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Little head's up all you sweet Donators get to see and know first. 

The Ball Bound pics are making a comeback.

Now I know either you like these or not, but rest assured these will only be made to fill in the blanks that sometimes happen in-between my uploads so you guys have more content more regularlly. These will be easy to do, so they will not effect time put into other projects as it'll just be new hair added and done. And thanks to Sai, adding in the alts (Hood, Ballgag, etc.) will make it even easier. My normal artworks and fanfiction are taking longer these days so as I explained, these sorts of uploads along with Classic Uploads will fill some holes in-between all new content.

Now for the info for those that do like Ball Bound pics. I'm starting from scratch as these new Ball Bound pics will be made from my Tablet from now on. As you can see, the ball is now pretty much a perfect circle, the lines are much less thinner and the face looks more improved (Excuse the mouth, it's there for a guide for myself for Ballgags etc.). As I mentioned, these will be a LOT easier and faster to make, so catching up with where I left off won't take long but again these will merely be for adding more content more often while I work on the other projects.

And for those wondering yes, I will be doing the same with the Haigure Pics at a later date after the first new Ball Bound is complete. 

 Let me know what you guys who like Ball Bound pics think of the new 2.0 version so far. ;)




New base, could be interesting, Personally, I don't like ball bound, but I know a few that do


Yeah, I understand these have a love/hate relation with my watchers, which is why these along with the future Haigure 2.0 base will only be filling some quiet spells for when either my regular work is taking too long or real life stuff (Such as the bed bug nightmare that recently ended) gets in the way of content creating. Plus with making a Sai file, things like different alts will be a piece of cake too. ;)