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You know what, lately for a change I've been full of energy and been finding my creative drive again like the good old day.

While my anxiety had caused some quiet periods and effecting my mental health, last month I've been taking chewable multivitamins and my word, it's done the trick! Less aches and pains, energized to do things without feeling shattered or not motivated later on, and just generally, feeling more like my old self again, like the days when I was making art on such a frequent basis.

That said, I was a little busy at the end of the month. Had a chance to have a big organization of my work room and collections so a lot of time was spent on that. Went very well and again, surprised at how not so worn out I was. Goes to show what adding some missing vitamins with a daily chewable can do.

So we're into October, and with this new found energy I hope to get caught up on commissions, requests, and the last of the Hypno-ber promotion, which now happened a year ago. ^^; Yeah, bout time I finish that one.

Sadly we did not find time for the annual Ashley Bikini pic. So sorry to those looking forward to that, but I'll try and fit it in somewhere. She sure has been absent this year hasnt she?

You know the drill, anyone on Reward Tiers this month, be sure to leave me a message on what you'd like. Perhaps now I can get caught up again.

Thats about it for the October journal. Now back to work! :)  


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