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So of course the biggest question on your minds as we enter a new month is how did the Rat Problem go since my last monthly journal?

Pretty damn well actually.

It started the Thursday before the exterminator's first revisit on the month where the little critter was making so much noise more than usual that was so distracting that I had to do something. You might recall I brought Peppermint Oil and Spray Bottle to spray in areas I figured it might smell it as I read up they absolutely hate the stuff and sure enough eventually after a few days, the noises stopped.

Cut to the Tuesday the exterminator made his first revisit. One look in the attic and.....yes, half the poison bait was eaten! As I hoped, I thought the spray would convince the rat to back in the reachable part of the attic to where the poison was and whether that was what made it go back there or not, the poison seems to have worked! I can happily say I've not heard noises in weeks nor has anyone in the house.  We do have the exterminator books for 2 more appointments, one we just has last Tuesday and 1 more on the 22nd of this month but it looks very conclusive. No sounds, the smells, nothing. Just a dead rat somewhere but there has not been any sign of an odder or indeed a corpse so it might of gone several attics down to die somewhere maybe.

So with that more or less out the way (We need to still get a builder in, but booking one is almost like getting a GP appointment these days, close to impossible due to how fully booked they've become, even my uncle who's a builder as well.), I would say my art input has increased lately. Some odd gaps but things are really beginning to return to normal for real this time.

In regards to upcoming projects, as regulars probably know, November to March certain is packed with important dates to get annual pieces out. My birthday, Christmas (Both for the audience and my gf), gf's bday, valentines, Pokemon Day (Which lands on a very important Donator's Bday), and what brings us into March Satoko Day, on the 15th. Thankfully this'll be the last in those long series of annual pics until the annual Ashley Bikini pic (Which could be any day in summer) and then November when this starts all over again. XD That said, early development on the Satoko Day has begun and, it's a pretty much an idea only I would come up with. XD You'll see what I mean as he previews start to post. ;)

Once that's doe, there will be much much more room to get commissions out the way as well as the building Patreon Requests but that's been mostly done to Hypno-ber. The good news on that front is the next one will be the last Singular request, which only leaves the bulk requests (More that 1 character by a Donator). I had been alternating between singular requests and a Bulk Request (Hence why we saw so many Ranma girls) but now we should be able to alternate between the bulk requests and have more time for the Monthly Requests, as well as some outstanding commissions I have. I apologize its all taken so long, but they will be done in due time and any future promotional months will take place outside or not close to that November to March period.

Speaking of, be sure to send me your requests for the month if you are on a Reward Tier. ;)

Think that will wrap it up for the March journal, let's "March" on with a rat-free future.......okay that's was terrible. XD



John Riendeau

Great to hear about your rat problem getting solved