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Day 0

Lights flickered on inside a space ship as a figure stumbled their way inside their living quarters. The tall heavily armoured person looked as if they were having trouble walking, unable to keep their balance. The figure reached a tall mirror before coming to a stop and began talking off the helmet from their Power Suit, an explosion of long blonde hair flowed out downwards as the female let out a high pitched moan.

Normally, the face of Samus Aran would have been revealed as the person I the power suit once she removed her helmet, the most feared and strongest Bounty Hunter in the galaxy. Instead as Samus looked in the mirror, her eyes now with longer lashes looked at her reflection in the mirror to see what looked like a porn star parody of Samus Aran. Her face giving off a permanent blank stare, her lager lips hardly closing together laving an open hole in the middle of her mouth, her hair had increased in length and volume so much her ponytail band had snapped off.

“What happened to me?” the more beautiful Bounty Hunter asked herself, her bigger lips felt slightly heavily to move for talking. “Com...pooter, scan for unorma.....unorma....anything wrong.”

It seemed that whatever happened to her had effected her speech and pronunciations, at least till she could her used to speak with her new lips. The on-board computer ran a scan on her body looking for any abnormalities in her suit or frame. It was not long before the computer had fond something.

“Foreign lifeform in right knee compartment.” announced the computer.

Samus bent down to feel around her right knee till she had found something. Pulling something out with two fingers, the Bounty Hunter looked a small creature that looked like a cross between a leach and a worm, measuring about three inches in length. A tap of a finger confirmed the creature was dead, looked dried up and ready to crumble like a piece of dry dirt.

“Compoo....puter, wot is this?” Samus asked.

“Creature appears to be a Breeding Leach.” the Computer replied. “They are native to the planet you were just on. It latches onto other species and injects its toxin into its victim and dies shortly after. The creature was designed to increase population numbers to endangered species by injecting its toxin into other species then the injected subject slowly changes to become more...attractive to members of the opposite gender for breeding. This includes enhancements in the body to attract a mate, the species becoming more prone to mating, and a mass increase in fertilization making pregnancy more an inevitability than possibility.”

“Great...” Samus sighed, recalling the mission she had just gotten back from, exploring a jungle area looking for a Bounty on a wanted criminal she got a hot tip that they were hiding on the plane in question. She had been walking through a swamp when suddenly she left something had bit her knee, somehow worming its way into an opening in her Power Suit. At first, Samus was going to walk it off and investigate it later, but then she started to feel really strange all over. Her body felt like it was changing from the inside, a tightness in certain places like her chest and hips and a looseness in others like her arms and stomach, while her body temperature increased to a level unusually high even for being inside her bulky suit. Dazed and breathing so heavily, as soon as she reached a large enough opening, Samus called for her ship to fly over and come pick her up early.  As soon as she got on-board, she immediately commanded her ship to take off in a panic, thinking she was about to die in her confused state.

Samus looked down at her Power Suit and began to fear the worst. If what the computer had said was true, her entire body frame inside had changed dramatically. She had no idea what she looked like inside, but she had an idea what she could be. A creature who's intent is to make other species more attractive and breed-able to its opposite gender with it's bite. And if her face was anything to go back, that only meant one thing for a human female.

A Bimbo.


Felt like writing something before I get back on the commissions wagon so figured I'd start on this idea I had for a series. Think this could spin off into other Samus adventures with different fetishes like TF, Hypno, and so on, but we'll see. ;)