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Something very unexpected happened my friends... My house flooded... Luckily it wasn’t too intense but a couple of my electrical stuff died. 

The good news is that my laptop and graphic tablet are still alive 😀  

The charger for my laptop and the wires for my tablet drowned though... I purchased new ones and they should arrive soon enough (I hope...) 

I don’t know if I will be able to post all the things I prepared for next week. But I will make sure I come back as soon as possible!  

(Rip my GameCube though 😥)  

Funny fact:
The people who clean and recover the things in the house opened my secret box were i keep all my foot fetish sketches and doodle to dry them...
I wonder what they think about all that 🤔



RIP GameCube you were a classic 😭🪦

Red Wine

Hope things resolve quick bud. As for the sketches, they will probably think you are a *unique* artist haha


Sorry to hear that! Hope you can get things back to the way they were!


Thanks bud . Indeed haha! I am a bit embarrassed because there was some pretty lewd and personal stuff in there 🤣


Send me their names and address. I can take care of it


RIP your gamecube!!!!! saddest news I've ever heard

Swirly Time

Oh no! I hope you will be ok. please do not worry about weekly or monthly stuff until you get yourself safe and stable!