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At long last, we hve Donator's Choice 3 and to make up for the delays........DOUBLE CHOICE SPECIAL!

Yes, this time each Donator can suggest TWO characters, one for each girl in this pic. You choices will count as 1 slot on the poll so be sure to pick a twosome you're dying to see. ;)

A new rule I will be putting into effect is the previous winner is barred from entry, so Ashley can't be suggested this time, but you can suggest her for Donator's Choice 4 onwards in the near future.  We do want a vast cast of characters for these pics after all. ;)

The theme this time is Public Nudity.

Just like last time, comment below on which character you'd like the  character in this artwork to be (Or you can Private Message me your  suggestion if you'd prefer). All suggests will then be put to a vote by  you the Donators and the winning suggestion will be added to the pic!

Do  suggest a character ASAP as I'll close submissions once I feel there'll be no more suggestions. ;) 



Jeremy Williams

Hmm, I'll pick Ranko and Akane.


Hilda & May


Since Ashley won the last Donator's Choice pic, I'm going to not allow her to be suggested for this one. Anyone else you'd like to join Misty? ;)