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Note- The following is a story adaptation of a RP session claimed as a Donator's Request via one of the RP Reward Tier. This session was generously edited into a story by the requester for your entertainment. ;)

With that said, on with the story!


Harem: Ranma (Part 2)

By Theodoric of York and Laprasking

Full Bubs, the former Ranma. was high steeping.  She wore the tack and garb that Akane had bought her.  Bubs wore a corset that ended in a push-up half bra.  Her nipples were proudly on display, pointing upwards.  Her arms were pulled in a single sleeve behind her.  She was wearing french cut panties.  She wore hip-high latex huffed boots.  She had a beautiful, red horse’s tail up her ass.  She had a bit in her mouth with tack and reigns on her head.  Her breasts bounced up and down as she stepped.  She gazed at her Master with lust and worship in her eyes.Minutes later she was hooked up to Ryoga and Akane’s carriage.  Ryoga and Akane stepped into the carriage and set down on the seat.  Ryoga grabbed the reigns but Akane asked if she could drive her former finance.  Soon Full Bubs was pulling the cart around the courtyard of the residence.

Soon Ryogau noted that Bubs was straining to pull the cart.  He and Akane decided that it would be best not to hook Bubs to hookup to the carriage until they get at least another pony to help Bubs pull it.

That evening Ryoga stayed up in bed, laying against Akane as he searched the dark web for information about slaves he could acquire.

Akane jokingly pointed out that he had access to not only Bubs and herself but also Kasumi.  He might be getting greedy

Ryoga answered, “You never said anything before now, She answered, “It's not a big deal.  I like my sisters around and now that you own them they are not going anywhere.

Kasumi was the first to offer herself to him.  She approached Ryoga when they were alone in the residence.  She approached him nervously.  She made a slight bow and asked if she could ask something of him.

Ryoga answered, “Sure what?”

Kasumi answered, “Would you order me that I go to bed with you!”

Ryoga gasped, “What?”

Kasumi answered, “Yes please, and would you rip my clothing off me!”

He answered, “Kasumi, are you feeling all right!”

Kasumi answered, “Yes it is…. Just it has been a fantasy of mine to be treated like a slave!  Please order me and make my day!”

Ryoga asked, “Would it be better if you find an older man for this, considering your prejudices?”

She answered, “No, the fantasy is better if my master was younger than me!  I mean you already enslaved Ranma and are looking into buying more slaves?”

Nervously he answered, “True!  Would it be better if I asked you to strip for me instead of me ripping off your clothing?  I would feel more comfortable with it!”

He asked, “What about Akane, my fiancee?  I love her,  I would not want to do anything to upset that?”

Kasumi, slightly disappointed but understanding, answered, “We can wait until after we talk to Akane!”

Later, when Ryoga was bringing Bubs to climax underneath him Akane approached him and said, “I think it would be all right if you fulfilled Kasumi’s fantasy!”

Still humping Bubs, He looked up at Akane and asked, “Are you sure?”

She answered, “I only ask that I can participate!”

He asked, “Are you sure?”

As Bubs started to jerk, coming, Akane said, “Yes!”

Later Kasumi was standing in front of him.  She said, “I’m ready!”

Ryoga was laying on his bed, with Akane and Bubs were cuddled against him.  He looked up at Kasumi and said, “Strip!”

She shivered and slipped off her apron.  Next came off her blouse.  Next came off her skirt.  Finally, she slipped out of her bra and panties.  Her nude body was excited.

He just ordered her to join him, Akane, and Bubs.  She slipped onto him.  For the next hour, he took Kasumi’s virginity, made love to Akane, and fucked Bubs.

After fucking Kasumi a few times she said, “I have a present for you, Master?”

He answered, “Kasumi, you don’t have to do that, and please do not call me Master!”

She answered, “But I know I do not have to call you, Master but I like to!  Please do not take away my fun!”

Ryoga cautioned, “Slavery is not a thing to joke about.”

Kasumi answered, “But I do not want to be your slave.”

