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So remember this variation a donator made in his spare time? He also wrote a story story for i!



It was a slow day off for Ochako Uraraka, who was such a wonderful and cute heroine and was a hero student at the prestigious high school U.A.! She was in her home enjoying a delicious, huge, fancy, perfectly round, steamy, piping hot, jumbo sized bowl of ramen noodle soup at the kitchen table in her kitchen. Before Ochako could finish her delicious ramen meal, the front window of the room smashed as two figures jumped though the glass. With everything happening so instant, Ochako rose from her seat while the two figures look at her while they were dressed entirely in black latex and concealing their identities with what looked like motorcycle helmets.

“What the.....” Ochako spoke being caught off guard.

“What is the meaning of this?!?” Ochako then spoke angrily.

Rather then get an answer, the female shaped figure held up a powerful gun and pointed it at Ochako. Ochako yelled in panic at the sight of the powerful weapon that could potentially hurt her really bad, she did not even see the male shaped figure fire a bazooka at her, knocking the young heroine onto the floor.


As soon as Ochako got her bearings back, she felt like her whole body was cold. Not freezing, but as if her clothes had just vanished and been replaced with a cool feeling second skin. Looking down, Ochako saw that her whole body from the neck down was wearing a bright pink latex suit.

“What is this?” the heroine observed her strange clothing. Every slight movement she made created a rubbery sound like rubbing on a balloon, a super shiny one at that as it shined in so many places. Even her most private of parts either showed or poked against her suit and were all very visible. Ochako then stood up, embarrassingly covering her body with her hands and arms the best she could as the latex exposed every curve and detail of her body almost like she was naked in this new rubber skin. Ochako then retained her anger at the two figures.

“You better get me out of this outfit right now!!!” Ochako demanded.

“When mom and dad get home from work, you’re going to be in a world of trouble!”

The two figures did not respond, just standing there in the room like aliens with no understanding of human language observing their young heroic victim, knowing full well what was going to happen next.

“Why won’t you answer me?!?” Ochako got more angry from their silence.


The heroine looked down at her body again to see that her hips had widened in size.

“My hips!!!” Ochako panicked as she looked behind her body to check another feature.

“MY BOTTOM!!! Why is it suddenly the size of a beach ball?!?”

“EEEK!!!” Ochako then screeched. “What’s going on with this thing?!?”

The young heroine’s chest was also inflating in size. Her already busty frame was now looking more like an F cup. The even stranger part came when her cleavage started to disappear causing her breasts to merge into one and start engulfing the rest of her chest as her tummy started to expand too.

“It’s not my body changing! The suit is inflating!” Ochako figured it out as other parts of the suit were growing in size.

“I’ve gotta go get help!”

Ochako started to move towards the door leading to the front door. The suit kept growing as she tried to get over to her escape only slowing her walking the closer she got. By the time she was into the door frame, Ochako was now looking like she was either heavily overweight aside from the face or wearing a bright pink fat suit. As much as she tried to get to the front door, the young heroine came to a halt. The space in between her legs was getting wider as her upper body was eating her legs more and more.

“My god! I’m stuck in the doorway!!!” the heroine struggled to get out but was stuck tight while the walls around the door started to crack from her increasing size.

“Oh no!!!”

Ochako turned around to face the two mysterious figures again, proving harder then usual as she could no longer bend her legs. Her growing body now looked like a ball shape with what was left of her arms and legs sticking out. Ochako could only walk by forcing her body forward to get to the two silent figures but that stopped when the ball shape swallowed the rest of her legs and arms only leaving her feet and hands.

“P-Please stop this!!!”

As Ochako pleaded, she felt the uncomfortable and strange sensation of her feet rising off the floor as the bottom of the ball shape took over. As her feet and wiggling fingers were gobbled up by the ball suit, Ochako Uraraka was now a bright pink rubber ball shape from the chin down, stuck in the destroyed door frame and the walls. The ball girl was tired from the sensation and all the struggling, and passed out. Quite some time had passed before the female hero slowly started to awaken. Once her mind started to reboot, she began to recall the events from earlier and scan her current situation.


Ochako tried to speak only coming out muffled. Her mouth was now covered by a pink rubber gag. Speech was impossible too. Looking down with her eyes as she could barely move her neck, Ochako saw she was still trapped in the strange pink rubber ball suit which now had a red R logo on the front of the ball. Wiggling the best she could, Ochako could only figure out that her body had been forced into a more comfortable and tight position inside the ball casing but it was hard to tell what kind of position exactly without being able to see it. The ball certainly did not feel hollow or full of air, rather tons of rubber inside the solid ball pressed against her body. She was in no pain other then a slight tightness that made her body hot, unable to move inside, and her breathing deep and slow. The rubbered heroine could barely see due to the room she was being held captive in being dark and was placed like she was on display in the dark empty room she was in with only a dim light bulb lighting the area where the balled heroine was. Ochako tried her best to struggle free but could not move her arms or legs an inch. After giving up on her limbs, she tried to wiggle and force her body back and forth, however this caused the ball to wobble back and forth. Her eyes widened and her gag muffled a scream as she thought she was about to hit her face against the floor from too much force forwards, but luckily the ball rocked her back like a moving swing. As soon as she stopped moving, Ochako gave up on that escape plan in fear of a head injury.

