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It was another fine sunny day at the Seaform Island beach for Misty, one of her favourite locations to hang out on her days off from her duty as a Gym Leader. She had discovered the place from her travelling days with Ash and Brock when the Ketchum boy was training (At least, meant to be training) for the Pokemon League and thus her, Brock and Delia headed to the Island for a mini vacation while Ash trained, only for him to join them shortly after finding an excuse. The Tomboy Mermaid sighed at the thought, it had been years since then and Ash yet to even win a league from what she heard. Heck, from their video calls it seemed like Ash had barely even aged both physically and mentally in Misty's eyes whist the Gym Leader was now sporting such a beautiful swimmer's body, hardly looking muscular in her arms or legs and stunning in any swimsuit she wore, but still an expert swimmer. Water Pokemon and the ocean were her life and she loved everything about the two, from the beauty she saw in a Tentacool to even her dumb duck of a Pokemon.

However, instead of going for a swim during daylight Misty chose to head to the beach early evening as the sky was now a bright orange colour. Not only would she have the beach all to herself, there was something romantic about swimming at night time for her, a feeling she could not describe but it felt like heaven swimming in the dark waters while the white moonlight shined down on her as she floated on her back to look at the view, and the bonus of seeing certain water Pokemon that only showed up at night was a big bonus as well. Oh how she dreamt of a Kyogre or a Suicune swimming by her, but it never mattered if they did not anyway. Summer always guaranteed a warm ocean to swim in at night too, however the cold never bothered her anyhow. 

As beach goers walked past her ready to go home, Misty walked in the opposite direction to the beach in just a bright yellow two piece bikini, a blue open jacket and her sandles along with a cloth bag hanging from her wrist containing her shrunken Pokeballs should Misty decide to either let out her Pokemon to join in, bar that sinking duck of hers, battle any wild Pokemon that got nasty or even try to catch something rare for her collection, she never knew.   

By the time Misty arrived on the beach, the sun was nearly gone for the day and the sky was already turning a dark blue shade. No one but Misty was at the beach any more and with the local hotels and cafes far away and the food and cafe huts closed till the next day, Misty knew she had a private beach all to herself. After a quick scout of the area to ensure she definitely was alone, she made her way into one of the changing room huts. Inside, she noticed something on the seat of the hut, a light blue piece of clothing. 

“Huh, I guess someone left their coat behind.” Misty assumed as she turn her attention to the tall mirror on the hut wall. While looking at her reflection, the ginger haired girl took her jacket off, placing it on top of what she assumed was the other jacket, then unusual for someone about to go for a swim she took off her bikini, first the top then her bottoms before undoing her pony tail. Admiring her naked reflection , Misty smiled back at her beautiful body, she had grown up so fast, unlike a certain someone. This was another reason for her late night swim, a secret add on to her innocent night swim she knew that her sisters would make fun of if they ever found out. 

She was a skinny dipper.

Misty could not explain why swimming with nothing on was so more better then a swimsuit, other then it made her feel so pure to swim out  a good distance with the ocean water  embracing every part of her body without anything getting in the way, then floating on her back as she looked up at the moon reflecting down on her was to her the best feeling ever. Even that sense of getting caught by someone got her excited, making her feel so naughty. She'd be humiliated if someone saw her swimming nude, but it was all about the thrill of doing something like that, and walking on the beach the next day in public in her bikini knowing what she did the night before, her naughty little secret. 

After getting a good look at herself and posing a few sexy poses for her own cheeky enjoyment, the tomboy mermaid turned her attention back to her clothing, folding her jacket and bikini into a tidy pile. One done, she then noticed the other piece of clothing that she assumed someone lost. Holding the clothing up so she could see it in full, Misty noticed that it was not a jacket or swimsuit like that had first thought.

“A rubber suit?” Misty looked at the latex suit puzzled It was clearly a full boded suit from the feet down to a hood for the head. The light blue colour of the suit reminded her of a certain Pokemon she battled just days ago. “Is this some kind of scuba diving suit or something?”     

Out of nowhere with no warning, an arm from the suit came to life and wrapped itself around Misty's arm like a twirling ribbon before the other arm did exactly the same to the other arm.