Ryoga answered, “You could have fooled me!”

Kasumi said, “I only want to pretend to be your slave.  If you tell me to do something I do not want to do I will not do it!”

Uncertain, he said, “All right.

She crawled onto him and laid on him on her back.  She let herself slide onto his cock.  Then it entered her.  She started to pump herself up and down.  He wrapped his arms around her torso  One hand landed on her bosom and the other hand landed on her cunt.  He started to massage both areas as Kasumi started to force herself up and down on Ryoga’s cock.

Soon she was rapidly thrusting up and down,  She quickly built up speed.  With each thrust, she let out a groan and sometimes a yes.  Soon Ryoga could feel bouncing up and down in his hand, his cock slipping in and out of her cunt, and her body bouncing against his.  All in all, it was very erotic.

Finally, her efforts led to a crescendo and she started to scream. “Yes!”  over and over again.

Afterward, Ryoga lay, looking at his laptop.  Kasumi, Akane, and Full Bubs lay cuddled against him.  Akane asked, “What are you doing?”

He answered, “Just trying to decide which slaves I want to buy.”

Akane asked, “Oh that again.  Let’s see what you picked!”

Ryoga clicked a few times.  A picture of two women, standing at attention, nude, smiling.  The short one was blond, with a pink bow in her hair.  The second woman seemed older, with a brown ponytail.

Ryoga said, “They are mother, daughter team. Ashley and Della Katchem”

Akane looked at the picture of the pair,  She said, “Wow, their breasts are enormous!”

Ryoga answered,” Yea, can you those boobies bouncing up and down as they pull out buggy?”

Akane gasped,  “Ohhhhh!”

Akane asked, “How well are they trained?

Ryoga answered, “It appears we have three options, wild, domesticated, and Teained.”

Akane eminently clicked on the Wild button and click on ‘Buy!”

Ryoga asked, “Buy?”

Akane answered, “We will have so much fun breaking and training them!”

Ryoga said, “L have something else to show you!”  He made a few clicks and Akani’s eyes grew wide.  What she saw was two nude females standing at attention.  Frightened, she exclaimed, “It’s…. Ramna and myself!”

Ryoga answered, “Yep!  Akane Tendo is for sale!”

Akane said. “I do not remember standing beside Ranma at attention, nude.”

Ryoga answered, “You did not but Akane did.  This store is multiterminal.  There are infinite numbers of Ranma's and Akane's to chose from.”

Akane asked, “So do you plan to buy me?”

Ryoga answered, “I have been thinking about it.”

Akane asked, What?  You want more of me?”

Ryoga answered, “Not really.  I figured we can trade them to Komo For Kodachi.”

Akane asked, “If you want to get Kodachi can you not find her on your website?”

Ryoga said, “Sure!”  He clicked on the screen and brought up a new pic.  It showed a group of smiling, nude, Kodachi, Ukyo, Shampoo, Ranma, AkaneNabiki and kasumi standing at attention.

He continued, “But I do not want that Kodachi.  I want our Kodachi.  That Kodachi will not have access to the Kuno Billions.”

Akane said, “Also I want to break our Kodachi personally/”

Ryoga said, “She is yours!”  Akane clicked on the “Buy!” option!

Homo Sapien Vopine

It was then that Ryoga saw Nabiki hiding beyond a doorway with a camera.  She was taking pictures.

He ordered Bubs to put on a show.  She started to move her body and fondle her breasts.  Nabiki was clicking away.

Ryoga reached into his pack and grabbed three vials.   He mixed the three vials together.  Finally, he poured some red power into the concoction.Then he splashed Nabs with the mixture.  She exclaimed, “Hey!”  She did not realize it but that was the last word she would ever speak as her mouth and nose formed into a snout.  Her head formed into a mixture of her own features and that of a fox.  Her arms formed into forelegs,  Her legs formed into hindlegs,  She fell to her legs for mow she was quadrupedal.  A big, fluffy fox’s tail sprouted out her tail bone. Fur sprouted out all over her body.   Her torso transformed into a mixture of fox and human features.  Two breasts dangled from her chest.  As she wiggled out of her clothing.  Then stood a being that was a mix of a white, arctic fox and Nabiki.

