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You know, it is said by some within the galaxies that when a creature of pure evil is vanquished from existence, a part of its soul forms into a tiny black cloud. Not just any black cloud, but one made of evil energy. For the most part, it is harmless and fuels no desire for those who'd wish to use it for a plot of world domination, but when a cluster of these clouds form together from so many evil creatures' deaths, it can become a larger darker cloud that is capable of creating lightning. Though only containing one strike and then vanish, it would be filled of so much evil energy, it would kill anything it struck. Should it strike anything else for that matter, it's effects would be almost god like. 

In the city of Tokyo one night, one of these clouds has been formed. Of no fault of their own the Sailor Senshi, led by the now famous Sailor Moon, have been defending their home and planet from evil creatures known as Youma, sent by the wicked Queen Beryl to kill the Senshi and achieve their and her goal. As such, the Senshi have defeated dozens of the Queen's fallen prawns, even a couple of her generals, which has more then created enough black clouds to form one giant black cloud over the city. Invisible to human eyes, the cloud of fill of evil prepares to make it's strike, as it hovers above the rooftop of the infamous Studio Dive where not one, but two Youma had failed and died because of Sailor Moon. A loud strike thunders on the rooftop, hear-able to the human ear and visible as a blue flash goes off on top of the building, almost resembling an explosion. What no one knows however is the strike did have a very unusual effect on the very spot where those two Youma fell, opening a gateway to another dimension. Some might call this dimension the void, but a certain type of creature would call it “Youma Hell”. 

Two figures jumped out of the doorway as it started to close. Once shut, the two, collapsed on their knees and screamed like almost as if they had just died once again, when in actuality, they had been reborn from what would be considered the most unlikely miracle. Two lizard like twins, only different by colour, stood up as they looked around their surrounds which were no longer the firey pits of hell that they  have been engulfed in, but familiar sightings that were the last thing they saw before they died. 

“...w-we're back?” the blue Youma Pollux spoke for the first time since her death. 

“It appears so.” her sister the red Youma Castor replied. 

“How? I thought resurrecting dead Youma was near impossible?”

“I have no idea sister, but what matters is we ARE back. Details are not really important.”

“I guess you're right. So what do we do now?”

“Well I guess Queen Beryl was not the one who brought us back or we'd be in the Dark Kingdom right about now.”

“Yes, nor was it...”

Just then, both Youma froze as they were reminded of a vision from their time in Youma hell.

“MASER NEPHRITE!” Both sisters spoke together, remembering seeing him suffer in hell with them.  

“Our master, many of our friends were there in hell with us.” Castor clutched her fist. “All of them blindly sent in by Beryl and killed by those....those Sailor Warriors!”

“I know, its as much her fault as it is those girls that they are all dead!” Pollux gritted her teeth. “Boy if I could just get my hands on that witch...”

“Then let's make a promise.”

“A promise?”

“Yes, a promise to never disagree on anything ever again and to vowel revenge on all those responsible to our own deaths and to those we knew that had fallen like us. We were so close to defeating those girls when we disagreed on who should defeat them.”

“You're right, we should definitely of treasured our friendship, no our bond as sisters more.” 

“So its a promise then?”

“You bet!”

As if to make a pinkie promise to each other or shake hands, the two Youma joined their long lizard tails together once again. 

“I don't know about you, but I feel somewhat strong then before.” said Pollux.

“Me too, it was probably something to do with our resurrection or something, but it feels like our power and abilities have increased fully.” Castor replied. 

“Yeah, who knows what we can do now.”

“But don't forget, despite how strong we are, we still need to work together.”


Suddenly, the two sister heard something. In was a very faint voice from miles away, but it was a phase both girls were all too familiar with.


“That sound!” Castor spoke shocked. “It must be...”

“...the leader of those damn Sailors!” Pollux finished her sister's sentence. 

“Let's find them!”

Both Youma disconnected their tails and began to jump from roof to roof of the buildings of Tokyo at almost lightning speed, following the sounds of cast magic, Youma screaming to their deaths and whining from a certain crybaby. Once on top of the nearest building to the source, the two Youma looked down from the rooftop to witness another of their friends parish by the wrath of the Sailor Senshi. 

“Just as we thought, it's those damn Sailor Warriors.” Castor growled. 

“And there's more of them this time too.” Pollux moaned at the presence of Sailor Jupiter and Venus.  “This is going to be tougher then before.”

“True, but we're not going to attack them just yet.”

“We're not?”

“No, going in there straight on will just be a waste of our rebirth. Since they don't seem to notice us, let's just watch and observe.”