“WHAT THE HECK?” The Gym Leader panicked but before she could even react or struggle, the rest of the suit forced itself onto Misty and beginning to wrap the rest of itself over Misty. The seemingly living suit stretched and formed all over her body, screeching rubbery sounds as it did. Just before it finished, Misty tried her best to grab the suit to pull it off but the material kept slipping out of her hands like a wet balloon. Once the suit had stopped, Misty now looked like she was wearing a light blue latex suit that covered her whole body with only an opening to show her face. 

“What just...” Misty spoke but was cut off when it seemed like the suit was moving around again. Her fingers feeling strange, the Gym Leader held up her hand to be met with an odd sight. Her five fingers had morphed into three larger more Pokemon like ones. 

“Paws?!?” Misty held her other hand up to see the same had happened to it as well. She then looked down to see that her feet now also looked like rubber paws too. The rubber coated girl then gave a look of surprise when she felt a new weight emerging from above her butt. Turn her head which made a screeching rubber sound, Misty saw that she was growing a tail, a long blue tail with twin fins on the end, resembling that Pokemon she was thinking of just a moment ago. Once it stopped growing, the blue tail almost reached the floor.

“This, this is.....” before Misty could say the Pokemon's name, a white round crown popped open around her neck almost like an umbrella opening, making her neck no longer visible and almost as if the crown surround her head. Speaking of her  head, the opening that revealed her face started to shrink like it was eat her up. The gym leader tried to grab the opening but her paws could not get a grip not matter how much she struggled before being submerged in darkness. 

“MMRRRRPPHHH MRRRPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!” Misty muffled a scream inside her hooded prison, terrified that she might not be able to breath, she could not see a thing in front of her, not even the changes she could feel forming on top of her head and by her ears. Her fears turn to slight relief when a mouth hole started to form that allowed her to breath through her mouth again. When eye holes began to stretch open Misty thanked Arceus she could see again, though everything looked a dark  shade like wearing a pair of sunglasses. While it was certainly annoying, she preferred it to being in complete darkness. Take her first big gasp of air since the last minute, Misty turned around and saw the reflection in the mirror again, only to find what looked like a stranger looking back at her. The body below the neck looked the same as before the hood covered her face, light blue shiny human shaped female body, paw hands and feet, the almost mermaid looking tail that hung from above her behind, the round white crown around her neck, it looked no different. The change that did take catch her attention the most was her face. Her youthful beautiful face was now hidden under a hood that was light blue on the face while the back that housed her lovely ginger hair was a dark blue with a big fin on the top. The sides where her ears used to be now had two long ears that looked more aquatic then human. Her human nose was now hidden under a black button nose but that did not compare to her eyes. While she could somewhat see, she could not see her blue eyes in the mirror, only the Pokemon looking eyes they were now hidden under. Looking at herself in the mirror, she could not even tell she was Misty any more, let alone anybody else. She looked like a Pokemon, a shiny rubbery looking Pokemon with a human shaped body bar the hands and feet and a the head looked exactly like a Pokemon's. 

“I-I-I'M A VAPOREON?!?!?” Misty spoke in horror. It was most certainly the Pokemon she remembered battling not too long ago. While it was still a rubber latex suit over her body, she still looked nothing like the Cerulean Gym Leader Misty, just a water type Pokemon with a human frame. “Okay, don't panic Misty. I might be stuck in the suit, but I'm in no pain and can still speak at least.”

The tomboy mermaid was far from feeling in danger. White her second skin was tight, it did not suffocate her, only the cool latex made her body shudder in a good way. Her mouth was no longer covered up so she could speak. As embarrassing as it would be looking for someone while looking like she did with her girl features poking against the rubber to show her figure, she could still look for help getting out of the suit. Misty had no idea what the suit was or how it wrapped itself against her body, but the most she looked at herself in the mirror, the more she was liking what she was seeing.

“I make quite the cute and kinky Vaporeon if I do say so myself!” Misty posed in front of the mirror again. “Maybe after someone gets me outta this thing, I could make some adjustments like a zipper in the back so I can wear this thing again to Va Va Poreon....”

Putting her hand paws against her mouth, Misty started to feel frightened again. Those last things she said werent what she meant to say!

