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Note- The following is a story adaptation of a RP session claimed as a Donator's Request via one of the RP Reward Tier. This session was generously edited into a story by the requester for your entertainment. ;)

With that said, on with the story!


Harem: Ranma (Part 3)

By Theodoric of York and Laprasking

It had been three days since Ryoga had acquired Vixen.  Ryoga spent his time fucking Full Bubs and the Tendo sisters and waiting for the delivery to arrive.

Within a day the typhoon had moved on and the weather had become rather nice.  Ryoga took this opportunity to start taking Vixen out for walkies.  It became a common sight for eighter Ryoga or Ryoga and Akane walking together, holding hands and leading Vixen around town on a leash.  Vixen seemed to enjoy the outing as long it was daylight, and there was no rain or storms about.  But at night or when it was storming out she was definitely an indoor fox-girl.  She would have to time her sessions to always go during the daytime.  But once or twice a day she would come up to Ryoga, leash in her mouth, whimpering to be let out.  Soon Ryoga would be standing in the courtyard, beside Vixen as the fox-girl squatted on the grass.  

One time Ryoga looked down at her and asked. “What are we going to do when it snows?”  

Vixen just cocked an ear and looked at him and seemed to say, “You’ll think of something,”

Ryoga growled, “You’ll freeze your ass off.  That’s what's going to happen!”  Vixen stuck her tongue out at him.

This particular day the pair of them had just returned from a long walk when he saw them, five cubic crates sitting by the front door of the house.

Excited, Ryoga dropped the leash and off, looking for a hand cart.  Vixen was happily running next to him.  Eventually, Ryoga had to transport the crates with his own muscles.

Akane asked, “Five boxes.  I thought we bought four slaves?”

Ryoga answered, “I added a fifth to the invoice.  I could not resist!”

Akane answered, “We’ll see!”  She picked up the invoice and read it.  She said, “Oh I see!  Her name is, ‘Misty.’  What is so special about her?”

Ryoga answered, “For one thing she is a ginger!  You know how much I like redheads!”

Akane answered, “What makes her so special?”

They claim she is a tomboy!”

Akane observed so she is another Ranma.  Already trying to live past glories I see.”

Defensively Ryoga said, “It’s not like that.  I just like training tomboys is all.”

Akane observed, “Like me?”

Ryoga answered “Not like you.  You were always were gentle and kind to me!”

Akane asked, “And how are you sure is not another me?”

Ryoga answered, “I did search for girls who were similar to Ranma.  She was high on the list that was created.”

Akane rolled her eyes and said, “Past glories!”

Ryoga answered, “I told you before!  I just like taming vain, arrogant tomboys.”

Akane observed “Strong women!”

Ryoga answered, “Kasumi is the strongest woman I lnow!

Akane answered, “And she is your fuck toy, at your beck and call.”

Ryoga she can stop anytime she wants!

Akane asked, “But will you let her!”

Ryoga answered, “Of course!”

Akane answered, “We’ll see!”

Ryoga answered, “Yes!”

Then he walked over to the crates containing the duplicate Ranma and Akane!  He proceeded to break them open.  Inside onr was a latex ball with Ranma’s head sticking out of it.  Ranma’s mouth was gagged by a covering coming out of the ball Ranma was passive.  He placed it by a wall.  Next, he opened the ball containing Akane.  She was frightened and crying.  Her ball was placed next to the ball containing Ranma.  Then he took a number of photographs of the pair and uploaded them to his laptop.  He next sent an e-mail to Kuno, containing the file of the pics of Ranma and Akane.  The e-mail said, “You interested?”  He sat back and waited.  

A few minutes later he got a reply.  It said, “Yes I am.  Let’s get together!”

He responded, “Meet me outside the cat cafe in a half-hour.”

He looked up at Vixen.  He grabbed her leash and said, “We are going for walk!”   

Soon the pair were in front of The Cat Cafe.  Cologne stood in the doorway, studying her.  It unnerved Ryoga!  But he could see Kuno approaching him.

Vixen sat next to him, looking at him, proudly.

As Kuno  approached he said, “That is an interesting dog you have there,  Are those breasts?”

Ryoga answered, “Yes they are,  Touch them to find out yourself.”

But as Kuno bent down Vixen growled at him.  

Kuno said, “Your pet does not seem well trained.  I do hope she is safe to be around.  It would be bad if she is not.”

