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Meant to get these up a couple days ago but I wasn't quite ready for how heavy these episodes were!


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I love how Hannibal is all "oh how surprised Will will be when Abigail is alive!" rather than considering that Will couldn't forgive him for killing her. And then he gets Will's baby with Margot aborted too? This man should never be surprised when people stab him back, he deserves it. I mean he's a great character, but what a spiteful self-righteous bastard. I enjoyed every second of Jack kicking his ass and Will stomping on his heart while it lasted. Though we paid a heavy price. Too many great scenes here to talk about them all, but I particularly like how Will asks Hannibal whether he'll be happy in his "mind palace" if he gets caught. He still wants to soften the blow of what he's doing somehow. And you can see the grief on Hannibal's face in every scene after he smelled Freddie on Will. Of course then he has to go and be a petty asshole about it again. This was a great reaction. I love how invested you are in the show and the characters. Hopefully you'll feel more equipped to give us your thoughts later on.


I'm glad you are so invested in the characters. I got really attached to Will while watching it, too. Yes, this is a very emotional finale. I totally understand you needing some time to process it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the finale after you have watched the first couple of episodes of season 3 and see where they are going with it.


I agree with above comments- watching with you is like watching with your friend who is So Invested to a delightful degree. This finale makes us all cry; you are not alone. The first time I watched it I literally did not sleep that night. And even now, having rewatched it several times, I still put everything down to watch it again. There has never been a tv show like this- Never. Maybe do a thoughts recap before you do episode 1 of season 3. So much freaking happens in each episode it's a lot to take in esp when the seasons are wrapping up- again never been a tv show like Hannibal. What it does in 2 episodes most shows would take a season and it just layers the character complexity and nuance. Glad you love it- glad you are taking a break.


Ps- so glad you mentioned the 'clock'. One of my favorite parts of this episode.