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  “Aww my head.” Serena mumbled as her head began to start back up. Recalling what happened last before she dozed off, Serena remembered standing in line with Ash to some unusual Sex Doll place where you could have sex with a rubber doll of your choosing. Ash who was with her thought it would be a great idea for her to watch Ash do it to once of the dolls, then at last maybe she would feel comfortable with Ash doing the same to her. It was not like Serena did not want it, she just felt nervous and scared to have...”that” put inside of her. It had been a huge chore for Serena to finally get Ash to notice her that she had not even thought about sex until Ash was on top of her, kissing her lips many times and slowly undressing her clothes. Every time they tried, no matter how much Ash would pleasure her naked body with his tongue, Serena would jump right out of bed the moment Ash took his boxers off. No matter what they tried, from role playing to toys, Serena just did not feel ready to become one with the boy she adored. Even though Ash had licked and pleasured her pussy to the point of orgasm, she was did not even find the courage to return the favour and pleasure him in the same way with her own mouth. For Ash though, it was not too big of a deal, he was quite happy just lying in bed with Serena embraced in a tight hug as they slept the night away. Serena felt so happy being in his arms so much and being the one he chose to be with after so many girls travelled with him before her, even the soft kiss on the back of her neck to wake her up every morning felt like heaven for Serena, she just wished she could not be so chicken to have a sex life with him.    
  As to the present day, Serena remembered walking into the building at last before two people from behind gagged them both with damp cloths. The scent from the cloth knocked Serena out almost immediately, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and legs giving away like two falling trees. What worried Serena most was she could not even remember the entire fall or the impact to the ground once she was knocked out, Opening her eyes at last only showed her sight the same thing shut, darkness. Her arms and legs felt locked into something behind her while she felt pretty chilly.    
   “Wh-where am I?” Serena's spoken words echoed with no reply. The short silence only concerned her more about both her safety and if Ash was okay. Arceus knows what she would do if anything happened to boy she loved.  
  A light finally shone on Serena like a spotlight, not lighting up the room too well but enough so Serena could see her predicament. Serena's face was bright red once she noticed her eighteen year old body was on complete display with not an item of clothing covering her nudity. Her limbs were locked into something behind her, so she just hung off the ground like some prized catch of the day.    
   “What is the meaning of this?!?” Serena cried, pulling her limbs the best she could but they were held in-tact. Just then, another spotlight lit up a small distance in front of her, revealing just the person she wanted to see if not in the position she had hoped. “Ash?!? Ash wake up!”  
  Her boyfriend was positioned like she was, naked and locked into some kind of machinery with his arms and legs holding him on display.  The boy Ketchum slowly opened his eyes to Serena's calling, shaking his head to wake himself up.  
   “Serena?” Ash spoke. “Serena! Are you alright?”  
   “Yes, I'm okay.” Serena put on a short lived smile, just relived he was okay.    
   “What is all this?” Ash noticed his limbed bound to the machine behind into.  
   “I don't know, I just this moment woke up like this too.”     
  It was then Ash looked at Serena, noticing her naked body in a bound position. It was then his body could not help but react to it.  
   “ASH!” Serena blushed even more. “Can't you control that thing?!?”  
   “Sorry Serena, I can't help it.” Ash giggled. “But you are one to talk.”  
  Serena looked down to notice her stiff nipples and clit.    
   “I'm....I'm just cold in here!” Serena tried her best to lie, but even her seeing her man naked and in bondage was kind of hot for her too.    
   “Boy, what sappy love birds you are!” spoke a voice as the duo's captor revealed herself from behind the machine Ash was bound to.    
   “Hey, who are you?!?” Serena asked in protest. “And why have you go us captured like this?!?”    
   “Say I know you!” Ash noticed his captor as she walked into his vision. “You're Ursula!”  
   “Ahh, so you remember me Ash!” Ursula giggled.    
   “How do you know her?” Serena jealously asked.     
