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Yeah, just the tinyest thing getting in the way. ^^;

Basically, we've not had heating in the house since November as our quite ancient heating system has finally packed in which has meant so pretty close nights. @_@ The only way to fix it is to replace it entirely with a new system (Which is certainly not cheap, hence why its taken so long) which the plumber will be coming round tomorrow at last to start on it.

How does that effect my creative work you ask? Well, the boiler tank's in my room, it has been for the past 30 years I've lived in this house inside a cupboard in my room. I under estimated how much space I needed to clear for the plumber to get the tank out and work on the piping which has meant my entire desk along with a few other things had to be moved out. Right now, I've had to make a small makeshift desk out of plastic boxes for my Internet browsing. XD

But anyway, as long as the plumber can have the work done on Monday, that'll mean I can have my desk moved back in either late evening or Tuesday at the latest, so yes that will mean a lake of creativing art/fic during that time. I will however be uploading the completed Rouge Merbat pic come Monday night.

This should be the last real big thing to get in the way of thing (But with life, you never know. XD) but at least with the tank out, it will mean so much new space in the room so its not all in vain. Still, its only a small delay this time that'll be over before you know it, so I'll shut up now before I start jinxing it.... XD



Laprasking is like fine wine, It just takes a while.