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…..yeah, it has ben some time since the last monthly journal hasn't it? 3 months?

Where to start? Well.....had a bad case of the anxiety lately and unfortunately rather than going away.....it lead to a depression period.

There's not much I can say, but I guess to sum it up....it's that familiar feeling that no matter what I do it feels like its never good enough. And I guess its just be daunting me for quite awhile and effected my output on work. Even this journal has been long overdue.

As ever, I can trying to get my ass back in gear to draw and write those many ideas, requests and commissions I have, but this is just a head's up for those wondering where the content is. I don't know what the time frame of this or the next uploads will come but all I can do is try.

I'm really sorry about this. @_@


John Riendeau

Understandable. We're here for you if you need a break


I’m extremely sorry to hear that you’ve been going through tough times like this! If you need to please take a break from commissions and other stuff involving artwork so you can work on getting better and feeling happy again. Your health wether it’s physically or mentally is more important than a lot of other things out there so please take some time to take care of yourself if needed. We’ll be here for you whenever you need it.