   “No no, not in that way Serena!” Ash explained. “She was a rival coordinator of my friend Dawn's!”  
   “Just how many other girls do you know Ash?” Serena looked at her lover with daggers.    
   “Oh hoho, look at you two.” giggled Ursula. “You already make the perfect couple.”  
   “Changing the subject, why are you doing this Usula?” Ash turned his attention back to his captor.    
   “Just business my dear Ashy boy.” explained Ursula as she stroked the Ketchum boy's side. “It was just a revenge plot at first, but it slowly developed into a way of making a living.”    
   “What do you mean?” Serena asked.    
   “Do you think I make the sex dolls by hand?” Ursula grinned as she looked back at Serena. “Oh no, it's much more fun turning people into dolls, they make such perfect replicas of the human body!”  
   “You honestly think we would believe that?” Ash asked in disbelief. “You can't just turn human beings into do...ahhh!”  
  The bound Ketchum was interrupted when Ursula grabbed his erect manhood with a hand a slowly jerked it.    
   “My, you're certainly well hung Ash Ketchum!” Ursula stared at his cock, clutching it hard to feel the hardness and warmth of it plus to torture her captive trainer even more because she could. “No wonder you've been scared to put this thing inside of you Serena!”  
   “How did you...” Serena asked.    
   “Please, a couple that comes here to have sex with female sex dolls are either having troubles in bedroom, or just have some rubber fetish, and sweetie, you're no rubber fanatic, I can tell!” Ursula gave a cheeky smile as she continued playing with Serena's lover's cock.    
   “Okay, best I stop fooling around and torture you two already!” the twisted curly girl let go of Ash. She walked over to a talk next to Ash and picked up an weird tube shaped device and a glass beaker that looked part of a science lab containing a pink fluid. Walking back to Ash, she jammed the device onto Ash's hard cock.  
   “AAAAHHHH!” Ash moaned. While it did not hurt much, the device that was put onto his manhood was certainly a shock for him and certainly tight enough that it would not fall off.    
   “You'd be surprised what crazy science can do Ash.” the crazed Ursula force open Ash's mouth. “For what I'm going to do to you, we need to prepare you so have a drink on me!”  
  Ursula forced the beaker down Ash's mouth. As much as Ash struggled, the curly girl was not taking no for an answer, stroking his throat to ensure every drop went down inside him.    
   “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Serena ordered. “Do whatever you want with me, but leave Ash outta this!”  
   “How noble of you.” Ursula threw the empty beaker onto the floor smashing it. “However, I wonder how you'll feel for HIM in the next minute?”  
  Serena witnessed as Ash started to moan from the bitter taste of whatever that pink liquid was and feeling strange all over. His body was starting to change with muscles starting to thin and his chest becoming more flat, that was until the top of Ash's chest started to grow fatter slowly as well as his male nipples becoming wider. The male trainer let out an almighty moan from the painful sensation of feeling like his was being crushed by his sides but in actuality his sides were shrinking into curves. As his happened, Ash's once flat behind soon blossomed into a round peach hairless ass while giving him much wider looking hips for an hourglass shape.  
   “Ahhh, please....STOP this...” Ash pleaded as his voice suddenly became much higher in mid-speech while his lips grew into the perfect kissable twin lips that begged to be coated in lipstick.    
   “And not see the final result?” Ursula licked her lips. “Oh no, you're gonna see this through ASHLEY!”  
  Another pain, this time from Ash's head like every hair on his head was being pulled at the same time. As Ash screamed in pain, his hair was grew long right in front of Ursula and the bound Serena as well as becoming fuller and alive with more shine. Gone was the short scruffy Murkrow hair and in was the long beautiful hair that started to change into a natural bright yellow colour. As Ash's breathing became more and more heavy, he looked downwards to see his upper chest grow more and more like he was slowly inflating. Serena was speechless as she saw the boy of her dreams grow two large double d breasts on his chest. Ash looked even more stunned as every breath caused his new breasts to bounce, an alien sensation for him to be feeling.    