Then he splashed Nabs with the mixture.  She exclaimed, “Hey!”  She did not realize it but that was the last word she would ever speak as her mouth and nose formed into a snout.  Her head formed into a mixture of her own features and that of a fox.  Her arms formed into forelegs,  Her legs formed into hindlegs,  She fell to her legs for mow she was quadrupedal.  A big, fluffy fox’s tail sprouted out her tail bone. Fur sprouted out all over her body.   Her torso transformed into a mixture of fox and human features.  Two breasts dangled from her chest.  As she wiggled out of her clothing.  Then stood a being that was a mix of a white, arctic fox and Nabiki.

At that Nabs seemed to panic.  She yapped, looked around, and ran down a hallway and into a room.  By the time Ryoga reached the room, he saw an open window.  By the time he reached the window, he saw her running through the gate of the estate.

In a moment Ryoga was out the window and chasing her down.  She ran down alleyways and between houses.  Ryoga jumped on the houses, and on the ground, cutting the distance between him and her.

In little time he caught up with her.  He wrapped his arms around her and picked her struggling form off the ground.  He threw her over his shoulder and walked home.

As he walked he started talking to Nabiki.  He asked her what she planned to do for food on the street, eat rats?  What would she do if a large dog challenged her for the food? He then asked what she planned to do at night and when it rained or snowed.  She would never be a lap dog and would live in a dog house even if she was adopted.

Finally, he placed Nabiki on the ground.  Naba looked at him with suspicion.  Hr explained that she had one of two choices. She could run away and he would not follow her, else he would take her home, collar and leash her and she would remain a pet.

Nabiki looked at him and suddenly ran off.  He watched her run off and thought, “So be it.”

He returned home.  Akane was at the door.  She asked, “Where’s Nabiki?”

He answered, “I let her go!  She made her choice!”

Akane said, “I understand!  Will we ever see her again?”

Ryoga said, “I do not know?  If she decides she wants to live with human confronts she will probably choose the Kunos over us.”

He hugged her.  Tears formed in her eyes.

She asked, “When will the slave we bought arrive?”

He answered, in two or three days.  Why do you ask?”

She answered, “I want to break and train someone.  When we will acquire Kodachi?”

He answered, “Maybe the day the shipment arrives, mauve later, maybe never.”

It stormed that night.  The rain came down in torrents.  Outside the house, there was a typhoon raging.  Around three AM Ryoga heard a scratching sound at the front door.  He disentangled himself from Akane, Kasumi, and Full Bubs.  Bubs looked up at him and weened.  Ryoga looked at her and studied her.  She twisted and stretched for him.

Then he heard the scratching at the front door again.  Ryoga turned and headed to the front door.  When he opened it he saw Nabiki in front of it.  She lowered her body and head in front of him.   Her nipples flattened the concrete Her ears flattened and her tail lowered behind her.  Her head lowered, eyes looking up at him.  She whimpered.

He looked down at her.  He said nothing.  He showed her a dog collar in his hand.  He showed her the tag dangling from it.  She could read  It said, Vixen, 財産 響良牙 (Vixen, Property of Ryoga Hibiki)

She could read English.  If she allowed him to place the collar around her neck she would be now be named ‘Vixon.’  Nabiki would be no more.  Nabiki looked over her shoulder into the darkness.  Untel that night she had never really known fear.  Now she did.  She was utterly terrified of the outside and the dark.  Vixen stuck her neck out as her Master could collar her.

Ryoga Attached a leash to Vixen’s collar.  Still crouching down she crept into the residence.  Her tits rubbed against the floor.

Ryoga studied the former Nabiki Tendo.  She was covered with mud, dirt, scratches, and wounds.  He could see bite marks on her.  She was shivering.  She was already infested with fleas.  He said, “First things first!  Let’s get you something to eat!”

