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The sunlight that gazed upon Serena's eyes as she walked out of the dark building should have blinded the girl temporary. However, thanks to the fake eyes on her hood they shielded her like wearing blue sunglasses. Only she could see through them, but no one could see her real eyes. As strange as that was, it was not the most awkward thing that she had to endure.

Limbs tied by belts inside rubber bindings, Serena was forced to walk on all fours on her knees and elbows, thankfully cushioned inside by soft fabric. That was the only upside to her humiliation, still stuck inside a rubber Sylveon suit. Everyone on the street could see her, staring with thoughts of either "that's a bit odd", sinful excitement or those of disgust. Her chest moving back with two nip holes and forth with her movements, her bound behind sticking up in the air with a tail sandwiched between her rubber cheeks as well as "plugged" inside, her most private hole coated in latex but still with an opening, all of it was on display for the world to see. No escape from her binds, only a mix of the word "Sylveon" was her means of cries for help.

"Come now Seren-eon!" her owner Miette yanked at her leash. "We have to get you home and feed ya!"

The next day onwards was filled with more "walkies" outside in town, each passing day the Eevee Girl's mind was changing. Each morning, her mistress would force her to eat a special "Pokefood" before her walk. As soon as her walk began, her pulse would quicken, her heart pounded, and blood rushing in her ears. Her body, much more sensitive, sweating inside, the exposed parts of skin in the holes on her chest grew hard and pointed, but the worst effect came in-between her legs, becoming so hot, twitching, she could swear it was "sweating". The whole experience made her pant throughout her walk. It was hard to focus on anything. Thoughts of help and ways to escape were replaced with desires to tend to her body's crazed state but her bindings would not allow it. She would yelp her mistress to relief her. Sometimes she would get lucky, other times ignored.    

Days went on, Serena was no longer forced to eat one block of Pokefood each morning but was presented with a food bowl with it. Days with only the bare minimum of food made her stomach growl. Whether by hunger, her mental state or both, Serena chomped down the bowl of food like a Pokemon, using only her mouth to pick up and eat. Such a messy eater she made to become, at least now she was getting a meal. It came with the high cost of the food's effects making her body and mind fall further and further now the Buneary hole.

As the weeks went on, her body even changed slowly as her aroused state got worse. Her behind inflated bigger and now two huge orbs hung from her chest, sometimes the exposed parts poked and scraped against the concrete pavement now.  As for her mind, she would only think of ways to please her mistress to "reward" her in heat body that drove her crazy. Licking Miette's shoes? Slow games of fetch in the park? There was no room for anything else in her head as this became her new life. Even memories of being a human trainer. Was she even human to begin with? As time went on, that old life felt like a dream. It had to of been right? The way she was acting was not that of a trainer. She was a Pokemon! And Miette was her trainer. Yes, that began to feel more and more right.

Soon enough, Miette took her prized Pokemon out for a walk with a new change. A much rounder big belly now housed below her milk filled hanging bags. Serena the trainer was lost, all that remained was Seren-eon the Sylveon, in both body and mind excited for the little "ones" on the way.

And Seren-eon was only one of the pets available from the mysterious Evoli brand.... 



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