   “And for the final reveal, which you're not gonna wanna miss Serena!” Ursula  grabbed the device on Ash's crotch and popped it off of the boy...or at least what used to look like a boy.  
   “But it's.....it's...” Serena muttered at what she saw when Ursula took off the device.    
  Ash looked down between his open cleavage to look at what was there, or rather was missing.  
   “Where? Where has it gone?!?” Ash looked horrified.    
   “Oh it's long gone.” Ursula explained. “Besides, what used does a GIRL have with a cock when she has a lovely vagina, apart from the obvious...”  
  It was true, Ursula had turned Ash into a girl! The space where his male genitalia used to be was now occupied by a female vagina.    
   “You've turned me into a girl?!?” Ash, or rather Ashley moaned.    
   “Oh be happy I turned you into a attractive busty one!” Ursula laughed. “Could have so easily made you into a flat ugly chick!”  
   “How could you?” Serena started to cry. “How could you turn my Ash into....”  
   “Into the fairer sex you mean?” Ursula jammed two fingers up Ashley's pussy.  
   “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” Ashley yelled from the new pleasure she was experiencing throughout her body.    
   “SHE seems to be liking it!” grinned Ursula. “Like I told you, I'm in the Sex Doll business, and I'm not expanding into guy doll, not yet anyhow!”  
   “You monster!” Serena could not hold back the tears. “Change him back right now!”  
   “Oh I'll change HER.” Ursula withdraw her wet fingers away from Ashley and took a taste of pure pussy juice. “Yummy, just not how you want me to!”  
  A throw of a switch made the machine Ashley was locked into come alive. Three see-through cock hoses started to spring out of the machine. The two lower down drilled their way into the former boy's pussy and asshole with great force.    
   “AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH * GULP * Ashley moaned loudly from losing her virginity in two holes, only to have the third cock hole enter her wide open mouth by force. The new sensation of having those rubber cocks worming and rubbing inside of her rocked Ashley's body to the point she may have had the world record for quickest orgasm. As her female plumbing dripped onto the floor, the familiar pink liquid started to pour inside the hoses and squirt their bubbly fluid inside of Ashley, filling up her love tunnels and inflating her cheeks. Crying and pleading for help sounding muffled, the whole ordeal felt like nothing she had felt before, but then having your gender switched would do that to a boy but the forced arousal from her womanhood started to numb as well as her lips and butt hole, a sign the liquid was starting its work on the transformed boy. Serena's mouth hung open once she saw Ashley's lips turned a shiny rubbery red and form into a perfect hole shape.    
   “STOP IT!” Serena begged. “YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!”  
  As Ashley became permanently mute from her mouth and teeth merging into her mouth to make the perfect fuck hole, the feeling to Ashley's arms and legs were cut off as they slowly became a much brighter and shinier pink shade. Soon enough, her pussy was met with the same change her mouth undergone with the rubber tone that was formerly her clit sticking out while the pink skin crept up her hips then her waist, poor Ashley was starting to look more like “Latex Fetish Barbie” then a eighteen year old male Pokemon Master in training. As the pinkness from her arms and legs met, Ashley's breasts grew a little in size while her nipples formed into permanently erect rubber nipples, perfect for her now balloon tits.    
   “PLEASE! I BEG YOU!!!” Serena started to struggle violently. “DON'T TAKE AWAY THE MAN I LOVE!!!!”  
  Ursula chose to ignore Serena, instead watching Ashley's second change finishing up as the blonde's hair started to harden into rubber and her face start to pinken. Ashley would only look at Serena while the life she once had began to disappear, her eyes turned into an oval shape, then into a plain darker pink colour. With the transformation complete, the hoses each popped out of Ashley's holes and retreated back into the machine. All that the tearful Serena could see in front of her now was Ashley Doll, the remains of the love of her life.    