As the two Youma waited, their patience was rewarded once the Senshi had ended their victory conversation. With each of their Transformation Pens held in the air, the five Warriors magically changed back into their normal human identities, a sight so rare for both Youmas and even anybody for that matter. 

“Ahhh, so that's who they are!” Pollux resisted the urge to faceplam.  “It's all so obvious to me now!”

“It is, but with this knowledge of who they really are, we can use it to our advantage.” Castor explained. “They rely on teamwork just as we do right?”

“That is correct.”

“So, if we go after each of them one by one, we can eliminate their bond for each other.”

“Sounds like a plan, what shall we do now?”

“We should test our enhanced powers somewhere deserted, then decide how best we can use those powers  to take out those Sailors once and for all.”

“Excellence, let's go.”

Just as fast as they arrived, the two Youma vanished into the night without a trace. 

Two days followed since that turn of events. Ami Mizuno, also known by others as Sailor Mercury, arrived home with two guests that were not in her usual circle of friends. They were in-fact two transfer students who had just arrived at her school. They befriended Ami after learning she was the brightest student there. After a whole school day of getting to know them, Ami invited them round to her home for a study session, as the students were having trouble with both their homework and their knowledge of Japanese. Ami knew her mother was still working and she did not have any night classes that take, so she couldn’t resist the temptation of playing the role as teacher, despite her normal shy nature. 

“Please, make yourselves at home.” Ami welcomed her guests into her bedroom.

“Oh, you are too kind!” the red headed transfer student  spoke in a German accent.”You agree to help us study, then you invite us into your home, even though we just met today!”

“Yeah.” spoke the blue haired transfer student in the same accent. “No one's ever this kind to us back home!” 

“Why thank you.” Ami thanked her guests for their honesty. “Before we get started, what did you say your names were again?”

“Oh I am Castor and this is Pollux!”

Ami paused as the names rang a bell in her head.

“Oh, I thought your names were.......hey, wait a second!” Ami suddenly had alarm bells ringing in her head. 

A flash of light blinded Ami as the two “students” magically changed into the two Youma they said they were. 

“Looks like our new ability to disguise ourselves as human school girls works to perfection!” Pollux complemented the ability. 

“It sure does.” Castor grinned. 

“You two!” Ami said stunned. “But we defeated you! How can you be here?”

“Your guess it as good as ours, but don't think we've forgotten what you did to us!” Castor explained. 

“Mercury Power....” Ami reached for her Transformation Pen, only to have it snatched from her hand by Pollux's lizard tail. “Oh no!”

“I don't think so. I think we're gonna have some fun with you!” Castor moved her tail like a whip, slashing off Ami's school uniform in one go. The force of the tail did not hurt Ami, but it pushed her back onto her bed. The poor genius girl's uniform was in shreds, even her bra was cut in half, leaving her in her white panties. 

“What are you going to do with me?” Ami said scared for her life.   

“I told you, we're gonna have some fun with you.” Castor re-explained. 

“What shall we do to her exactly Sister?”

“Well, this little bookworm really likes to study from what we have learnt from her...a little too much studying if I do say so myself.”

“Aww, the poor thing. I bet she's never done anything...naughty in her room.”

“Well that's about to change.”

A orb of red and blue energy glowed from both Castor and Pollux's right and left hand respectively, to which they pushed it towards Ami's panties and it adsorbed into Ami's body. Ami screamed as she felt a strange sensation going on in her panties like she was being electrocuted down there. 

“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She screamed not in pain, but in new found pleasure that was alien to her. She also felt something pinch and pull part of her woman upwards, like something was growing out of her. When the whole sensation ended, she tried to catch her breath.

“Wh.....what did...” she puffed exhausted.

“Take a look for yourself!” Pollux pointed down at Ami's panties. When Ami did look downwards, her jaw dropped down and eyes widened open at the thing throbbing and poking out of her panties, all hard and erect. 

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME??” Ami panicked. “T-THAT'S A.....”

“Yes dear, it is a cock.” Pollux explained as she grabbed Ami's panties and tugged at them till they ripped off, leaving Ami both naked and her new “body part” in full. It stood attached to her body where her clitoris used to be, standing hard and erect at about six inches. Her vagina still remained as it was, as did the rest of her body, but of course the big change being she was now a dick girl. 


“Now why would you wanna change back?” Castor teased. “You have the best of both worlds now!”

“Exactly!” Pollux agreed with her sister. “You're a humpdee AND a humper now!”

“But I don't want to be either!”  Ami moaned. 

“Silly girl.” Pollux sighed. “Think we better show her what we mean.”

The twin Youma pointed at Ami's computer in the other side of the room and just like magic, it switched on by itself. What came up on the screen was not any homepage, but rather a lesbian porno. 

