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I don’t think nini can be mad at Gina when she’s the one that wanted to break up with Ricky and do her own thing.

McKenna DeFranco

as of now the show hasn’t been officially picked up for a season 3 but here’s to hoping! jamie is gina’s much older brother who ghosted when she was little - the one we heard about in episode 9 when she was playing 2 truths & a lie - and his character was written specifically for jordan fisher (the actor) because he tweeted early last year that he wanted to sing a duet with liv & josh so tim federle (the creator of the show) slid into his twitter dms and his appearance this episode is the result :) my theory is that the call that benjamin gets is regarding ej’s acceptance to a school because ej thanks him for all his help at the beginning of the episode and i assumed that had to do with applying to other colleges and whatnot. i’ve seen other people say that it was a distraction so that lily could sneak backstage and steal the harness but that doesn’t make sense timing wise to me and i’m pretty sure lily was taking it while howie was acting weird in the hallway bc he was keeping watch/feeling guilty. as far as how next episode goes regarding ej, gina, ricky, and nini i think that ricky & nini are going to exchange their cards finally and hopefully have a good convo and reconcile/choose to be best friends again like they were as kids. rattled by what gina’s brother said, i think ej is going to tell gina that he thinks they should go to the cast party instead of on their date and gina’s gonna be confused/sad but agree. from there i see it going one of two ways: 1. at the party/after the party gina and ej have a conversation and gina tells him straight up that she likes him to put any of his doubts to rest - i’m thinking an “i like you” scene similar to the season 1 rini “i love you” scene - and they kiss (because they didn’t mention gina never being kissed in episode 9 for no reason) 2. if the call benjamin got was about ej getting into a college that’s not local then that could potentially add to ej being conflicted because of what gina’s brother said. in this scenario ej thinks gina views him as a brother/bestie, but he’s also going away to college so i think in an effort not to hurt gina in the long run he’ll decide to sacrifice his happiness and keep things platonic between them because he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship or have her get super attached romantically just for him to leave her like everyone else seems to in her life. if this scenario happens then i think there’s potential for a ricky & gina conversation to take place and resurrect that ship… selfishly i want scenario 1 to happen because i’ve been living vicariously through gina & ej’s budding romance and i want them both to be happy!!!! but i could totally see scenario 2 happening especially if the show didn’t get renewed for a season 3. regardless i think a gina & ricky convo needs to happen at the very least just to clear the air and have them agree to be friends

Regina Vaughan

In episode 9, Gina said that her brother ghosted their family when she was really young. That’s why it was a big deal to her that he came to the performance.


If you've been in a relationship and you JUST found out another girl thought your bf (at the time) was sending them chocolates, she has a right to react the way she did. However, her comment "I guess the theme of the night is secrets" was out of pocket.


From my understanding, Olivia is signed for two more years meaning Season 3 and probably a Season 4 unless viewership drops off. But Season 3 has not been officially confirmed yet. As for the episodes, episode 10 was kind of a weaker one for me. Not much of note happens and I thought it was weird that they brought up the chocolates and never went anywhere with that. I've generally noticed that the ones where Olivia isn't given much to do (for example episodes 7 and 10) tend to be weaker. I do love the rest of the cast and want them to have their own stories though. I feel like episode 6 (Yes and) did that really well. Nini still had a story, but it wasn't the main story. Same kind of thing with episode 11. Whereas in those two episodes she barely even talks. I'm not sure if it's cause and effect, but it's a trend I've noticed at least for me. I also found it weird that they just skipped two weeks going into episode 11. Like what happened between Nini and Gina? What exactly was the fallout from Ricky's fall? It just felt rushed to me. I did enjoy Nini hyping up everyone and being the one to find solutions. MVP of the episode. Especially for someone playing a fork (again). Despite my critiques, I still enjoyed both episodes, but I'm hoping they bring it to a really strong close next week. Random note but I also didn't notice Nini calls him Richard when I watched it the first time.


i kind of disagree, i feel like Nini is the weakest character despite being the main and her story is the weakest of the characters. The show shines more when it focuses on Gina, Ricky, Ashlyn, etc in my opinion, but maybe i just prefer their characters. At this point, when they do give Nini something, i find it boring and my least favorite part. She also feels a bit shoved into the plot now, which makes her school storyline feel useless and weird...like the writers didnt know how to make someone else a lead for the musical if Nini was involved without a reasonable excuse (ie. her not being there). I think they could've found more creative ways to do that.


I agree—I feel like Nini really overreacted towards Gina. It wasn’t like she knew the context at all (Gina had shared the stuff about her mother forgetting her yearly Christmas gift with Ricky & assumed he was just trying to make her feel better)… why be so bitter towards someone who is literally living alone without her family or anything for thinking that a friend wanted to give her a gift to make the holidays better? Not to mention that if she should have reacted towards anyone, I t’s Ricky who never told her about that situation; he’s the one who was her boyfriend at the time.


Jamie is Gina's brother that she mentioned in the Spring Break episode! These episodes were so good and so intense! I really like Howie but I need him to talk to Kourtney! The Season finale is going to be insane!! Awesome video!


