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We went from a month of barely anything to quite  packed month huh.

So the good news is that illness I had this month was not COVID thankfully, just a really bad flu. Bad news is there's still a bit of a trace of the coughing but I'm hopeful it'll be gone in due time.

You'd think that would have lad to more quiet time but actually it really motivated me to work really hard towards uploads and I think I did pretty well with a nearly 2 week streak of daily double content. A thing quiet days but certainly not for long like in the past. It really felt like the good old days when the daily updates were more constant and I was just getting requests and ideas out the way.

And I even managed a surprise today....I FINALLY launched the Discord server!

Thats right, if you're on a $5 or higher tier and have Discord, you should see a Lapras among your servers. ;) With the server, you can chat with other Donator including myself, make suggestions or feedback, get alerts on new updates as I post them and such. Should make for quite the community if that sort of bonus interests you. ;)

So with this new found energy, I'm hoping to get the requests caught up once and for all this month. That said, if you are on a reward tier, send me your requests for March in a message. You can even use the Discord to message me if you wish. ;)

Lets keep this train arolling shall we? The regular content and Discord are only the beginning! :)  


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