“How did you...” Ami asked, amazed by the speed of the computer's Internet speed as broadband would not exist for another decade or so. 

“When you have magic honey, you're not limited to just dial up connections!” Castor explained. “Is that all you're interested in?”

“Well, actually...” Ami muttered, mesmerized by the action going on in the

 porno. The two girls on the screen were kissing, fondling, groping and even rubbing each other's pussies. Ami could not explain it, but it was as if she was becoming aroused by the action, and her faster throbbing cock only confirmed it. 

“Ooh, looks like your cock is liking what you see.” Castor grinned. “Why don't you take a seat at your desk and look at it closer?”

“Yes...” Ami said as she walked towards her desk not once taking her eyes off the computer screen as she sat in her chair with her legs wide open, sat like she was a lazy teenage boy relaxing to some porn. 

“You’re a clever girl arnt you?” Pollux asked Ami. “I've bet you know and read up on what men do in this situation.”


As a response, Ami grabbed hold of her cock, letting out a soft moan from how sensitive it felt to hold, then began slowly performing jerking movement, rubbed her newly gained instrument of pleasure to the action going on in the prono.

“I think she likes it!” Pollux teased, referring to the sweat starting to drip from Ami's body and the juices coming from Ami's pussy. The blue haired Sailor's face was a bright red from both embarrassment and arousal, while drool hung from her chin as her first taste of male masturbation, or any kind of masturbation for that matter, only increased her fapping speed the hotter the action got the screen. “What do you like most about the promo?”

“....The....girls....”Ami stuttered. 

“What about the girls?” Castor asked. 


“Figures.” Castor continued to tease. “You are a girl after all, or were, and you do know what a pussy is like. I bet you're fantasizing about what a pussy would feel like against your cock, arnt you?”

“OH GOD YES!” Ami yelled excitedly. “I WANT TO FUCK A PUSSY!”

Ami really began to pick up fapping speed, reaching her maximum speed.  

“Now, isn’t this more fun the studying?” Pollux laughed.


“Ah good, then let it cum Sailor Mercury!” Castor ordered. “Experience the greatest pleasure of all in both a male and female orgasm combined together!”

With all of her remaining stamina, Ami kept on fapping to building up the inner erupting orgasm that was about to come within her pre-erupting cock and pussy. Her mind racing with suspense and excitement over what her first orgasm would feel like, not to mention experiencing both types at the same time. 


Ami let out an almighty moan as her pussy released its sweet nectar while at the same time, her volcanic cock spat out of long white string of sperm right onto her computer screen. Without any hesitation, the watching Youma placed a hand of Ami's head as the cumming began.

“NOW!” Both Youmas commanded as another orb of magic energy was produced around Ami's head, causing Ami to completely glow into a white light all over her body while parts of her body began to change. The act of magic lasted a good few seconds before Ami returned to normal, or at least what remained of her normal-ness as she gazed at her hands and arms. While her body remained the same shape mostly, her skin colour had changed into a light blue colour all over, expect her nipples, lips and the tip of her erect cock, which had now grown to nine inches, were now dark blue. While her hair remained the same in length and colour, there was now a dark blue upside down triangle on her forehead and in between her butt cheeks now was a large long lizard like that looked as smooth and shiny as her skin. Needless to say, she almost looked like a third twin to the Youma twins. 

“...am I?” Ami asked as she examined her body further.

“You sure are.” Castor explained. “Welcome to the life of a Youma!”

Ami would had been horrified by her sudden transformation it had not been for the masturbation session she just had. It felt like her mind was okay with how she had changed, that perhaps being on the opposing team wasnt as bad as it seemed. After all, the pleasure she just experience gave her more of a rush then hundred of study books and if it meant living a life of evil so she could continue to pleasure herself whenever she wanted with her huge cock, then she felt game for it.   

“Aww, why did you turn off the porno?” Ami moaned at the blank screen dripping in her cum. 

“Why settle for porn?” asked Castor. “You're a Youma now, so you can settle for the real thing without any regrets.”

“I-I-I can?” Ami stuttered as mind began to race again with perverted thoughts., ones involving her cock and real pussy. 

“The women of Tokyo are at the tip of your cock!” Pollux said, opening the bedroom window. “Why don't you try out your new form in action? We have things to do of our own.”

And just like that, Ami forgot about everything that made her a Sailor guardian and a protector of everything that is good, and jumped out the open window onto a roof of a house, then began hopping from rooftop to rooftop with her new enhanced jumping abilities, searching for her first victim. 

“Looks like it worked Castor.” Pollux smiled as she watched Ami vanish in the distance. 