“Va...poreon?” she spoke again. “Poreon! Poreon! VAPOREOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!”

No good, everything she was now saying came out as “Vaporeon”! The only thing left of her identity outside of the suit had now vanished. Now no one could tell whether she was human or a really rare kind of Pokemon. Especially with the recent discovery of Alolan forms, most common with Kanto Pokemon. What if she was mistaken for one of those? Would Pokeballs now identify as a Pokemon now and make her go inside of one? Would being captured make her obedient to a Powerful Trainer against her will? She found the idea of anyone turning her into their “pet” to do anything they please with her both horrifying and gross. With those thought in mind, Misty tried again and again to try and get the suit off with her slippery paws to no avail till finally she triggered something in the suit that froze her arms in position.

“My arms!” Misty spoke in her thoughts. “They won't move!!”

In-fact, no matter how many commands she sent from her head, Misty found she could not move a muscle anywhere in her body. She just stood there frozen like a statue. Then suddenly, her arms moved again as they pushed the paw hands into her chest.

“VAPPPPP!!!” The Gym Leader moaned from her hands touching her chest, pressing down on her prized breasts that were still sensitive from the cool latex, almost like her hands were playing with them.

“M-My arms are moving on their own!” a dazed blushing Misty thought. “I-Is the suit.....taking control.....of my body.....?”   

Most like the suit was confirming Misty's question, the latex coat girl started walking out of the hut slowly. Unable to control her own body, Misty had no choice but to just watch what kind of ride the suit would take her on. The slow walk then soon turned into running as they were heading towards the dark ocean. 

“NO! STOP!!!” Misty pleaded in her head, even yelling “VAPOREON! VAPOREON!!!” as well, but she still ended up running into the sea as the suit ignored her pleas. The further they both went, the deeper the water came up to Misty's body all the way up to her neck which by then the running turned into a swim. At first the suit adapted to the situation swimming as normal as a human would but then to Misty's horror, her swimming then changed to more of a doggy paddle, resembling more like a four legged water type Pokemon like an actual Vaporeon. While Misty was an excellent swimmer, the change in swim made her scared to the bone as they swam further out to sea, she feared that she was swimming out to drown and with no way to command herself not to, the Vaporeon suited girl had no way of known why she was swimming out so far or where they were going. On top of that, Misty had the strange sensation of her body's real skin not getting wet despite being chin high in cold water. Instead, it only heighten the cool rubber against her skin to be even colder to the point of goosebumps all over her body. 

“Pleaaaaase......stop......” Misty begged as she could feel her arms and legs aching after swimming for longer then she could tell, she had never swam this further without a break in her life. “Can't.....stay.....away.....”

She had to try and not pass out the best she could or she worried her body would shut down and cause she to sink, but it was getting harder and harder to stay awake. Just as she was about to give up, her whole body started to rise out of the water and into the air. At last her limbs stopped moving as she laid on a pile of flopping Magikarp. Observing, she saw she had been caught inside a net and was being lowered into a fishing boat. As soon as the net hit the floor of the boat, the Vaporeon girl sank into the Magikarp pile, feeling them all flop and slip all over her gasping for air while one by one they were all being caught into Pokeballs by the fishermen. As the Magikarp decreased in numbers, Misty was now visible to the curious fishermen as well as a man in a lab coat who took the most interest in the “Pokemon” that laid on his ship.

“This Vaporeon.” The Scientist adjusted his glasses to ensure he was not seeing things. “It's unlike any specimen I've ever seen!” 

“Aye, never in my days of fishing have I seen a Vaporeon that looked like that!” One fisherman looked at Misty. “A Vaporeon with a human shaped body, are we even sure its a Pokemon?”

“Va....poren......Vaporeon......” Misty tried to get the fishermen and scientist's attention and tell them she was human, but all they hear was the speech of a Pokemon.

“It's a Pokemon alright. If it was a human, it would tell as so.” The Scientist observed Misty's speech. “Even though it has the body of a female human, it still has the traits of a Vaporeon.”

“I hear they discovered new forms of Kanto Pokemon in the Alola region.” Another Fisherman recalled. “Perhaps this Vaporeon is one of those?”

