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Ok so as far as a schedule, going to upload at LEAST 2 episodes every Thursday. Some uploads will have more than 2 episodes (Or a double upload) because I'm definitely going to want to finish this as quickly as possible. Just depends on the other things happening on the channel that week. I'm so glad you're all enjoying though!!


got1x31x4 (720p)


Giu Bressani

you posting these the second my shift ended ♡


posted this as soon as my dinner arrived !! tysm 💕


Man I forgot how good the early seasons of this are, rewatching this with you is going to be so much fun :) For just a little bit of context without spoiling, Robert is sitting on the iron throne now after he rebelled and took it from the mad king Aerys (the one killed by jaime). Aerys was Daenerys and Viserys' father, so they fled across the narrow sea after he was killed, and are planning to take it back etc. Hope this helps, I definitely found it a little hard to piece together on my first watch lol

Katie Jandrain

Okay so to explain a few things that will help put the pieces together. Everybody belongs to different families. Robert is king and he is from the Baratheon family. He is married to Cersei, the queen, who is from the Lannister family along with Tyrion and her twin Jamie. Ned is a Stark along with all his family. Daenarys or Khaleesi is from the Targaryen family with her brother Viscerys. Each family has their own sigil, words, and homes. An example is the Starks: their sigil is the wolf, their words are “winter is coming” and their home is Winterfell. Robert took the throne from Aerys Targaryen, or the mad king. He was the former king but he was killed by Jamie Lannister. Aerys is the father of Daenarys, Viserys, and Rhaegar but rhaegar is dead. Rhaegar killed Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister and the woman Robert loved. That’s why he hates the Targaryens so much. Daenarys was a baby when her father was killed so her and her brother fled across the Narrow Sea, or the ocean, to a different country called Pentos. Viscerys thinks the iron throne is his by right because his father was the king before Robert took it. That’s why he married Daenarys to the Dothraki so he could get an army to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, which is the country where Ned, and the king and everybody else that you see is. As for “the seed is strong” think of it more as “the genes are strong” The Red Keep is name of the castle in King’s Landing.

Giu Bressani

I hold myself back so much when writing these comments because I don't want to spoil anything! The only thing I'm saying for these episodes is that Robert is the current king and seats in the Iron Throne! Arryn was the Hand of the King, the position Ned assumed after his death. About the map and stuff: the continent where most places are located (King's Landing, Winterfell and many other places we'll meet in the future) is Westeros. It sits south of The Wall and west to The Narrow sea. East to the Narrow Sea is the continent of Essos (which is where Daenerys and the Dothraki are). There's a lot more details than that, but it's just so you can understand a little better! Also, the opening changes everytime, always introducing the places we'll see in that particular episode!


The most important thing you have to know is that the Targaryens claimed the iron throne and ruled for a long time until Rob(with the help of Ned) overthrew him(the mad king) and named himself king. Due to Rob's hatred for the Targaryens, Danyrous and viseries(who were young at the time and the mad king's children) had to flee across the narrow sea. Jon Arryn was a mentor to both Ned and Rob that Rob then appointed as hand of the king once he became king.


I really, really enjoy watching this with you and how much you appreciate the work that went into this show. Thank you! I understand if you don’t want to read all of this, but just to help piece together some of the geography, because it is understandably confusing: The main land/country that GoT is set is Westeros. This is where Winterfell, King’s Landing, The Wall, and other cities and houses are. The Wall (and beyond) is the most northern part of this land. Winterfell is below the Wall, being in the North of Westeros, and King’s Landing is near the bottom of the country, in the South of Westeros. ((Winterfell is the home of the Starks. This is where King Robert travelled to find Ned and ask him to be Hand of the King. After Ned accepted, Ned, Arya, and Sansa left Winterfell to go to King’s Landing so that Ned could serve Robert and Sansa could court Joffrey. Cat, Robb, Bran, and Rickon Stark all stayed in Winterfell, Jon went to the Wall, and we just saw Cat visit King’s Landing to investigate Bran’s incident.)) There is an ocean (The Narrow Sea) between Westeros and the land where Daenerys/Khaleesi is. Viscerys and Daenerys want to cross this ocean and return to Westeros to take back the Iron Throne from the current king, Robert, who rebelled and overthrew their father, the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen.