Ryoga said, “Vixen, let him explore your breasts,  Vixen looked up at him whimpered, as if she was saying, “Anybody but him.”

Ryoga said, “Must an order be repeated?”

Vixen looked at Ryoga for a long moment and then thrust her breasts out for Kuno to fondle.

Studying Vixen Kuno asked, “Is she crying?”

Ryoga answered, “Satisfy yourself that those breasts are real!  You have not much time.”

Kuno said, “That will not be necessary.  I am convinced.”

Ryoga said, “I am surprised you could restrain yourself!  You are not known for your restraint.”

Kuno answered, “Even I am not low enough to molest a crying girl!  You must have a very low opinion of me!”

Ryoga answered, “Up until now you gave no reason for me to develop a high opinion of you!”

Kuno answered, “Funny,  Until this moment I had a high opinion of you!  Life is full of surprises.”  He paused and said, “I can not help that your pet has a striking resemblance to Nabiki Tendo.  Isn’t that a coincidence?”

Cologne answered, because it is Nabiki Tendo, or at least she used to be.  Apparently, she is a fox-girl named ‘Vixen.’  Is that not right, Ryoga!”

Surprized, Ryoga gave a slight jump.  He exclaimed, “Where did you come from?”

 Cologne ignored him.  She said Vixen a variant type of human,  You, Ryoga, and I are a variant of humans called Homo Sapian Sapian.  She is is a Home Sapian Volpine!”

Kuno gasped, “Are you saying that she is still is human?”

Cologne answered, “If you mean if human breeds with her she will produce fertile offspring.”

Ryoga looked at Vixen.  Vixen seemed quite happy at the news.  Whereas her body had been couched in a submissive position. her tail low.  At this news, her body sprung up to a standing position.  Her tail was wagging in an upward position.  She was looking at Ryoga as to say, “You and I are going to have a large family.”

Kuno said, “Funny, I never took Nabki as the motherly sort.”

Ryoga answered, “Nabiki was not, Vixon is.  I really do not know why!”

Cologne answered, “That is simple.  She is in heat.  Instinct is driving her to want to mate and have kits.”

Ryoga asked, “How long will she be in heat?”

 Cologne explained, “She is human.  Haman women are always in heat.  The effect is not so notable.  But any day in the month she can desire sex.  Your problem she is also vulpine.  Her heat drives her instinct,  For every day until menopause or pregnancy she will practically be willing to rape you to gain temporary satifaction.”

Kuno said, “It sucks to be you!  Nevertheless I will offer a billion yin (very  roughly $100.000,000- US) for the former Nabiki Tendo!”

Ryoga gasped.  He spitted out, “Why so much?”

Kuno answered “I have many Billions of yen.  The loss of one or two billion is barely notable.  But to have Nabiki Tendo at my beck and call is something unique, especially knowing she will do to relieve her libido.  That is worth something!”

Ryoga looked down at Vixen.  She was kneeling, whimpering, and crying.  She was looking up at him in despair.

He said, “That’s a lot of money.  Akane and I could live like kings for the rest of our lives.”

Vixen looked down in defeat.

But Ryoga said, “The offer is tempting but nevertheless I must turn you down.  My Vixen is not for sale!”

Kono said, “What if I were to offer you two billion?”

Ryoga answered, “She is not for sale for any price.”

Kubo said, “So be it,  I believe you!  My respect for you has gone up.”

Ryoga answered, “What a coincidence.  My respect for you has gone down.”

Kuno said, “it is about to go lower.  I believe we are here to discuss the fate of a certain Pig Tailed girl and an Akane Tendo!  What is your price for them?”

Ryoga said, “I am interested in a trade,  The both of them for your Sister, Kodachi!”

Kuno said, “Interesting.  Why would you want that witch?  It can’t be money.  I already offered you two billion.”

Ryoga said, “Who says I am not interested in money.  I was just not interested in what selling what you wanted to buy!

Kuno said, “Nevertheless I no can do trade my sister.”  

Ryoga said, “Wow!  You are showing a remarkable family to a sister you just called a witch.  I would think you would be eager to be gone with her.”

“Like you with Nabiki, I can not do such a deal, even for my beloved Pig Tailed girl and Akane!”

Then paused and added, ”Besides even if I did my wicked sister is no longer available for me to make a deal!”