“Yes it could be.” the Scientist smiled from the delight he made a new discovery. “I knew all this Magikarp research would one day pay off! It's not every day a new form of Pokemon get discovered in the Kanto region these days! This discovery will make us famous, it will do wonders for field of work and career!”

“Shall we catch the Pokemon in a Pokeball?” the first Fisherman drew a Dive Ball from his pocket. 

“No, we must preserve her the best we can.” The Scientist answered. “We don't know what kind of effects going into a Poke Ball will have on her. She might change back into a regular Vaporeon.”

“Aye true, I heard these forms have weird rules sometimes.” the second Fisherman agreed.

“Use the net for now, we'll take to shore right away and get her to the lab!” instructed the Scientist. 

“Air sir!” answered both Fishermen as the both rounded up the new net. The Vaporeon girl wanted to fight back and beg them that she was human, but her body became too weak to move or even say anything. Before she blacked out, Misty could only say;


Months had past since Misty's encounter with the strange rubber suit. The same Scientist stood behind glass as he observed what was on the other side of the glass.

“How's our Pokemon doing today?” the Scientist asked his female assistant.

“No change as always.” she replied. “Just spends her time sitting on the rock and let the others take advantage of her, only moving when she's hungry.”

“Same as always.” the Male Scientist sighed, placing a hand against the glass. “No matter, discovering her alone netted me this promotion and even the New Pokemon Discovery award, I have that much to thank her for. It would be nice if we could discover where she came from, how she came to be, and why her offspring are just normal Eevees that evolve into regular Vaporeons and other Eeveelutions.”

“Pokemon are always mysterious no matter how much more we learn about them.” said the Assistant. “We may never know all their secrets.”

“I guess you're right.” agreed the Scientist. “She still will get all the attention of being the only Human Form Vaporeon in captivity in the world. I can die a rich man from all the tourists she attracts here at the Aquarium on a daily basis even if we don't discover a single new thing about her. I guess that's how it'll be, she'll spend her life here as our star attraction for many generations.”

As the Scientist watched from the research room, the other room from the other side of the glass of an enclosure made to looks like the environment that wild Vaporeon would live in. A pool of water with a small rocky island in the middle, Misty still in her suit sat on the rocks not in dis-pear but rather happy.   

No matter how much she tried, there was no way Misty could convince anyone she was human for all those month. Her Pokemon speech her appearance, every test they ran on her even came up as Pokemon. Had the suit altered her body to make her blood and other things no longer register as human? As that was what every one believed, that was exactly how she was treated, like a Pokemon. Her meals being a mix of Poke Food and fish, spending all her time in the Vaporeon Room of the Aquarium she now lived in, sleeping on the rocks and swimming like she did in the Ocean, all while the suit still had control of her body so she certainly acted the part. Misty found the experience very degrading as the suit forced her to eat Pokemon Food against her will and act all Pokemon for the tourists like some kind of exhibit.

The turning point to all this however was when a couple of Male Vaporeon were introduced into her room and naturally the suit responded by presenting herself to the aroused enhanced Male Pokemon as the had their way with her. The mating tests went on for long then Misty could keep track all while the suit even hightened her own sex drive to get turned on by the whole experience. Mouths of this had past and now Misty was broken. She gave up trying to keep hold of her humanity and accepted that she was now a Pokemon, a special kind of Pokemon. The experience got easier for Misty now she mentally thought she was a Pokemon, letting the suit control her as it pleased. The former Gym Leader did not even realize the suit had stopped controlling her body at one point and now her Pokemon behaviour were now her own acts without even knowing. The strange suit had done its job, now its soul had vanished having turned its host into a Pokemon in both appearance and through mental torture. 

Misty spent the rest of her days mostly sitting on the rocks, often with a large round belly filled with a litter of eggs cooking in her oven thanks to her “boyfriends” and her now larger breasts, lactating to feed her Eevee children. There was always a crowd that gathered more then normal to see the Human Form Vaporeon pregnant and record numbers when she gave birth. No long humiliated after her humanity died with her hopes of ever being rescued, Misty happily loved all the attention she got from tourists and with every delivery she made, Misty wasted no time to be “playful” with the other Vaporeon again as soon as her body could recover from birthing. 

Her rebirth as a Pokemon made her the happiest she'd ever been.

The End


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