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Yeah, left it a bit later than usual for the monthly journal huh. XD

That does goes to show how busy the season becomes. Been helping out and getting presents for family and friends which that part is done. There will be more chores down the road but hopefully they won't interrupt thing mu....probably shouldn't jinx that. ^^;

That said, Xmas Day. 2 art pieces planned for that day and this weekend will be the beginning of me working on those. There'll be sexy goings on and a terrible pun involved. XD Going to work really hard so they can be ready for the day, so be excited...or prepare for cringe on the pun. XD

Can't say much happened on the day of my birthday. Large money gift as usual, went to put it in the bank, and even still waiting for a few of my treats in the mail thanks to postal strikes. XD All in all, aside from bday wishes and the odd art gift, a kinda ordinary day. Grandmother's doing better too, so yeah nothing new to report on my end.

That said, those as usual on Reward Tiers send me your requests for the month of December. As mentioned, the Xmas artwork may cut into my work focus this month, but I'll try get more requests done as much as I can.

Have yourselves a Merry Christmas to come, and a new year of fabulous art to come! ;) 


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