   “ASSSSSSSHHHHH!” Serena's tears rained on the floor. “SAY SOMETHING ASH PLEASE!!! LET ME KNOW YOU'RE ALIVE!!!”  
  No response, the doll just remained dormant and still.    
   “Oh relax you fucking crybaby.” Ursula rubbed her wet fingers against the side of Ashley Doll to make a rubber squeak. “SHE'S not dead! Her mind is perfectly active inside that air filled head of hers, she just cannot talk any more as well, dolls aren’t meant to talk silly, they're meant to suck and fuck!”              
   “You change him back right now!!!” Serena ordered. Ursula only placed a familiar collar around Ashley Doll's neck.    
   “Wanna hear how she's doing?” Ursula walked over to Serena and placed her ear piece onto Serena's ear. “I think you'll be quite surprised!”  
  Serena listen carefully, hoping she could hear her lover's voice, or at the very least a female sounding one.    
   “S-S-Serena?” spoke a voice in the ear piece.    
   “Ash? Is that you?” Serena asked with slight relief that Ash was still alive.    
   “Serena....please....” Ashley spoke slowly.    
   “What, what is it Ash?”  
   “T-Tell Ursula to touch me again!” Ashley pleaded with a hint of arousal in her voice. “I can't explain but her hand felt sooooo fucking gooood! Tell her to grab my boobies and stroke my pussy!!!”  
   “Ash...you can't mean....” Serena felt so shocked. She had never heard her lover talk so turned on or even so dirty.    
   “One touch.” Ursula pulled the ear piece away from Serena. “Just one small touch and she's already been sexually corrupted. She yearns and begs to be touched and fondled but soon enough, our Ashley Doll will want huge cock pulling all her holes at once!”  
   “You monster!” Serena looked angrily at her curly captor. “You can't possibly have any compassion or feeling for anyone.”  
   “Right you are girl.” giggled Ursula as she showed the captive the tube device. “And I think I'm hungry for more suffering!”  
  The twisted evil girl placed the device against Serena's womanhood and started it up again. An electrical spark and pain shot though Serena's body as quick as a gunshot.  
   “AAAAHHHHH, SSSSSSTOP....” Serena yelled. It was like her clitoris was being pinched and stretched so hard by something while a numb electric feeling came from her womanhood spreading all over her body. It was then, she noticed something poking inside the glass tube part of the device. “W-W-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?””  
   “Something you should already be very familiar with!” Ursula laughed as she watched the thing in the device grow longer and longer. Once the evil witch was satisfied, she yanked the device off Serena's womanhood for the reveal that would devastate Serena. “AND HERE IT IS!”  
   “N-NOOOOO!” Serena was beyond words. She looked down at it, the very thing that was now attached to her where her clit used to be. Hard, erect, throbbing and oh so familiar. It was something she wanted back alright, but NOT in this way. “Y-Y-YOU GAVE ME A COCK?!?!?”  
   “Your lover's cock to be exact!” Ursula laughed even harder.    
   “Th-this is....Ash's...?” The girl turned dickgirl froze at that revelation. The more she stared at it, the more it confirmed it was indeed Ash's erect cock on her own body. She had seen it enough times whenever they would attempt to “do it” and whenever she would give her lover a blowjob. It was definitely the same cock of the boy she loved.       
   “You're a lucky gal.” Ursula got down on her knees. “I mean, how many people get to experience the pleasure of both genders?”  
   “No.....don't you da......AHHH!” Serena plead only to be interrupted by a new sensation that drove shock and strange new arousal forced into her body, and all her captor did was simply grab her new toy with a hand.    
   “Hehheh, I can feel just how that felt for you.” the twisted haired girl squeezed the cock harder as she spoke. “The feeling of having your big hard cock grabbed by a girl for the first time, made even more intense by the fact you've never even touched your own cock before! Oh how strange but new it must feel to you! But what if I...”  
  Making matters worse for Serena, Ursula forward her head toward the erect Diglet in her hand. Once close enough, she began teasing her bound prisoner by using her own tongue to lick the very tip of the bell end.     