Ryoga asked, “How so?”

He answered, “Modern psychiatric science.  She now resides in a maximum psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.  It would appear she was diagnosed as a low functioning psychopath, a danger to herself and those around her!”

Ryoga answered, “Tell me something I do not know.”

Kuno said, “But nevertheless I am interested in acquiring my beloved pair.  Name your price!”

Ryoga said, “Two billion for each.”

Kono countered, “One billion for both.”

Ryoga exclaimed, “You said to name my price.  I said four billion for both!”

Kuno said, “Let me make a counteroffer.  A half-billion for both!  Pray that I don’t make another offer for them.  I guarantee you will not like it.”

Ryoga said, “I said four billion for both.”

Kuno, the offer is now two hundred thousand and fifty.  We can do this all day.  There is a story about ancient Rome.  One day an elderly woman approached that senate with nine books full of prophecies.  She offered to sell them for an astronomical price.  Of course, the senate turned her down.  She promptly burned three books and doubled the price for the remaining six.  Again the senate turned her down.  She burned three more books and tripled to the original price for the last three.  The Romans paid the price.  How low are you willing to go before I lose interest?”

Grumbling, Ryoga said, “Sold!”

Kuno said, “I am not done.  I want some changes made to the pair.”

Ryoga asked, “What sort of changes?”

Kuno answered, “I would like you to make them fox-girls like your beloved Nabiki.”

Ryoga answered, “I can do that but why?”

Kuno answered, “I have my reasons.  Do we have a deal?”

Ryoga answered, “Yes.”

Kuno asked, “When can i expect delivery?”

Rtofa answered, “in a day or two,”

Kuno said, “Good, pleasure doing business with you!” and turned to walk away.

Ryoga watched him walk away.  He was angry, feeling that he got ripped off.

Cologne said “That is the problem with greed.  It is never enough.”

Ryoga asked, “What are you talking about?”

Cologne asked, “How much did you pay for your copy Ranma and Akane originally?”

Ryoga asked, “Again what are you talking about?”

Cologne said, “Cut the crap.  I know that you are engaged to our Akane and you turned our Ranma into your personal ponygirl.  I know how much you paid for your duplicate two.  This morning you would have been delighted to sell them fifty thousand yen.  Now you are angry that you sold them for only two fifty million yen.

I warn you to turn around.  The look of the velion does not fit and never will.”

Ryoga answered, “I just sold them for two hundred and fifty million yen.  I would say I am doing rather well by any measure.”

Cologne asked, “What good does to gain the world but lose your soul.”

Ryoga said, “I did not know you were a Christian?”

Cologne answered, “I am not.  I generally find the book balloted, simplistic, and contradictory.  Not that there are some pearls of wisdom within it.  In your case, I suggest you read Eclistics for your own edification and while you are at it you might read Song of Solomon and think about Akane before you lose her completely.”

Ryoga asked, “Is there anything else or can I go?”

Cologne answered there is one thing.  Your actions have brought shame on Shampoo and she has lost face because of you.”

Ryoga asked, “How so?”

As long as Ranma remained a male there was a hope that she could marry him.  When you turned the guy into your personal ponygirl you extinguished that hope,  Now her life is destitute.  She has no place in the village of might women.  If she were to return it might mean assault, humiliation, even rape.”

Ryoga asked. “So how did she lose face and why is it my fault?”

Cologne answered, “Shampoo came to Japan with one task. If she failed and she would lose face.  By permanently turning Ranma into a girl you caused that to happen.”

Ryoga commented that it was interesting that she was not bothered by he turned the female Ranma his ponygirl slave, only Shampoo could no longer marry her.

Cologne said, “We have gone over this.  If you are comfortable with what you have done I will say no more.”

Rtoga said, “Not that it matters but you know as well as I do that Shampoo never was going to marry Ranma!”

Cologne raised an eyebrow.  She asked, “Then just who was he going to marry?”

Ryoga answered, “Akane of…. “

Cologne answered, “Precisely!  Your engagement to Akane blew the Ranma sweepstakes wide open.  Shampoo again had a chance and you took it away!”

Ryoga asked, “So, what do you want me to do about it?”

She answered, “Shampoo has made plans for herself.  She has been accepted to Oxford in England.  The cost of collage has been worked out.”