He walked her into the kitchen,  Vixen crawled next to him.  He picked up a dog food bowl and filled it with canned dog food.  He placed it on the floor.  In moments vixen was woofing it down with her mouth.

Next, he led her to the bathroom.  He stripped off his clothing and set on a stool.  Ryoga positioned Vixen, sitting in front of him.  Next, he spayed hot water over both of them.  He poured flea shampoo over her body and rubbed it into her fur.  Soon Vixen was covered with suds.  She whimpered because her cuts and wounds stung.  He let the suds sink in as he washed himself with soap and water.  She knelt down and started to lick his cock and balls.

Meanwhile, the tub filled with hot water.  Ryoga reached over and turned off the water.  He stepped into the tub.  Water overflowed the tub.  Then there was a huge splash when Vixen jumped in the bath.  She dog paddled to her Master and maneuvered her breasts into his grasp.

The only boy that Nabiki only liked was Ryoga.  She told herself it was because of the gifts and sweets that he would bring.  He would also greatly contribute to the general chaos around the Tendo household that she found so entertaining.

Still, she did not think much of it until she started having dreams.  The dreams consisted of her and Ryoga making love.  She would wake up in a sweat.  Soon she was to realize that when masturbating she could only get herself off by dreaming of him.

But such a relationship was of course, impossible.  Ryoga was a nobody who lived in a shack in the woods.  Great things were in store for her.  She would marry well and live in luxury.

But the best-laid plans of mice and men sometimes went astray.  The first fly in the ointment was when Ryoga and Akane started dating.  This seemingly did not affect her.  She always thought that Ranma was something of an arrogant jerk and Akane could do better.

When Ryoga reduced Ranma into his personal pleasure slave, personal fuck toy, and ponygirl, Nabiki was delighted.  Not only had Ranma had been put in her place she was making a fortune taking photographs of the former Ranma.

Now the worm had turned.  Within a number of hours, she had reduced to a fox girl named vixen.  When she was transformed into a fox girl somehow she realized that she had to escape now or she would forever be Ryoga’s.  So she ran.

Still, Ryoga easily caught up with her.  He demonstrated he could catch her any time he wanted.

Still when he gave her a chance to escape she took it.  She could not imagine becoming a pet of Ryoga.

But as time went by she realized she needed a plan.  Before she had a plan, auction off her virginity and marry a very rich man.  All she could reasonably hope for now was to become a pet of a very rich man at least at first,

But who did she know who was rich?  Oh god, not Kuno!  She could not imagine living under the same roof with that insufferable narcissus, let alone that psychopath of a sister.   Kuno might be fun to rip off but living with him was another matter.    She would have to think of someone before she froze to death,

As the evening came the typhoon kicked up.    She ran into some shelter to get out of the rain and wind.

There was a large, white dog there.  He started to sniff her, then he started to climb her.  Very quickly Nabiki realized what he had in mind but she did nothing.  Instead, she moved her ass to better facilitate her mounting.  When felt his couch enter her she felt relieved and confused.  When the dog finished with her another took his place.  She felt a need to be in her.  She wanted to be filled with puppies, but why?

Then a thought occurred to her.  Perhaps she was in heat.  Instinct had taken over,  She would stay for as many couplings as there were males that desired her.  What was more this was not what she imagined her first time would be like,  There were not good lovers.  It was literally slam, bam, thank you, ma’am.

If she was ever going to ever enjoy she had to find somebody who knew what they were doing.  A thought odd ured to her   Thrtr was bo doubt in her mind that Ryoga knew what he was doing.  She resisted an urge to run to his to sate her urges,  She ran out of the shelter and was tossed around by the heavy winds.

She fought to get her dirty, scuffed and scratched body in some protection from the wind.  When she found it there was another dog there,  When he was doing his business he bit her.  She yelped in pain,  Would this nightmare ever end?

Thar was how then night continued,  Her running blindly through the storm and then being mounted by another dog.

