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Chapter One

Strikes of red magic struck and surged around a mysterious stone room like lightning as a ritual circle drawn in the stone floor started to light the dark room, revealing wooden cogs turning around to generate the magic necessary to perform the magic ritual taking place.

    “I swear to god...” puffed a voice coming from what was turning the cogs. “This...is the last try at this and then I quit!”

As moans and complains filled and echoed the room, the cogs rolled faster and the magic more static, chipping and burned at the walls it struck also like it was out of control. Soon enough, the magic all focused on creating a shape within the glowing circle, a round sphere that soon formed into a human shape almost like liquid.

    “Yesssss....” smiled the voice. “It's finally working.....”

Before the voice could feel a sense of accomplishment, an explosion erupted within the circle, causing much damage to everything in the room, destroying the cogs and whatever magical items used to make the ritual possible in the process. One the magic had ceased and it seemed safe to come out of hiding, a small bird emerged from the rubble of his home made magic equipment.


Just then, Iago heard coughing coming from where the ritual circle was. The parrot flew over to investigate as he saw a person down on it's knees as a silhouette within the smoke.

    “....hey Jafar, is that you?” the bird asked.

    “* cough cough * ….Iago?” the person asked.

As the dust and smoke settled, both parties could see one another. The person looked curious at Iago while the parrot's jaw dropped to the floor.

    “It is you!” Jafar spoke. “Was it you who brought me back to....wait, something feels...”

Jafar felt something was off as his voice had a different more higher pitched sound to it, while his once weak skinny body now felt more youthful and alive, not to mention he never recalled ever having such long hair. As he took a look at his now more delegate soft hands, a look downwards to his chest confirmed what was off.

    “Iago, I don't think you quite got whatever spell you use exactly right.” Jafar held up two fleshly orbs hanging from his chest.”

    “Ya telling me!” Iago spoke still stunned. “LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THOSE MAGUMBOS!!!”

    “I don't have to look at them you bird brain.” the female Jafar looked at his former sidekick with an annoyed glare. Her body now looked a youthful mature mid twenties with the perfect hourglass figure one could expect fashioned and shaped from a magic ritual. Skin so smooth thanks to the villain's rebirth into the mortal world, her raven hair so long and beautiful even if it reminded her of that Princess Jasmine's, the perfect peach behind and what Jafar held in her hands, a delegate set of 34D cup sized breasts, with plenty to play and admire with both in her alone time and to grab attention. “How in Agrabah did you mess this spell up?!?”

    “Hey, you're the successor pal, not me!” Iago defended himself. “For a parrot like myself it took so much hard work to study the ritual then find those artefacts, in the middle of nowhere I should mention, in order to perform this stupid revival to bring you back, the weeks and gold it took to build the contraption to make it all work, and this is the thanks I get?!?”

    “Had it not been for you in the first place, I would not have died!” Jafar brought up the time Iago destroyed his lamp. “For that matter, why are you even bringing me back from the dead anyway?”

    “Oh I got sick of being a goodie two-shoes.” the parrot explained. “Way too much work doing the right thing all the time when that street rat and that chum's daughter attract all kinds of trouble...and that chum genie never shutting off! God, he's enough to drive a bird insane!”

    “And what makes you think I'd accept a traitor back?” Jafar crossed her arms.

    “I guess.....I just miss the good old days with you.” Iago calmed down to open up. “We were quite a team you and I, doing whatever it took to make it to the top by any wicked ways, almost conquering the world and all that. Even when I got away from that street rat and his goodie friends to travel with his father, I had a lot of time to think. I thought all this time what I desired was friendship but in the end....”

    “In the end what?” asked Jafar.

    “...I guess I missed what were really the best days of my life, with you...” Iago looked down on the ground in a sigh. Jafar paused to think for a moment, almost touched by her friend's words. It would have been her new feminine emotions kicking it, but she could tell the bird was speaking from the heart, and remembering all those good times they share together, all of which was dissolving the anger and bitterness Jafar swore against him in the afterlife. After a bit of consideration, Jafar took a finger from her smaller new female hand and stroked Iago's neck.

