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Been awhile hasn't it?

Not just another quiet period but I even missed out on an April Monthly Journal update as well. What I can say is things got pretty busy here at Camp Lapras. Just a ton of things sapping my energy and time that even when I promise updates, something else comes up the next day to derail plans.

That said, I do have several things already cooked and ready to be uploaded over the next few days and then finally FINALLY, get to work on the next big project and boy howdy, it was not what I was expecting!

Last night, I had a sudden brain rush with an idea. As it evolved, I was saying “Yes, yes!” to myself as I started to make preparations towards this idea which could span off into many artworks and fanfics as we go along much like how the recent Delia Seducing Serena pic could, once I find time to draw more of that.

Then there is commissions that do kind of take time away from things like that, which I apologize for those still waiting. I will make an effort to get more of them out the way and at a level where they won't take time out of my own projects as I felt I've had a creative overflow lately begging to become real artworks.

On the subject of art, how are you guys finding the Zip Folder process? Again I know its not very ideal but its the only way to protect the content from being leaked for free via Patreon's website code that I've found.

I have had suggested that there be monthly folders as well with all that month's content contained within 1 folder and I might consider that. Maybe it can be tied with the Monthly Journal Update, we'll see. Regarding Discord, unfortunately the same leaking website can leak entire Discord channels as well, so can't really do that. I might consider posting the Zip passwords there as well if people have any trouble with the Private Message process, we'll have to see.

While I don't talk much about my gaming life here, I know some will be interested to know I finally finished up with Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and I'm not gonna lie....I did not enjoy it that much.

I won't go into too much why as I could go on for quite awhile sounding rant-ish almost and I know a lot of folks enjoyed it, but it just boiled down to me not enjoying the story and characters mostly.

That said, its very unlikely you'll see XC3 art from me unless its a commission and Reward Tier Request. I still have many a XC2 idea I want to explore down the road. Sorry bout that. ^^;

Speaking of which, I soft-launched a secondary Twitter devoted entirely to gaming. It'll be more tied to gaming like what I'm currently playing, collection pictures, and opinions on games as I beat them. Be sure to give it a follow!


And as usual, all those on Reward Tiers be sure to send me a message in regard to what you'd like this month. :)

Righto, time to get back to this idea and content over the next few days! :)



That's fine, I hope there's an update on some of your Fanfic soon.