Ryoga answered, “Good for her.  I still do not understand what this has ti di with me?”

It will mean she will need about two thousand pounds a month o rent an apartment and food.  You can that much for her, considering you made her lose face for your own lust.”

Ryoga asked. “Again, why would I do that?”

Cologne answered, “Ir might be worth it just to get her out of your hair.  Besides, you don't want to make me angry.  You would not like me when I am angry!”

Ryoga countered, “Ranma seemed to be able to handle you.  What makes you think I can't?

She answered, “I wanted Ranma alive in order for him to marry Shampoo.  You do not have such a luxury with me.  I always considered you more capable than Ranma.  So perhaps you could prevail against me.  The question is do you want to risk it.”

Ryoga said, “Ranma would have.  He would have considered it a challenge that he could not live with it if he did not take it!”

Cologne countered, “Look at what happened to her.  Quit while you are ahead, Mister I am worth two hundred and fifty million yen!”

Ryoga answered, “You have a good point.  I agree!”

Later Ryoga was doing some calculations in his head,  He gasped, “In four years that was over a million yen!”  “Why had he agree to such a sum?  Shampoo had better get s job soon and bring down on his costs.  Not that she would though.

He continued to grouse as he walked home.  When he got there he checked his copies of the Jursino cursed waters.  Fortunately, he had enough vials to do both this Ranma and Akane he had sold to Kuno to turn both of them into fox-girls.  

As a result, both the slaves would be very cute, fuckable fox-girls.  Being half corvids they were, like dogs, were very susceptible to dominance displays,  

He opened the crates containing Ashley, Delia, and Misty.  He pulled the rather surprized and confused women still in their latex balls so that they had a clear view of the balls containing the new Ranma and Akane,  He said, “Warch and learn, Slaves!”

He then walked over to the pair of Ranma and Akane.  He said, “Bye Bye Ranma!”  He poured the mixture he had created over her head.  It emedently started to morph into a mixture of a fox head and that of Ranma.  The gagging layer of the ball started to be pushed aside as Ranma’s new snout formed and did so.  Ryoga said, “Hello to the Pig-Tailed Fox girl.  He gave her so,e Kobe beef.  She gulped it down,  She started to angrily start to bark, grow, and yep at Ryoga, ineffectually it turned out.  He stood over her and looked down at her for hours.  When she looked away he gave her another piece of Kobe meat.  He released her from the ball.  The girl immediately tried to attack Ryoga but he was on top of her and kept her mouth closed with his hand around it.  Then he placed a muscle over her snout.  He stayed this way until Pig-tailed fox-girl whimpered subservience.  

He removed the muzzle and fed her a piece of Kobe beef.  She looked down and whimpered again.  Ryoga fed her another piece 

Ryoga next turned his attention to this Akane.  He poured the second concoction over her head.  A singular reaction happened, from Akane's head morphing into a fox girl she was growing and barking angrily at Ryoga.  He said, “Hello to Blue Haired Beauty.”  ‘He gave her a treat.  

Seeing what had happened to the Pig-Tailed Girl she was Much more willing to show submission.  Now that they knew their place he collared and leashed them,  They would now make wonderful pets. Perhaps too good for Kuno/  Ryoga would have to think about that!

Both of the Fox-girls knelt down, pressing their bosoms on the floor.  They shookl their asses in the air envitingly, facing Ryoga, in a sujestivelly mounting position.  They lowed their their shoulders, at Ryoga, and whimpered.

Ryoga looked at the balled women and said, “This will be your fate.  Not exactly your fate but something close.  In your case, you will be turned into ponygirls like Full Bubs here.  You will be be used to pull carriages, be pack animals and be fuck toys, But not before you desire these fates!  Watch your fucture!”

He walked up to Blue Beauty and rolled her onto her back.  He knelt berween her hind legs.  He asked, “You ready, Blue Beauty?”  The fox-girl nodded with pleading eyes.  He then thrust forward into the tight channel.  Her eyes grew wide and she gasped.  The three balled looked with interest and enberacement.

Pigtailed fox-girl looked with envious eyes.  She knew that Blue was higher on the pecking order than she was so that it was only natural and proper that she Akane serviced first but she could not be envious of the vixen being serviced,

As Ryoga was plowing into Blue Beauty, he heard somebody walk up behind him.  He heard Akane’s voice ask. “How am I?”

