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What a month. The scare of the cat being unwell but ultimately getting better, an unwell spell soon after for me and my gf, some other personal stuff, May was certainly eventful. And June is going to be quite an important one.

June's more or less the start of certain changes in my life to further focus on my art, writing and general content creating. While I have tried to keep the updates more regular since about April, with some bumps in the road like the events I mentioned, remember that sacrifice I said I'd be making to really push this forward? Well, that goes in effect this month.

I'm aiming for more growth this month to make this happen. For one, I need to eliminate my financial debt as soon as possible, my aim being this year. It's been a hurdle for far too long, cause anxiety, depression, mental health problems and thus delays in projects, among other things too. It's my number 1 aim for myself and when that day comes for it to be gone, that will just open up so much for both myself and content creating.

Course, that's not the only sacrifice I'm making towards that goal, I'm selling parts of my videogame collection in order to help along the road. Mostly the stuff I don't hold much love for like my Playstation stuff or hold much attachment like the magazines which are mostly Gamecube era. As well as that, there's just no room for the magazine which I can't even invest in a bookshelf to put them on and get them out whenever I want. Thats just going to have to be a dream when I have a bigger place one day but first things first, the debt.

If you happen to be a videogame collector or just want something of mine for the sake of having something Laprasking owned, lol. XD Have a look at my ebay listing below.


Not a lot is there currently but that's going to change over the days with some rare stuff, like in the 3 figure range, going up there in the next few days as I dig through and find them.

I also have introduced Deviantart subscriptions as a 3rd donation gallery option. As mentioned, the content will be the same among Patreon, Fanbox and DA subs so don't worry about that. ;)

But yes, enough about my goal for this month. It will in no way get in the way of current projects as I continue on with the likes of the commissions, remaining Hypno-ber requests, the monthly requests, and other things! ;)

Speaking of requests, those on the reward tiers can make their requests for June right now. While the brand new Chair Bound base is not finished yet, I will allow requests for the default variant for the time being. Hopefully by July, there'll be a few variations by then but for now, let's keep it to the default Ballgagged Worried face for the character of your choice. ;)

Summer's more or less here. Hopefully Ashley can finish bikini shopping.... ;) 


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