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Hey there, sorry to be a bother! Is there a way to watch your first five season reactions for GOT? I see it listed but it says it’s locked behind a paywall and I’m already at the highest level available. Am I doing something wrong? 😩


Success on the app! The video is working for me! :-))

Adam Geiser

Just to explain the Bolton sigil: The Bolton's were a family known for flaying their enemies and displaying them upside down on an x. 😬

watahi katwai

Lord Eddard is Ned Stark ( Ned is the short form/nickname for Eddard). This is in reference to when Brienne asked that northerner if he knew Lord Eddard

Adam Geiser

A little comment on the Moat Cailin to the Last Hearth toast with Ramsey and the gang. They are currently in Winterfell, but if you remember when Ramsey had sent Reek to play the part as Theon so that they could get the Ironborn to trust "Theon," that was Moat Cailin that they were taking. It is in the more southern part of the northern region; whereas, the last hearth (a castle that we haven't seen much of yet), when looking at the major castles is the furthest to the north--closest to the wall. It's just a Geography comment as both castles essentially are the North and South endpoints of the north. The "may our happiness spread" part of the comment--obviously some sarcasm there--could also mean power as the Bolton's are the controlling family of the North. The line is at 01:26:30 if you want to go back to it!


I always have so many little comments I wish I could make but forget to keep track of them, haha. I guess i’ll start doing that now, because I always get a kick out of some of your comments or will want to reference something you specifically said. Most of my thoughts are about Sansa. I don’t think she was necessarily a fan favorite during it all, but I love her! Like you said, she’s been through so much that it feels like she’s maybe gotten the worst out of anyone. Although it takes a handful of seasons, I love when we really get to this pivotal turn in her character development. I believe everything she’s experienced makes her into the woman she is now. It’s kept her down for too long… Also, about the Lyanna Stark comments connecting to the beginning of the show, yeah! GoT loves to reference things even if they’re from seasons ago or were only mentioned once. Keep all the info stored if you can…we have yet to come full circle. So exciting! I’m literally on the edge of my seat for your reactions to this season and the next! So much more I wish I could say but I know could be too must to tip you off. Ahh! 😆

Adam Geiser

Okay very last thing. I absolutely love the Doom of Valeria story and it initially was what got me hooked to dive into the history and lore of this show. This realm and story has such a deep and rich history. I highly suggest that you dive into that in your own time after you finish the show.


I love when you can't control your despise for Melisandre, I feel the same way every time I see her! I'd like to add a few comments to the previous comments: - I thinks that Sansa felt pure hate when she saw Theon because she still thinks that he murdered her brothers, not to mention that he betrayed Robb. I think that the scene you're remembering is when Ramsay told Roose that Bran and Rickon are alive. But beside them and Jon, I don't think that any other main character knows that - Ramsay's reaction when he found out that Roose's wife is pregnant was pure fear. He is a bastard and maybe he is afraid that an actual son born in marriage may have a better claim to be guardian of the North than a bastard that just became recognized. - Finally, Bolton's banner is the red cross as you mentioned at the end. But to give more context, if you look closely you will see a man's figure in the middle, upside down. This is because they crucified their enemies in that type of cross and flayed them. So the red part of the cross is not actually a red cross, but the skin viewed from the inside 🤢 Looking forward to the next episodes!


Wait, I did not know this about the red color on the Bolton symbol… 🫠


omg can't wait for the next drop ! don't get me wrong i think these episodes are amazing but for me season 5 starts a little slow and from here on out things only get more wild so get prepared! The comments already helped u with everything u asked so i'll just add that i agree with u when u talked about Sansa, i feel for her so much, she for sure got the short end of the stick. Also since u mentioned u haven't been spoiled yet i would avoid searching anything GOT related on youtube cause your home page will get filled with spoilers specially with all the thumbnails so if u have to look up something i recommend using incognito mode Have a great week !

Julie B

Myranda was one of the women who seduced Theon just before Ramsey mutilated Theon. Later, Myranda hunted and shot the other woman, Violet, in the woods. She killed Violet because she was jealous of her. Now we see that Myranda is jealous of Sansa. I like Jon's plan for the Wildlings. It will either be very successful or a total disaster.


I’m so enjoying rewatching this with you - it’s been a rollercoaster! On a slightly different note, have you seen shitts creek? If not I think it would be such an enjoyable one to watch with us on patreon! Thanks for being you x

Angelique Juliette

Where the Boltons are with Sansa is Winterfell, which is why she said it's not a strange place, it's her home and just the people are strange because the Boltons took over Winterfell.

Talía Caraveo

More GOT! Love rewatching the show and seeing you react and hearing your thoughts! Thank you Michael, I enjoy it so much! I'm excited for you to see the rest of the season!


I’m so afraid that the show is going to do something wild and push you over the edge and you’ll just stop watching 😶 also I would LOVE to get a peek at your notes I feel like it would be so interesting to see what you choose to keep track of as a first time viewer


Hello :) I'm currently watching the s1 reactions, and I don't know if anyone told you, but the actor for Catelyn Stark was also in Harry Potter as Hermione Granger's mother