    “Truth be told, I've kind of missed you too.” Jafar smiled at the parrot, looking more cuter then she would ever had in her life. “You were more then a pet or a faithful sidekick but more the only friend I ever had. In a way, you complete me.”

    “Awww shucks!” Iago blushed the best a red feathered parrot could. “Ya know I'm not into this sappy stuff!”

After a short session of making up, Iago flew onto his Mistress' shoulder once again just like the good old days.

    “So then Iago, what if any of my powers DID you manage to restore properly?” Jafar stood up to tap her foot.

    “Well, the whole demon Genie part was beyond any magic I could muster up through books or such.” Iago explained.

    “Figures as much, even the Cave of Wonders was quite a stretch...” Jafar sighed at the loss of her Genie powers.

    “However, I was able to revive a Sorcerer!” Iago grinned.

    “You mean?”

    “Ohh yes, Jafar the Sorcerer lives!” confirmed Iago.

With just the power of thoughts and ideals, Jafar used her regained magic to create a female version of her old outfit appear on her body while her trademark gold snake staff formed into her hand.

    “Excellent work Iago!” Jafar felt so giddy that her magic had returned and without the limitations of being a Genie either.

    “So, shall we get out revenge on that Street Rat now?” Iago rubbed his wings together in preparation.

    “Well, I feel rushing into revenge might be a mistake.” Jafar deduced. “Remember multiple times our “Diamond in the Rough” has managed to stop me, no what we need is help, people I can have do may bidding, innocent people under my control so that Street Rat would not dare lay a finger on them...yes...but who would be most easy to control and brainwash....”

    “Yes, who...” Iago wondered as well.

The two became lost in thought for awhile thinking of who they could recruit so easily when soon enough, both evil doers clicked their fingers and answered in unison;


    “Yes of course!” Jafar stroked her chin as she would have had her beard of hers been there. “People from the past would barely have any know-how about the advances of my magic in their time. Heck, I could be the most powerful person in any time period if I wanted too.”

    “True, but we can't overthink such things too much in the realms of fanfiction.” Iago pointed out.

    “Too right, EVIL RECRUITMENT IT IS!” Jafar tapped her staff on the ground, making both parrot and sorceress disappear in a purple puff of smoke.

Another puff of smoke echoed in a quiet forest in the daytime as the evil duo appeared in a new location. After taking note of her new surroundings, Jafar started walking.

    “Where do you suppose we are, Neverland?” Iago asked sarcastically.

    “Don't be silly Iago, as if a place like that exists.” the Sorceress looked to her left and right as she walked. “I used my magic to randomly send us somewhere in the past where we could find a most easy mind to corrupt.”

    “Well maybe that's a good start.” the parrot pointed to the sky, a cloud of black smoke reaching into the sky from somewhere on the ground. “Failing that, we're eatin' tonight!”

Jafar walked through the forest to close into the source of the smoke when soon enough, they found a small house in a part of the forest.

    “Gee, what numbnuts live in the middle of the forest?” Iago commented.

    “Hush Iago.” the sorceress hide in some bushes to spy on the house. At first it seemed peaceful enough till Jafar noticed all kinds of wildlife surrounding a window. Rabbits, birds, squirrels, deer, all just sitting and standing there like they were waiting for somebody to show and soon enough, singing could then be heard as a girl in a dress a blue bodice with red and blue puffy sleeves and long yellow skirt appeared in the window singing about “Whistling While You Work” and putting a pie out to cool. Her hair short and black as ebony with a red bow , lips as red as a rose and skin as white as snow, for she was the Princess Snow White.

    “So the stories are true.” Jafar seemed impressed about the girl's very existance. “The Princess Snow White.”

    “What, another Princess?” Iago was more unimpressed. “Don't we have enough problems with one back at home?”

    “Ahh, but if the legends are true, she should be most easy to fool and take control of.” Jafar eased her sidekick's concern. “Come, we shall make our start with her.”

With no time to waste, Jafar made her way towards the window, her very shadow spooked the animals away and certainly surprised Snow White.

    “OH!” Snow White looked up in surprise. “Oh my, you startled me!”