   “N-N-NO, S-S-STOP......” Serena once again begged, fighting the new urges coming from her lower regions.    
   “Oh just think of it as a giant clit.” grinned Ursula. “Cept now you can fap with it through male masturbation and put it inside stuff! Since you know what a pussy is like, just imagine one wrapped around and squeezing that cock of yours as it rubs against such wet and sweet pussy walls!”  
   “But I.....ahhhh, not into....”  
   “Girls? Oh you won't be about to help yourself soon enough.” Ursula laughed. “Just like every man, you'll have sex with women on the mind! And to give you a sample....”  
  Quite suddenly, Ursula forced her head forward inserting the cock into her mouth.    
   “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!” Serena moaned, feeling the heat of her captor's mouth, the wet siliva now coating her new toy and a sloppy wiggling tongue stroking her cock from different areas, all topped by a hard sucking sensation made worse for Serena once Ursula bobbled her head back and forth.       
   “S-STOP IT!!!!” Serena yell echoed in the room as her mouth drooled and her mind began to feel fuzzy and numb. “OH ARCEUS PLEASE....I CAN'T.......NO.....AAAAAHHHH AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”  
  In record time, Serena experienced her first male ejaculation as her cock shot out a great deal of male cum into Ursula's mouth. The twisted receiver finally withdrew her head, spitting out a great load of white cum from out her mouth.    
   “Yup, exactly like a guy.” Ursula wiped her mouth clean. “Did you enjoy your first blow job dear?”  
   “F-F-F-Fuc....y-y-y....” Serena could not even form a sentence. Her first time cumming with a cock was just too much for her to handle.    
   “Fucking amazing I bet!” teased Ursula. “But like I said before, you do have the best of BOTH after all.....”  
  Proving her point, Ursula began holding the cock in her hand upwards and started yanking it up and down to simulate male masturbation. While her right hand was doing that, her left free hand shoved two fingers upward into Serena's exposed and dripping wet pussy to simulation female masturbation at the same time.    
   “NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!” Serena yelled, getting off from the pleasures of both gender masturbation. “CAN'T.......AAAAAAHHHHHH..........NNNNNNOOOO.......AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!”  
   “This should be interesting!” Ursula only went faster with her fiendish actions. “Wonder if you'll orgasm from both cock and pussy at the same time? Oh what a lucky slut you are!”     
  Nothing could be closer to the truth for Serena. It felt like her whole crotch was about to explode from for new found horny arousal from dickgirl pleasure, she could not even form a word, just yells of moaning and drool producing from her wide open mouth.  
  A huge waterfall of pussy juice rained down from her vagina while at the same time, her cock erupted like a volcano shooting very long white streams of think white hot cum splattering all over her body, lasting a good ten seconds before Serena finally stopped.    
   “Wow.” Ursula got up while admiring her “handy” work. “You sure did make a huge mess there! Did you enjoy your double orgasm?”  
  No response. Serena's eyes rolled up into her head and her tongue hung out like a happy Growlithe. Her breathing so heavy having being exhausted from intense pleasure as the white cum slowly dripped off her body, breasts and of course her still erect cock.     
   “Well, I can tell you're going to be much easier to deal with then Zoey!” Ursula began preparations for the next wicked step.    
   “Ooooh Ursula....” spoke Ashley though the ear piece on Ursul'a ear. “You made Serena soooo.......yummy. Can I play with her next?”  
   “Soon enough you naughty doll.” The curly coordinator answered. “I just need to make her all squeaky and shiny like you!”  
  With that, Ursula shoved the first cock hose into Serena's open mouth very easily without any fight from her prisoner. Serena only showed there were lights on in her head the moment the next hose was forced into her still dripping wet pussy with a moan of pleasure. What really shook her body awake though was the final hose shoved up her last exposed hole.    