“Mrrrrppppppph.....” the bound girl moaned. Her body inside was so hot and wet inside the ball not just from the enclosed rubber prison but from the latex rubbing her entire body from every angle. Her face glowed bright red not just from the heat of the ball but her own inner core. Her now erect nipples poked and scraped against the fabric, teased from the rubbing of the latex as was her womanhood, coated in her sweat but also from other wetness that came from within her. Ochako never had a rubber kink but she had never been touched and so aroused like this in years, the rubber got everywhere on her body and kept her heat trapped within the ball, almost driving her crazy to the point where she could not stop pleasuring herself by rubbing her pussy against the rubber area that was pressed against it. No one could see inside the ball and she was trapped. Her self pleasure was a dark secret only she would know of, anything to calm herself from such intense heat. Such strange new feelings and pleasures rocked her core as her erect nipples scraped against the latex, her body sweated and rubbed in every area. She was enjoying self pleasuring herself by rubbing her pussy against the pressed rubber, but how violently and with twerking motions much faster than she had ever done before. Ochako barely had years of experience as a woman and the pleasures of one, but these were some new and exciting feelings that being balled up in her round rubber prison made her body go into overdrive pushing her more and more to discover these new pleasures as she felt something building inside of her. At this point, her body just took over on its own, racing so fast to reach that finishing line that the feeling was building towards.


Ochako screamed into her gag, her first orgasm felt so intense. Her own naughtly little secret would be kept with her inside her ball. Her heavier breathing and muffled moans were an indication of the immense pleasure that she was feeling. Just then, a pair of doors slammed open as two figures walked into the room containing the captured heroine. It was indeed her captors still dressed in the same black latex and helmets. As the captive heroine looked onto them to see them arrive, the captors took off their helmets to reveal their identities.

“Well well, looks like our guest is getting comfy inside her ball!” Jessie grinned as she stroked her hair, forming it back into her gravity defying trademark look.

“I’d say.” James wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“Makes a change that I get to be involved in one of your twisted plans Jessie!”

“I know I know.” Jessie walked towards Ochako getting a good look of her face.

“Getting hot under all that rubber dear? I can see you’re sweating buckets from your face alone. All wet and naked in your pink, round, rubbery prison, I bet you’re getting off a bit from being torched from all that latex all over your body.”

Ochako could only say a muffled no from her gag while shaking her head the best she could to deny she was getting any pleasure from her humiliation.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” the female Team Rocket member winked at the girl as she decided to expose her dirty deed that she had committed inside her ball.

“And what do we have here? You’re sweating more then you should usually sweat, and glowing such a lovely red face. You’re certainly not used to having such pleasures huh? Especially with all that latex rubbing your pure naked body all over! I can tell you had your first orgasm under here, such a curious and naughty ball bound slave you’ve turned into, OCHAKO URARAKA!”

Ochako looked into Jessie’s eyes, feeling so ashamed with herself. Jessie had sussed her out perfectly and even knew her full name too. She really could not help herself with such a new and sensitive experience she now had.

“And such a cute damsel in distress as well!” Jessie then kissed Ochako’s wet forehead.

“I’ll be sure to have so much fun with you once we finish our work on you!”

Ochako’s eyes widened as she felt something moving inside her ball, she moaned hard as something entered her most private holes, creeping further and further up.

“Thought I’d get you a couple of “cell mates” inside your prison!” Jessie revealed the small remote control in her hand.

“Like the rubber martial we’ve been developing? I dunno the technical babble about it, but it allows us to shape and form the rubber how we see fit. Latex body suits, Ball Bound rubber prisons to trap our prey, even creating long rubber dildos inside the balls to force pleasure onto our victim’s holes! And by that, I mean ALL holes!”

By that remark, an extra dildo formed inside Ochako’s mouth through her gag. Ochako could only moan repetitively as she experienced this pleasure for the first time ever, only multiplied.

“A little something extra to suck on too!” Jessie laughed.

“The lucky gal!” James also joined in on the joke.

“But don’t enjoy it for too long, it just makes things easier for us!”

“Yes, MUCH easier!” Jessie smiled as she pressed another button on the remote.

To the trapped heroine’s surprise, her mouth gag started to grow, covering the rest of her face and entire head including her hair. Her head moaned, screamed and struggled as the newly formed pink rubber hood had cut off her vision and even her hearing, encasing her in perfect darkness with only two small holes for her nose to breathe through. The rubbered heroine soon returned to her deep breathing through her nose once she calmed down, the only sound she could now hear.

“Hehheh, we’d still be on the filler dialogue had I not gagged you!”

“Oh silly me.” Jessie pressed one more button. “I forgot to tell our captive young heroine that the dildos vibrate!”

The rubbered heroine resumed her muffled moans once the dildos inside of her began to awaken, vibrating so violently that the vibrations spread everywhere over the ball and all over her contained body.

“You did not forget!” James giggled as he headed towards the door with Jessie to make their exit.

“See you in the morning Uraraka!” The red haired Rocket member winked.

“I look forward to your rebirth and trying you out for myself tomorrow!”

As Team Rocket left the room and switched the lights out, the ball bound heroine in training known as Ochako Uraraka seemingly remained still and motionless with only the slight hint of head movement. That was the view on the outside, on the inside she was struggling and wiggling from the intense pleasure caused from the dildos in her love holes, wet from her sweat and love juices, extremely hot from both the rubber and personal heat from the forced arousal, it made it so hard to think, a perfect scenario for her to start enjoying her predicament, destroying her memories and freewill so easily and replacing it for the utmost loyalty to Team Rocket as well as creating the perfect slave mindset to obey whatever Jessie and James would order her to do, both on and off duty.

As countless orgasms rocked her body for many hours, the ball bound heroine suddenly started sucking on her cock gag as she desired it so badly, thanks to the fact that she now loved being ball bound in her new pink, round, rubbery home! Suddenly the struggle now turned into heaven for the ball bound young heroine.

As the months went by, news of Ochako Uraraka’s disappearance made headlines in the news. However, Ochako never wanted to be rescued by anyone ever as she loved being ball bound from then on....

The End?



Isn't this story just a near complete copy-paste of your earlier story with Ashley and Delia?