    “My humble apologies.” Jafar bowed her head. “I was merely curious as to who lived here.”

    “Oh I do not live her.” the Princess explained. “I come here to visit every so often as well as help out with some housework.”

    “My, you do not seem the type to be a simple housekeeper.” The sorceress acted surprised. “Not someone so fairest as you.”

    “Oh thank you!” Snow White blushed. “I am not a housekeeper though, I'm a Princess!”

    “You don't say?” Jafar stroked her chin.

    “Are you a friend of the seven dwarfs by any chance?” The Princess asked.

    “Why yes, as it happens I am.” Jafar lied through her teeth.

    “Oh, well they won't be back for a good while.” Snow White explained. “They're working in the mine right now. Would you like to come and wait Miss...”

    “Jafar, my name is Jafer.”

    “What an unusual name.” the Princess walked and opened the front door to let Jafar in.

    “Well, I have travelled far far away.” Jafar explained as she walked in.

    “Oh I see.” Snow White seemed impressed. “I'm usually dropped off here by horse with the Prince. He'll be picking me up in a few days to take me home.”

    “Sounds like a dashing young fellow.” Jafar continued the small talk.

    “He is, he awoke me from an eternal sleep the evil Queen put me under.” The Princess continued. “Since then, I've had to be wary of strangers but you seem trustworthy, not to mention you know the Dwarfs.”

    “Geez, how gullible can you get lady?” Igao whispered, faceplaming his face from how trusting the Princess was.

    “Ohh, what a cute little bird you have there!” Snow White's attention turned to Iago. “I have some crackers in the cupboard if you want some!”

    “GOD NO!” Iago had flashbacks of the Sultan stuffing said food into his mouth by force at that moment.

    “Oh don't mind him, he's always a little cranky.” Jafar changed the subject. “Why don' you take a look at my staff?”

    “Oh.” Snow White bent down to take a closer look at Jafar's golden staff. “It certainly....looks.......unusual......”

As the Staff's eyes began to glow a bright red, Snow White's eyes started to feel heavy as they were fixed upon the hypnotic glow the the staff. Her already easily to manipulative mind dissolved of all defences that were in place, becoming more blank to suggestion, a clean canvass to which Jafar could draw whatever her twisted mind desired.

    “That's a good girl...” Jafar grinned. “You will obey my every command.”

    “....every....command....” the entranced princess replied.

    “You will not question a thing I tell you do, you will jut do it no matter what.” Jafar continued his spell. “You are my slave, a pawn in my schemes you carry out. To obey my every command is your greatest pleasure.”

    “......greatest.....pleasure....” Snow White's mouth opened as her tongue slightly hung out, aroused by new purpose in life.”

    “Now, stand up my dear.” Jafar ordered her slave who did as she was told, standing to attention with he arms by her side to await a further command while her once cheerful face was now a more blank stare. “Excellent my dear. Strip.”

    “Yes Mistress.” Snow White obeyed, unzipping the back of her bodice then removing her arms out of the sleeves before allowing the entirety of her dress to fall down her silk legs, folding into a tiny pile on her feet then stepping out of it and her yellow hell shoes in only her undergarments.

    “And the rest dear.” Jafar instructed. The Princess began to untie to small corset on her chest which on further inspection did not hide to much, revealing only an A cup bust once taken off. Next came her large underwear pulled down her legs then dropped to her feet, using her left foot to dis-guard the item with the pile of the rest of her clothing. Returning to her standing stance, Snow White stood completely naked, fully presented to her new Mistress.

    “Jeez, this kinda feels so wrong...” Iago felt ashamed. “She was all innocent and all and now we just made her strip....”

    “Oh come now, this most villains' dream to have such sexy obedient slaves.” Jafar walked around Snow White as her eyes took a look at every inch of the princess, now stood to attention like some common guard of hers. “Hmm, the ass is pretty decent, but she's a real flatsville alright.”

    “I've seen apples bigger then those things!” Iago also commented on the Princess's breasts.

