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Now THIS is very different isnt it? XD

I've been practicing with DAZ 3D to contribute a future project with the guys at Metrobay Comix. Also being taught by the great Finister Foul a to how to use the program and such and I can now say I'm very familiar with using 3D programs such as Daz 3D!

For this scene, it's a simple bondage scene of our favourite feline superheroine turned bondage slave. There are still some things I need to work on like facial expressions so she can act more shocked and embarrassed about getting her head shaved, but for a practice, it's a start. ;)

Now I know 3D art is not everyone's cup of tea but it won't be too often I'II post it. Think of it as an extra skill set I process along with my usual 2D drawings and fanfic writings. As mentioned, it will be mostly for project with Metrobay Comix, so be sure to check them out if you like what you see. ;)

Pink Pussycat is (C) Finister Foul and is used with permission. 




Awesome series !!