Adam Geiser

It seems like many people are commenting more than I would wish to share. All of these characters are very, very slow burns. I’m talking seasons of development slow, but that is what makes the show so good in my eyes. I will say that all of your questions will be answered throughout the show, both very directly, but also indirectly. The only tip I would give you is to never Google anything, I wouldn’t even Google names from the show to get clarification on who they are in terms of faces. I have very much learned from my own experience watching the show. I was trying to avoid spoilers from others about the show that I spoiled myself over the most simple Google search in the book. I was impatient and regretted it at the end when it was over. I would be very careful with what you read on here, and I want to make it very very clear that I am not trying to discourage others from commenting their thoughts, because you and I know it is all in good faith and to help you through the show. The principle of “I’m not trying to spoil anything” is a really thin line to walk, because the people that have watched the show know what happens and when it all happens, so their brains ultimately think of the things that happen when trying to guide you through things, and sometimes spoilers (small our large) can indirectly be apart of a comment or two. I hope this make sense. The last thing I will say is to just have faith in the show, because its well-known and great for a reason. The show was so fun for me on my first watch, because I had to go through the journey on my own. I had to put the pieces together on my own. Which was fun for me. Also trust yourself and your own thought process! I have been watching you for a while now and it is no surprise that you have been putting the pieces together as well as you have. Way better at it than I was on my first watch! You will never have a first-watch of this show once its over (or any show for that matter), so I would watch it the way that you want, the way you think is best, and read what you want to read. Because that is the only way that you can have the best watching experience for yourself and you deserve that. I also don’t want to discourage other commenters on here either! Comment what you want! I think that what makes this place so great is the comments section here on Patreon. Glad you are enjoying it thus far! :)


the whole time i was watching this all i could think about was this meme..(not a spoiler dont worry!) https://www.instagram.com/p/xjYR-hjcOj/?hl=en


Also... when you went extreme in your reaction to John Snows brothel experience i was like... YES... thats the kind of extreme this show will throw at you... i mean it was wrong "this time" but im sure your outlandish what fs will actually be true along the way. seriously ANYTHING is on the table in this show lol


I second this. Extreme caution encouraged


Yes yes! It's way too easy to get spoiled for this show.

Amber Fehrs

You are making Thursdays my favorite day of the week! Love these reactions so much ❤️


We have been blessed, can’t wait to see your reaction to the rest of this season!

Fabiana Souza

every time you say some specific phrases, my heart hurts... kkkkk but it's being amazing begg 💜


You‘re doing so well in getting into the storylines, knowing the characters and understanding the world!! I was LOST when i first watched it lol😅 And it was so sweet how you started humming along to the intro on this second Episode, i laughed cause that‘s what i started doing too and always kept doing🥰

Amanda M.

Here's the best way I can sum up some of the questions you've had. Think of Westeros (where Winterfell, kings landing and basically all the storylines besides Danerys' are happening) as the US. The Wall is like the border between the US and Canada. The Watch protects that border from the wildlings (Canadians, in my example). Danerys and her storyline would be happening in Europe. D and her brother ("the last dragon") were the children of the mad king, which Jaime (kingslayer) killed during Robert's rebellion, and they fled to "Europe". Robert became king, and has the Iron Throne. Jon Aeryn held Ned's position of The Hand (basically running the kingdom) before he died. I think Jorah Mormont's connection becomes clearer in the next few episodes, so we'll leave that alone for now. I'm having fun watching all this, and really hope you manage to avoid spoilers!

Julie B

I know you are watching a lot right now, but you will want to watch the Book of Boba Fett before the next Mandalorian series and the Obi Wan series comes out. The stories are all related, and you will be somewhat confused if you skip it!