    “Would you perhaps prefer melons then?” Jafar zapped magic from her staff towards Snow White's chest. Before their very eyes, the hypnotized Princess's rack started to expand in size. In seconds, growing from her A cup to a B, then a more bouncy C, before stopping at a huge D, matching Jafar's own bust. “Any better?”

    “Yes mistress!” Snow White held her massive new breasts as they even jiggled in her hands. “My baby girls are now beautifully matured woman!”

    “Now let's test that newfound loyalty of yours.” Jafar tapped her staff and in a flash, the bottom part of her clothing vanished, exposing her sleek long legs as well as another part. “I command you to eat my pussy!”

    “Yes Mistress.” Snow White walked towards Jafar with zero objections, getting down on her knees, then proceeds to latch her mouth onto Jafar's “other” mouth.

    “Woah my!!!” Jafar felt every part of her insides react to the Princess's tongue worming inside her pussy. “This feeling.........AAAAHHHHH!”

The alien feeling from having her newborn pussy licked by a pro who know her own by heart created intense pleasure that felt nothing like male masturbation. Her vagina already soaking in a mix of her juices and Snow White's saliva both dripping from the Princess's chin and lips, the sorceress' could feel herself sweat within her clothes as the sensation not only heated her up, but force her head back while her eyes drew a blank and her mouth hung over as moans were yelled out like smoke out of a chimney.

    “AAAHHH, this feels sooo good Iago!!!” Jafar licked her lips. “I can't believe......AAAAAAAHHHHH!”

    “Well you have been a woman for less then an hour.” Iago spectated the action from the dinner table. “Your parts are so new and so unexplored, it would figure you getting your pussy licked would be like a girl playing with herself for the first time......times a hundred!”

    “AAAHHH, Spot on Ia....AAAA.....AAAAAAAAAHHHHH.......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” And with that, Jafar left out her first ever orgasm, erupting a tsunami of her juices all over the hypnotized princess's face and open mouth. It took the sorceress a good long time to come back to her senses while her breathing became very heavy, her womanhood pulsated and all the while Snow White just sat there with her Mistress's pussy so close to her face ready for if a command told her to start up again. “That....was.....amazing!”

As she pushed the slave princess out the way, Jafar's legs wanted to collapse as she made her way to lean on the table before they could. As the evil villainess panted trying to keep her jelly numb legs up, Iago walked over to say;

    “You make a good slut Jafar.”

    “F-Fuck you.” Jafar glared at her parrot in annoyance.

After a long recovery time, Jafar was dressed once again and used her magic to teleport Snow White to her time period. The villainess along with Iago made their way out the house through the door.

    “So that gulable slave of yours will be safe back in Agrabah right?” asked Iago.

    “Yes, she'll be back at that hide out of yours.” Jafar explained. “When we return, it'll be like no time had passed for her whatsoever.”

    “Ahh the wonders of time travel.” the parrot smiled, before sees the group of angry animals that stood before the duo. Angry deer, rabbits, squirrels, even the once sweet birds looked cross that they had just messed with the sweet Princess Snow White. “I don't think they're here to greet us off Jafar.”

    “You dare try and defy me Wildlife?” the sorceress grinned. “Well, lets see how you like this!”

Holding up her staff, bolts of magic fired from all directions towards all the wildlife, zapping each creature and magically changing them. Once the smoke had settled, all the animals had been shrunken and turned into plushies.

    “I guess the Disney Store should be thanking you Jafar!” Iago laughed so hard.

    “Quite. Well, onto the next time period.” Jafar used her staff transport the duo to their next time period, leaving the stuffed toy animals alone for the dwarfs to discover on their way home, as well as the disappearance of their kind-hearted friend of a princess, never to be heard from again.

This was only the tip of the iceberg to come from Jafar and Iago's time travelling meddling....

To Be Continued



Do. Not. Give. Disney. Ideas.


"The Disney Sex Stores! That's right, we're taking over the porn business now, starting with buying Pornhub!" XD This was a commission of 5 chapters but don't worry, I'll be doing other fic commissions in-between, as well as finished that ever unfinished "In The Name of the Youma" saga. XD ;)


I can't tell you how much that made me laugh, and I'll wait for Youma, I can wait.