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The night scene upon the rooftop of a large skyscraper was like something out of a dream, looking like a scene out of a theatre production with a large grand stairway where the elevator topped off at the top. A couple dressed like they were going to the ball exited the elevator and walked down the crystal clear steps towards an outdoor ball and banquet that waited for them at the bottom along with other couples. The men dressed all like princes and the women all in large ballroom dresses like something out of a fairytale princess story, all in different colours. And one item they all shared, eye masks concealing their faces. Like the other couples, the new arrivals also began to dance to classical music being played through hidden speakers within the light blue fake columns on each side of the dance floor. This occasion was so dreamy, so romantic, the couples all dancing together with the clouds close enough to sound, such royal music pleasuring their ears with such beautiful sounds, the starry sky so clear above them, the dance floor so clean it reflected the sky above, almost making it look like the couples were dancing among the stars. Whoever was lucky enough to go to this ball was having the time of their life with their beloved...

...all for the sole lady in a large bright orange dress leaning on the railings by herself taking a bite out of a drumstick in her hand very un-lady like.

“This blows.” The blonde haired girl sighed. “I get turned into a girl by Erika as punishment for sneaking into her gym again and she won't change me back unless I went in her place to this boring ball and dressed like......this....”

Ash, or rather Ashley as she told the receptionist downstairs when she arrived in a limo could not believe how today was going for her. Her gender changed right before her eyes, being roped into going to this “Dance Under The Stars” ball the Celedon Department Store was hosting or she would be left to remain as a girl, the Gym Leader claiming it really was not her thing but she did not want the ticket to go to waste, and after agreeing to the terms, the other girls from the Gym stripped her out of her boy clothes and into girl clothes. The prep for her engagement was the longest period she had ever spent dressing up in her life. The bright pink underwear, the reek of perfume she hated so much being sprayed all over her, the giant orange ballroom dress lowered down onto her, the tons of make up invading her once rough boyish face, the hairbrushes brushing down  her new long golden locks then equipped with a pink bow, her nails both hands and toes painted in pink too, the amount of shoes she was made to try on to figure her new “style” as well as size since her feet seemed tiny than her old boy feet, then trial after trail after trail of walking in high heels till she got used to it, and learnt to walk more feminine. Even walking how she used to had its issues as her chest now bounced with her movements. She looked down upon her giant cleavage, wondering way the hell did they have to be so big, similar to her round behind too. They were now resting on the railing she lean against. She wanted to cross her arms in protest but had to just settle with resting her head against her arm as she bite into her food again.

“What was even the point of me coming?” Ashley moaned. “It's basically a couples thing! Did Erika just want to teach me a lesson like embarrass me by looking as girly as can be in-front of a large crowd? To have boys try chat me up? Is that woman so lonely she just turns any boy into a girl? God this is stupid, if it wasn't for the free grub I would of just gone back to the Pokemon Centre and just lied that I was there the whole evening.”

As Ashley threw her finished chicken bone away falling down the tower to land on some nobody to be annoyed at, a figure walked towards the former boy.

“You know a lady does not eat so carelessly.” spoke the figure.

“Sorry to burst your bubble mister but I'm not exactly a...”

Ashley turned round to see the person that walked over to talk to her. Her conversation stopped mid sentence as there was something about the person that seemed different with the others. She could not pin point what that something was, maybe it was the fact somebody stopped to go talk to her, the smartly dressed prince outfit they was cloaked in looking more lush and different to the others like a fusion of a prince and a duelist, the mystery behind the eye mask, the first sight regardless of the reason made her blush.

“I knew it, a lonely shy princess like you had be the prettiest one.” the man spoke.

“Urm...” Ashley looked down in embarrassment, to which she was reminded at what she had now against her chest. “...y-you sure my face is the reason you came over here?”

“Now how can I possibly make that decision if I only saw you from behind?” the person asked. “You've been in that same spot since I arrived.”

“Ohh....then I guess....” Ashley had butterflies in her stomach. She was starting to feel lost for words. Ashley could not help but little out a girlish giggle. Was this how a woman felt when complemented by the other gender? It felt kind of...nice.

The speakers began to play the next song, and the other dancers either went over to the food table or continued dancing.

“Could I have this next dance?” the stranger asked.

“Ohhh, I really shouldn't.” Ashley panicked a little. “This kind of dancing is so fancy and I never really....”

Ashley then found a hand placed onto her own, inviting her to the dance.

“It's okay, I'll lead.” the owner of the hand insisted politely.


Yup, back in the fanfic saddle for a bday gift to a special someone.

Its been a rough month with personal issues and some tragic news that special someone has had lately so I'm sorry this month has been very silent. Things are a bit of a mess atm, but I will get back on track. 



No problem, looking forward to more fanfic in the future.


This is only the start but now I want a picture of the upcoming dance with Ashley and her new prince.


It is actually inspired by a pic I saw, however if I share it, it would spoil certain things about the story. XD