   “Mmmmmm mrrrrphhhhhh!” Serena moaning into the hose in her mouth. She was getting off from the large cock hoses inside of her but at the same time she knew exactly what it meant, hence the tears in her eyes.    
   “You already lost yourself to pleasure Serena.” Ursula grinned as she placed a hand on the machine switch. “You have no hope of holding on to your humanity once I'm done destroying it!”  
  Once the switch was turned on, the machine Serena was bound to began to vibrate violently as the familiar pink liquid shot up all three cock hoses and into Serena's body. And just like Dawn, Zoey and Ashley before her, Serena's body started to become brighter, shinier, and inflate in places like her breasts and behind like balloons in both inflating and size. Unlike the others however, Serena accepted her fate knowing full well Ursula was right, there was no way she could hang on after this transformation, not after being broken by her double orgasm beforehand. At the very least, at least she knew this way she would be with her Ash forever, not in any way she had imagined but at least nothing would ever come between then....not that Sex Dolls had anything to care about other then being used.    
  After a time, all three hoses popped out of Serena once the transformation was complete. She was now a Sex Doll like the others. The lifeless rubber eyes, the permanently open fuck holes, hard shiner hair, the huge 34D breasts and giant ass, the rubber tongs that were her now always erect nipples and clit, and an entire body made out of shiny latex rubber, this time coated in a bright red colour. But unlike the other dolls, she had one “extra” toy, her giant rubber cock which was already well hung but thanks to the machine now stood nine inches tall. Serena was now well and truly gone, all that remained was Serena Doll.  
   “Very good, very good.” Ursula marvelled at her newest property as she attached the collar around Serena's rubber neck to get a feed into her thoughts from the ear piece. “You turned out quite nice for my first ever Futa Doll!”  
   “Futa Doll....” Serena muttered in her thoughts now that her fuck mouth was only capable of receiving cock instead of letting out speech. “AAAAHHHHHH!!!”  
  A similar wave of pleasure rocked Serena's lifeless body again only magnified by a hundred when Ursula grabbed her by the well erect rubber cock and threw her to the floor like the inhabited object she was. Instead of falling flat on her face however, Serena's rubber cock kept her body off the floor, poking against the ground as her body stayed still in the air while eminence arousal filled Serena's mind getting off from her lover's bell end being squished against the floor.    
   “OOOOOOHHHHH, my cock....” Serena moaned.    
  Happy with what she was hearing, Ursula used a foot of her to turn her new sex doll around so Serena landed on her back to the floor. Serena had no choice but to look at her twisted captor looking down on her with that evil grin while Serena's inflated arms were forever stuck in a default hugging position and her legs remained open for eternal business. Her giant tall rubber cock stood tall like a tower about her pussy fuck hole waiting to be used and never to stink down.    
   “I bet you want to try out fucking a pussy!” Ursula took off her blue and white dress presenting her naked body to Serena.    
   “OOOOOHHH YES UR...I MEAN MISTRESS!!!” Serena begged in the ear piece. “SERENA DOLL WANTS SWEET PUSSY!!!”  
   “Figured you would.” the coordinator positioned herself on top of Serena, using her fingers to own her wet pussy, turned on from the whole wicked torture she gave the former human girl, and rubbed her pussy lips against the tip of the rubber cock to further tease Serena before carefully inserting it into herself. “Gen....tly does...it!”  
  Ursula lowered herself slowly only allowing a few inches of rubber cock slide up her pussy walls. As awkward as it was standing with her legs wide open with already five inches of cock inside of her, Ursula was determined to make it work to further tease Serena.        
   “Mmm, you're so big Serena, but maybe a little too big for my...” Ursula was suddenly interrupted when her foot slipped on a tiny puddle of white cum on the floor, causing her to accidently slide the whole nine inches of cock slide straight up her pussy.  “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.......T-TOO MUCH, TOOOO BIIIIIG!!!!!”  
  The twisted hair girl felt shock having the most she ever shoved inside of her rub against the deepest reaches of her love hole, her mouth hung open with drool dripping. Truly, this was karma for what she just did to Serena.  