Finally, she prayed for this nightmare to end.   She had never been so scared, She would do anything to get this nightmare to end,

Then she saw it.  She was just across the street from the gateway to the Tendo Estate.  Suddenly there was a low in the wind.  She took this opportunity to rush through the gate and up to the front door.  She started scratching at it to be left in.  It seemed forever before the door opened.  All the time she was thinking that if she was ever let in she would be the most, obedient, loving pet that ever existed.

Then the door opened, she ceased to be Nabiki.  Vixen, the leashed and collared pet, did anything Ryoga wanted of her.  Now Vixen was in the tub with her Master.  Her heat was driving her crazy.  She desperately for Ryoga to mount her.  As Ryoga played with her breasts Vixen rubbed herself against him and licked him.  Next, she crawled onto his lap and startled her legs around him.    He grabbed her furry but human ass and lifted her on him.  He let her cunt slide over him.  He guided her thrusts by lifting her and lowering her body.

This was not like the dogs.  This was pleasurable, incredibly pleasurable.  At that moment realized that she wanted her womb filled with his offspring.  From now on she would be his breeder,  Briefly, the old Nabiki briefly appeared and realized they could sell them for quite a lot of money, Then she remembered that person was no more and she concentrated on the matter at hand, giving her Master as much pleasure as possible.

The pleasure that the vixen was feeling was incremental in the suppression of Nabiki.  By the moment that was rocking in orgasm, Nabiki was truely buried.  Vixen truely hated Nabiki and wanted her gone.  Nabiki stood in the way of her satisfaction.

Or much of her life

Later Ryoga Knelt by his pet, drying her off.   She relished in the care that Ryoga was giving her.  For much of her life, she knew she was disliked or even hated.  Nabiki liked the power she had because of it.  Now Vixen relished in the care, that night had been truely horrible.  She especially relished the gentle care he took in drying her bosom.  Although she had always liked Ryoga she had always considered him to be something of a bumkin incapable of enjoying the finer things in life and he was too strong for his own good.  Now he proved that he could be gentle and loving too.

Up until now, she considered traits like that contemptuous and weak.  Now she relied on them.

Slowly Vixen realized she had to go.  It was not that bad but she would not be able to wait until tel morning,  But where was she was going to go.  She doubted she could crawl onto a toilet, but she was unsure what to do.

Vixen did try but she could not do so, at least so that she could sit on it.  She only managed to make a mess.  She could tell that Ryoga was not happy.  But he said nothing.  Instead, he cleaned up the mess.  Next, he grabbed her leash and walked to the front doon, Vixen's tail was straight up, showing her happiness.  But her body and the position of her tail changed to a position of submission when they approached the front door.  She started to shake in fear. When Ryoga opened the front door vixen whimpered in fear.  She looked up at Ryoga with pleading eyes.  Then she started to creep outside as she continued to look at Ryoga.

Ryoga himself did not want to brave the wind and weather himself.  He looked out to the storm swirling through the courtyard.  He looked down at Vixen and said, “Let’s not go out there!”

The fox-girl yapped happily and tugged at her leash back inside.  Ryoga closed the door.  He placed some newspaper on the toilet floor.  Then he closed the door and gave her some privacy.  Soon she was scratching on the door.  He let her out of the room and got to work again cleaning up.  He grabbed papers around her discharge and dropped the discharge in the toilet and flushed it away.  He gathered up the papers and tossed them in a plastic bag,  He tied the bag off and threw it in with the garbage.

He walked Vixen to Akane’s bedroom.  He unleashed Vixen and then laid down between Akabe and Kasumi.  Vixen crawled on top of him and started to lick his face.  Akane, Kasumi, and Full Bubs cuddled against him.

Ryoga thought about the day’s activities.  By the end of it, he now had the three Tendo daughters and his former rival at his beck and call.  He owned two of them.  What was more was a group of new slaves was being shipped to him.  They would arrive in a few days.  It was a good day, a good day indeed!


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