“Indeed. Even if we don't succeed, those Sailors will battle their friend blinded and before they realise that Youma is their dear friend, it'll already be too late, and that'll shatter their very souls and what they stand for.”

“Oh how delicious that sounds!” Pollux licked her lips. “Next target?”

“Next target. We've corrupted the brains of their team, now we need to take out the one that can sense our presence.”

“Let's go then.”

In another part of Tokyo in an alleyway, a schoolgirl by the name of Naru was making her way home. She had stayed behind after school for an after school club and already it was beginning to become sunset, hence the shortcut home through a lonely alley. The poor girl had to make herself busy these days, since her best friend Usagi spent more time with her new friends nowadays then with her. It did not bother her too much, but she did miss the days of when it was just her, Usagi and even Umino. None the less, at least her friend was happy and she was happy for her.

“Oh Usagi.” Naru sighed. “The way you keep vanishing off with that group of friends of yours, it's almost like you're the leader of a group of superheroines. “

Naru giggled slightly at the thought of Usagi leading a group of heroines. She was not one to backtalk, but she knew Usagi was not the smartest girl and would probably screw up in every way, not like Sailor Moon who was a role model for everyone who feared the countless monster attacks in Japan. 

“My my, shouldnt a sweet ass like yourself know better then to walk alone in an alley?” spoke a voice.

“W-Who's there?” Naru stood alerted, unable to detect where the voice came from. From out of nowhere, someone appeared right behind her and grabbed her arms. “W-What do you want?”

“Oh I wouldn’t look behind you.” spoke the person behind her. “It'll only scare you even more.”    

“Y-You're a monster?”

“True, though I used to be human. I used to be quite the smart girl with her head in a text book every waking hour. Only now that I've become a Youma, I realise I've wasted my life when I could have been having so much pleasure. I could have been one of those girls who daydreamed of hot boys on posters on my bedroom wall, but instead I just fought against evil and not give into my urges. Of course, nw that I have both pleasures in life, I've got to make up for lost time!”

“Both pleasures? What do you...”

Before Naru could even realise, all her clothes vanished from her body.


“Oh my god, I'm naked!” Naru moaned, as she was pushed down onto the ground front ways. 

“You're not the only one!” Ami grinned as Naru finally looked in horror at her captor, and the throbbing thing in-between the Youma's legs. 

“OH NO!” Naru screamed, trying to crawl backwards away from Ami, only to have her right leg caught by Ami.  

“Mmm, virgin pussy!” Ami licked her already drooling lips. “This should be sweet!”

Being as rough as she wanted, Ami forced herself into the missionary position on top of the helpless crying Naru, inserting her cock into Naru's untainted pussy with full force.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Naru moaned in pain. “IT'S TOO BIG, ITS TOO BIG!!!”

Ignoring her victim, Ami began a humping motion, sliding her cock in and out. As she continued to fuck, Ami moaned and grinned, feeling more like a dirty stray dog in heat then anything like her former life, while Naru tried her best to try and force Ami off of her, but it was no good. Ami was just too strong to push away. She could not believe her virginity was being taken away from her like this. Soon enough, the Youma and schoolgirl let out an almighty yell together as three orgasms happened at the same time. 

“That....was fucking incredible!” Ami panted as she got up from the ground. “I take back anything bad I ever thought about perverted boys who looked at me funny!”

“No man will want to marry me now!” Naru continued to cry, shameful about what had just transpired.

“Oh? That's interesting...” Ami giggled at something that was growing on Naru's body. Naru felt the sudden change in her body, extending from her crotch area and gave her another nasty shock. 

“Y-You turned me into a Dick girl?!?” Naru starred jaw dropped at the throbbing seven inch which grew from where her clitoris used to be. 

“I guess I did.” Ami laughed. “You should consider it a blessing that you can experience ultimate pleasure as a humper and humpdee!”

“B-But I don't want to be either!”

“That's what I used to think...”

Ami clicked her fingers and out of thin air, Naru's clothes reappeared in a small pile next to the crying school girl part boy. 

“If it's anything like mine, it's probably stay erect permanently.” Ami explained as she began to walk away. “You should probably buy some boxers from now on instead of panties. Don't want anyone finding a nasty surprise, unless you do!”

“Wait!” Naru yelled. “Don't leave me like this! I don't want to be a freak!”

“Sorry, the night is young. Got more pussy hunting to do! Gotta fuck as many as I can.....yes, fuck pussy....”

As Ami drooled from her mouth, she jumped high into the air, vanishing from Naru's sight. Poor Naru could only sit on the ground as tears rained from her shy face, while putting her clothes back on slowly. 

“NOW what man will marry me now?!? she moaned, as her throbbing cock disagreed with her despair.....

To Be Continued  


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