Still thrusting he answered, “Sheis justtight like you were at first.  She will loosen up in time, like you?”

Akane asked, “Losen up in time?  How long are we going to keep her?  I thought we were trading the both of them for Kodachi?”

Ryoga answered, “We can not get ahold of her.  She had been commented to an institute for the criminally insane.”

Blue Beauty started to moan and gasp heavily.  Her body started to jerk.  Ryoga felt her breasts harden against his chest.  She began to howl.

Akane said, “I can not help but notice that our finances have improved considerably. one hundred and twenty-five billion worth.  I realized there was only one person that could give us that sort of money, Kuno.” 

Ryoga answered, “I made a deal with him.  It is unimportant.”

Akane answered, “ A quarter billion is not unimportant, especially to me.  I run the family household’s budget, remember?”

Ryoga answered, “I think you have been okay with handling a typical household budget but with this new influx of money.”

Akane asked, “And you are?”

Blue Beauty started to howl even louder as her thighs started to move with Ryoga.

Ryoga said, “Oh yes…. You have a point.  We will have to take it one step at a time!”

Akane answered, “I have already found a financial adviser to help me make my investments.  We have already increased our money by over half a billion in just a few hours!”

Ryoga gasped, “Really!  Who?”

Akane answered, “Vixen!”

Ryoga’s muscles tightened as he started to pump his seed into Blue Beauty.  The fox girl seemed appreciative and moments later both she and Pigtailed Fox-girl were licking both his member and clean.  Their tails were wagging.

Ryoga exclaimed, “Vixen!  She’s fox-girl!”

Akane answered, “Outside she is a fox-girl but inside much of her is still Nabiki, financial genius.”

Ryoga asked, “How does she communicate with you?”

We scroll a list of stocks in front of her and she indicates with howls, yelps, and paw movements which stocks to buy.  In between time she spends her time reading financial papers and newsletters on the computer.”

Ryoga asked, “Does that really work?”  

Akane answered, some of her stock picks have gone down but more of them have gone up, to a half a billion yen’s worth.”

Ryoga pointed out, “It could be just a fluke.”

Akane answered, “I know! That is why we are not investing all of it in the stock market.  Kasumi has been investing much of it in more safe investments.  Having been maintaining the household investments ever since mother died she has become rather good at it.  Not as good as our sister but we all can not be financial geniuses like our sister is.”

Ryoga asked, “But it all could be a lucky fluke like I said before.”

Akane answered, “True, she does have a track record.  Over the last two years, she has been earning a 16% return on her investments, which, according to Kasumi.

But when the new mouse arrives Anesuma E will be taking over more of the finances.”

Ryoga looked up at Akane He was surprised to see that Vixen standing next to Akane, with Akane holding her leash. He asked, “Who is Anesuma E?”

Akane answered, “Who is Anesuma E?”

Akane answered. “I thought it was obvious.  It is Vixen”

Ryoga said, “Okay, I’ll bite.  What are you doing with Vixen?”

Akane answered, “I think the better question is ‘What have I been doing with Vixen?”

Ryoga said, “Sure?  What have you been doing with Vixen?”

Akane answered, “For one thing I have established dominance over her.  She is my pet now.  As a result, I have also changed her name.  It is Anesuma e now!”

Akane got to her knees started scratching the fox-girl beside her.  Akane said, Anesuma E, Who is your Master?”

Anesuma E crouched down in a submissive position while looking up at Akane and whimpered.

Akane asked, “Anes b uma E, are you going to steal mt clothing before I can even wear them?”

The crouching fox-girl shook her head and whimpered.

Akane continued, “Anesuma E are you going to lose Kasumi’s life savings again without a second thought?”

Again the fox-girl shook her head and Anesuma E whimpered.

Akane then said. “Fear not dear sister, you are going to make both myself and Kasumi billions.  In return, we are going to feed you lots of yummy dog food, let you sleep at Ryoga’s feet and my feet, and take you on walkies.  We’ll also let you keep your investments.  Isn’t that nice of us?”

Anesuma E stood up on all fours, her tail wagging! She barked her agreement.m

Akane pointed out, “Anesuma E is so much happier now that she knows her place in the pecking order.  I guess Mark Twain was right when he said, ‘If you pick up a dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.  That is the principal difference between dog and man.’”  She continued, “Nabiki used to bite Kasumi and me a number of times.  Now that she knows that Kasumi and myself are dominant over her and she knows she will not be beaten she is quite happy.”

