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Decided in order to catch up on the monthly requests, I'm going to change how I approach making them to get them out faster and have more regular updates (When RL stuff doesnt get in the way) as well as get the non-reward stuff done faster too, since working on both a Preview and a Base Reward in one night isn't making things go faster.

No change in the reclaiming rewards process, so don't worry about that. We will get caught up soon.

As I work on multiple dolls tonight to cover the next several updates, let's have a Poll!

Lately, I've been getting new ideas on new Base Reward Types that could help branch out the Rewards more so not every Premium Update is just a Sex Doll, Standing to Attention, and the rare Haigure, Onahole or Age Regression base.

So I'm gonna put those ideas as poll options and let you the donators decide what you'd like to see the most down the line. I'll also leave it open if you guys have any simple ideas for Bases like the ones mentioned.

With that said, let's get voting! :) 



I have an extra idea regarding the monthly base rewards. Maybe you can do batches of for example pending sex doll rewards until you get bored of them then move on to for example pending ball bound rewards until you get bored of doing those and then move onto batches of a different monthly base reward until you get bored of that etc etc and then rinse and repeat or mix up what batches of pending monthly base images you do meaning you don’t have to follow a cycle and the order of batches can be randomized based on what base you’re in the mood to get caught up on next. But yeah it’s just an idea for catching up on those pending monthly rewards so I dunno if it would help or not but I am just trying to help out with ideas is all.