   “SH-SHUT UP!” Ursula growed as she tried to lift herself up. “MUST GET...THIS THING....AAAAAAHHHHHH!”  
  As she tried to slide the huge cock out of her pussy, Ursula found herself getting pleasure from moving it down, almost a new feeling she had not experience since perhaps her first time as the cock reached new untouched parts of her wet vagina. Instead of getting the huge thing out of her as fast as she could, her hips took over to do what she had originally intended, humping the sex doll up and down as Ursula rode her Serena Doll like a Cowgirl.    
   “OH GEEZ!!!!” Ursula yelled. “ITS SO FAR UP MY AHHHH CLOYSTER!!!! AHHHH SHIT.....FUCK......AAAAHHHHH!!!!!”  
   “FASTER MISTRESS!!!” Yelled the sex crazed doll. “FUCK ME SO HARD TILL I POP!!!!!”  
   “ARCEUS YESSSS!!!!” Ursula felt her orgasm building and building inside of her. “AAAAAHHHHH FUCK ME, AAAHHHH AAAAAAHHHHHHH, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”  
  A splash of Ursula's juices splattered down the bottom of Serena Doll's cock, creating another big puddle in the room. The sensation of pure pleasure made Ursula fall backward, causing the huge wet cock to slide out of her pussy as wet and shiny as if it had been polished.    
   “Fuck.....me.” Ursula rested for a second, her body still worn out and her head still tingling from the experience. “....it's gonna take someone as hung as a......Palkia to satisfy me from now on.....”  
   “Oh oh Mistress!” begged Ashley in the ear piece. “Please let me have a go!!!”  
   “Oh yeah.” Ursula got up while getting her balance on her weakened legs. “Hang on, I'll get ya down.”  
  The naked coordinator walked up to Ashley Doll in a slight waddle, not quite recovered enough to close her legs completely. Just like Serena before her, Ashley felt so much pleasure from just simple touched from her captor as Ursula unhooked her boy turned female sex doll off from the machine and threw her to the ground right next to Serena Doll, gently falling to the floor like the others.    
   “So is everyone's who'll touch your rubber body you silly girl!” Ursula regained her wicked smile. “All dolls want to be touched, held, squeezed, groped and fucked senseless by anyone!”  
   “Sure thing, I bet you two never imagined this would how your first time would be, with the roles reversed!” Ursula turned her attention to Serena Doll, picking her up and placing her on top of Ashley Doll before positioning the wet and slippery rubber cock into Ashley's still new virgin fuck hole. “Least you won't get any pain outta this you lucky bitch!”  
  As if to prove her point, Ursula shoved Serena's rubber cock into Ashley's open hole with great force and so easily as it was still coated in love juices.    
   “OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!” Ashley moaned as she felt the new feeling of accepting cock inside of her. The rubbery screech and vibration alone only made the new experience more intense. “MY PUSSY FILLS SO FULL AND HORNY!!!! ITS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!!”  
  As Serena mentioned that, both Dolls realized the major fault to their bonding, neither sex doll could move to simulate sex.    
   “MISTRESS!!!!” Ashley yelled. “WE CAN'T MOVE!!!”  
   “I dunno.” Ursula put on her evil smile. “It might be more fun to leave you that  way, so close to sex heaven but stuck at the gates, hoho.”  
   “NO MISTRESSS!!!!!” Both girl dolls begged.    
   “Okay okay.” Ursula sighed, slipping on her black rubber panties with the rubber cock. “You're lucky I'm such a kind Mistress.”  
  With that, Ursula got back on her knees behind the two, inserting her own rubber cock into Serena's exposed pussy fuck hole, forcing it in just as hard as she did with Ashley.  
   “Boy do I have the slutiest dolls or what?” the twisted coordinator laughed as she began to hump Serena, causing Serena to hump Ashley at the same time for as long as she desired.    
  The End?  


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