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Just as I hope to get back to drawing, another thing suddenly happens to add to my stress and worry.

So on top of my gf being unwell, last Friday our cat when missing for 24 hours. He reappeared late that night and you'd think that would be the end of the problem right?

For being out so long, he had zero appetite. Like not eating at all. Not to mention his meowing sounded weak, like his mouth was super dry.

Over the weekend his eating did improve but his bowl was nowhere near empty each time, like having a few mouthfuls and done. His meowing sounds normal now and his outside routine returned to normal, but as they say, even if he looks like he's getting better it could get worse.

He's going to the vet today for the full check up to find out what's wrong. As much as I wanted to take him Saturday, it was just not possible.

He's a 10 year old this year so he's getting into the twilight of his years on this earth, but he really has been the best pet we ever had so of course my mind has been on him, as well as my gf, getting better. I'm hopeful its not too serious but I really don't wanna lose him.

I'll keep you updated on his condition and get pumping more art in the meantime. There's a Premium Reward post up to tie things over today. 


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