff!! So I do hope you might feel a little more adjusted after episode 2 or 3… - The scene at Hawkins Lab was definitely intense, and I immediately understood why the warning was included. I dont often find myself easily disturbed by TV shows, but the general horrific nature of the scene with the added weight of everything going on (watching it literally right after Uvalde had happened)…I definitely almost couldn’t stomach it either. - The kids are still playing 14/15 year olds in the show, but now the younger actors are all 17-20! Due to the pandemic, they had at least six months where they had already started filming and had to stop, and Sadie even mentions she feels like she looks noticeably older in between the scenes where they left off and had to pick back up lol! - Your jokes literally make me laugh out loud, I genuinely enjoy watching your reactions so much because of it. Due to the length of this season I haven’t done as much reaction binging as I usually do, but I’m all in watching your full uncut episodes!


hell yeah let's gooo!!

Julie B

Last season when Dustin and Erica were talking about My Little Pony, they specifically mentioned a character named Applejack. And now that's Erica's D&D name. "Never tell me the odds," which Dustin says before his roll of the die, is a Star Wars reference. Chrissy hallucinating a chiming grandfather clock in the woods is actually terrifying and does not remind me of Winne the Pooh at all! Also, Joyce is selling encyclopedias. The Internet was not something the general public was using. You would really have to be a hacker genius, like Suzie, to get online! Fast Times at Ridgemont High has a famous scene in which Phoebe Cates takes off her red bikini top. Remember the cardboard cutout that Steve tripped over during his interview? Your Sabrina Carpenter reference went over my head, but if she likes to look at boobies too, good for her. 😅 At the end of the season finale of Season 3, the Cutting Edge news program mentioned "a rise in Satanism." In this episode, Eddie is reading about the dangers of D&D in Newsweek. When I watched this episode with my husband, we looked at each other and had a real Gen X moment. This was such a thing. People were really concerned about "devil worshipers" in the '80s. I had kind of forgotten about it until Stranger Things really captured it.

Rosielauren xo

The fact that the “thing” apparently is 90% prosthetic is incredible (they created the white walker leader) x

Allison V

lmao Sabrina has a song called Fast Times but i don’t think it has anything to do with the movie

Julie B

Just having some new thoughts about this episode. Remember the very first episode, the boys are playing D&D. Will needs to roll. He rolls poorly and he tells Mike outside that "the demogorgon got me." Basically, the D&D games is foreshadowing the entire plot of first season. It just hit me that in this episode Dustin rolls an 11. The plot of the song "Running Up that Hill" is asking God to switch the place of a man and a woman so that they can see the world from each other's perspective. I think it is interesting that Robin wishes instead that she and Steve could "combine."

Talía Caraveo

OMG! Finally season 4!! I'm so excited to rewatch this one with you!! It's so good! But definetly darker and scary at times! But it's so worth it! Just hang on! Am sorry for what this episode did to you, i felt the same when i first watch it, also can't stand horror movies. It will get better and better so keep on watching!

Jayde Ritchey

Sorry, this is my first time watching season 4! Was it El that killed all the kids in the lab? It looked like a kid older than she would have been, to me. Super brutal either way, no matter who it was. Great episode, though! I am LIVING for the more classic horror vibe, and I'm super excited to see what happens next! And great reaction, as always, Michael! I really liked Chrissy though, so I'm sad they killed her off right away lol Side note: I know you mentioned that you would eventually be watching The Haunting of Hill House, and I love that show so that's an exciting prospect, but I really feel like if this episode was scary for you, you might not enjoy Hill House. I think people were underselling how scary it is if you don't generally like horror; I love ghost/haunting types of stories, and there were some scenes that really freaked me out even though I like that sort of thing lol As fun as I think Hill House would be, I know that none of us want you to consume content you won't like just for our sake! Although, if this season of Stranger Things stays scary, maybe it will build up your tolerance :P


Also, I was already predicting that you HAD to have heard Running Up That Hill being played EVERYWHERE already. Glad to hear you confirm it. I think they hype was totally deserved because it’s one of my new favorite songs, but yeah it was e v e r y w h e r e !


el and max needed each other its so sad to see them apart

Anthony Jackson

Sadie definitely made us all believers this season, but do not underestimate everyone else’s acting. Mostly Will, Steve, Hopper and Eleven. It’s insane talent in this cast.


Nancy and Lucas !!! insane how everyone got to show their acting off this season


if you look at wills historical hero poster it’s alan turing who was actually the founding father for artificial intelligence and openly gay (he told friends and family however the law wouldn’t let him publicly announce it.) he was prosecuted for being in a brief relationship with a man and was openly unapologetic for it saying that homosexuality shouldn’t be against the law. i just find it intresting that will chose him as his historical hero. also the kids are supposed to be around 14 this season since their freshmans i believe??? so they’re still quite young ! anyways this season is a LOT so i’m excited for you to experience it☺️


Ya I saw that when watching it again micheal... Didn't notice the first time

Bangtan is life

Ironic how you’re not bothered by spiders but scared of so much, spiders are like my nr1 biggest fear 😅 Also I find it interesting how people say that this is the least scary one , or that they just got used to it. As someone who loves horror I don’t find the first 3 scary at all , but I love what they did with season 4! And I hope they go even scarier in season 5! Not related but I may or may not have a crush on Eddie