There is a song is the finale called second chance and it’s by Olivia , Josh , Matt and Sofia there was a sneak peak that was on Disney channel during an advert and it is amazing ! But feels really emotional. Matt said in a previous interview that the last day they were all together filming was really emotional so I’m definitely having tissues for sure . I so hope they get picked up for season 3 !


I love Olivia, so I’m sad because you’re right: Nini’s character is def a bit lackluster & one-dimensional—especially this season.


I get feeling surprised by it and feeling like maybe it was kept from you but it was Ricky's job to tell Nini, not Gina so making snide remarks towards Gina is uncalled for.

Kunzite Blossom

Episode 10 was a crazy mix of emotions like you said it's to build things up. Some people seem somewhat tense with the stuff going on. You have Ricky and Nini not really talking. EJ and Gina like each other but not saying anything. You have the issue with Seb and Carlos. So when it comes to the boys vs girls I feel like everything that needed to got said. This is what pushes EJ to ask Gina out, and when she realized Ash didn't ask him she agrees. Ricky and Nini are still up in the works cause who knows what will happen, but you can tell there's something there (no pun intended). I mean Nini got upset about the chocolates and Ricky seemed a little hurt when EJ mentioned Nini is why he didn't want to put himself out there. Then of course the song! Carlos and Seb are just the cutest, what makes it even better is that fact that they are dating in real life. I hope they never split, it would be too much. Then of course as most things get settled, the accident happens. It makes me wonder if they checked the rope to see if it was weak. Assuming it was the same rope they used last time it should have been strong enough to hold his weight but apparently not. It was the strong build up for the end of this episode to lead into opening night. You had the tension then as it goes away and you think all is well, they hit you with Ricky falling. Oh and to your notes about the whole Ricky/Gina thing, you mentioned you don't want predictability and I feel like in a way the issue just getting dropped makes more sense. Everyone predicted they would talk but they didn't. Episode 11, one of the first things that I noticed is the fact that Nini's moms have played no role. Yet Gina's mom is there twice now. It's interesting and makes me wonder if the actresses for her moms and grandmother maybe couldn't come for filming. I just wish it could be explained. Now I don't agree with putting the spotlight on the judge, 100% was desperate. But I can see where Miss Jen is coming from. It's like they dedicated the song to him, since in a way he's a guest watching. Also the look on Howie's face when he hears Courtney sing explains a lot as to how he acted during intermission. I don't think he expected that voice to come out of her, and honestly, after hearing the few times she has sung, neither did I. It was so different hearing her sound like such a girly girl in my opinion. She was very perky which is true to the character but it was still shocking. I think Howie just didn't know what to say. Also yes, Jamie is Gina's brother. Though I hate how much he made EJ doubt. Also, I don't think Miss Jen meant what she said, I think its just the nerves talking. She immediately regretted it and knew she needed to step away. I love that Nini stepped in and helped. She knew without the harness they would have to do it the old way. Besides I feel like part of Ricky would be happy since the fall...and yup Lily took the harness. Though whether she really is hiding behind an act or not, I don't know. When she speaks to Ricky she seems so genuine. But it could just be due to her being a really good actress. I mean she did play Belle who is a genuine character. It could just be her way to mess with Ricky, maybe she sees him as a threat. She knew without Nini in the show her school stood a chance, but Ricky is still very talented. And I feel like what ever that phone call was Benjamin got, will be revealed next episode or maybe even next season.

Kunzite Blossom

Exactly, given they had been dating at the time, and even though their schedules clashed it's still something Ricky should have mentioned. Not finding out much later from the other person. Though I have a feeling part of why he never did was he knew he would have to tell Nini he couldn't explain why Gina thought it was him, or have to tell Nini why even though Gina may not want anyone to know.


Nini didn’t overreact at all people need to stop acting like her feelings aren’t valid sure she didn’t need that snide comment at Gina later on but if she felt the need to release it it’s better then her having lent up anger


Us as an AUDIENCE KNEW THE CONTEXT was supposed to be romantically


adding to that we all know nini knew about the whole Ricky Gina thing last season so let’s not act like that- the conversation shouldn’t have been brought up in the first place


Everyone shouldn’t have known and no one told her till now I find that sketchy


And also “it was Rickys job” it was both adding to that it wasn’t Ricky the one who assumed so why should it be him? It would make nini even more upset that Gina didn’t have the courage to tell her why she felt it was Ricky who did it “I melted “ bye-


Nah I liked nini this episode I want them to continue to give her the leadership storyline it gives more to her character


YES I second this idea.


I think Howie had something to do with the harness disappearing, otherwise why would he act so sus. There’s something fishy going on with him, maybe he feels loyalty to his school, and peers but also wants to be with Courtney. Can’t wait till the next one!

jessica flores

I love watching your reactions buts I love it more because it’s like watching your favorite shows with a friend and someone who truly enjoys it as much as I do! Love ya


I loved her character though I agree that it isn’t my favorite this season. I wish they would give her more of the leadership storyline like in the last episode.

Angela Salazar

hi i hope you had a nice day! please react to olivias unreleased songs! theyre incredible