Next, she picked up the leashes tp the Red-headed fox-girl and Blue Beauty.  She announced, “I’m off to deliver Kuno his order.”

Ryoga asked, “You know about that?”

She answered, “Yes!  When one hundred and twenty-five thousand yen mysteriously appeared in our bank account I naturally contacted Kuno about it and was surprised to find out that he told me we would receive the other one hundred and twenty-five when the two fox-girls were delivered.  When I asked which fox-girls was he was talking about he explained that he was talking about the pigtailed girl and another me.  

This naturally worried me but he explained he understood that I was engaged to you and the original pigtailed was now a ponygirl belonging to Ryoga.  Naturally, he was sad to hear that but through his therapy, he had come to understand that he had always loved the both of us, the love was not reciprocal and thus it would never be.  Naturally, I was heartbroken at first but grew to hope you two were happy, even the pigtailed girl.  My therapist said that I made a break threw, whatever that means.  

Then he made a most interesting proposal.  He said that he would multiply the money for the two fox-girls under one condition, that I spend the night with him!”

Ryoga exclaimed, “I knew it, all that talk of love was just hypocritical nonsense to get you in bed with him.  You, of course, said, “No!”

Akane answered, “Actually I said, ‘Yes!’ ”

Ryoga cried out, “What?”

Then tears formed in his eyes.  He said, two-point five billion yen is a lot of money.  It is absurd of me to expect anything less of you.  Go ahead but I might not be here when you come back.”

Akane walked over to him.  She said, “Don’t worry I love you so much.  We are just going to talk!  He has given me his word.”

Ryoga asked, “And you trust him?  Two. five billion yen is a lot of money for just talk.”

Akane answered, “Yes I do.  Beside Kasumi and Anesuma E will be with me and  between the three of us I think we can handle an unruly Kuno if it comes to that.”

He said, “God speed!” 

Akane smiled and asked, “Why darling, have you become a Christian?”

Ryoga answered, “No.   But I was talking to someone who recommended I read two books from their holy book.

Kasumi, who showed up, wearing a coat and carrying a purse, asked, “” Really?  Which books?”

Ryoga answered, “Some book call ecl something or other and the other is some sort of song.”

She asked, “Elisastics and Song of Soloman?”

Ryoga answered, “Yea, that’s them.”

She answered, “Very good books, two of my favorite!”

Akane exclaimed, “You have read the Bible?  Are you a  Christian?”

Kasumi explained, “Oh no!  I am fascinated by Western Philosophy.  But to fully understand western philosophy you must understand the basics you have to go to the beginning.  That basically says that you have to go to the ancient greeks and Christian theology.  To truely understand Christian theology you must study the bible.  So I have!”

Ryoga said, “I have heard that the book is simplistic and bloated.”

Kasumi answered, “In many ways it is, but the theological discussions that have been published are quite interesting and somewhat complex.”

Akane asked, “So what are your religious believes, if I may ask?”

Kasumi answered, “I have not thought about that much.  I guess I am somewhat of a Shinto, Christian, Buddhist.”

Akane asked, “Is that even possible?”

Kasumi answered, “Of course it is.  Buddhism is basically more of a philosophy than a religion.  Christianity is more of an Alacart religion.  You take what you like and leave the rest.  Basically, all Christian sects do that, but most would probably deny it.  As to Shintoism, you have to define what is a spirit.  Both angels and demons can fit into that category if you allow it.  But I digress.  I think it is time we go to the Kuno estate to fulfill our part of the bargain.”

Akane agreed and Ryoga found himself with Full Bubs and the three balled girls.

Frustrated, Ryoga told Full Bubs, “I’m going to fuck your brains out,”

Full Bubs whinnied happily, looking forward to the experience.  

Later Ryoga lay in his bed, reading Kasumi’s bible, reading the book.   He found Echeastics depressing.  But ’Song of Solomon’ was different.  As he read he studied Full Bubs curves and desires.  He began to touch his delighted ponygirl.  Soon her body had shipped underneath him, with her legs happily wrapped around him.  It was hard to imagine the lustful pony girl used to be his rival, the proud and boastful Ranma Salitone, not that he was complaining.


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