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Note- The following is a story adaptation of a RP session claimed as a Donator's Request via one of the RP Reward Tier. This session was generously edited into a story by the requester for your entertainment. ;)

With that said, on with the story!


Harem: Ranma (Part 1)

By Theodoric of York and Laprasking

The two were at it again, another duel, seemly like all the other but both agreed that that was the last one.  The loser would become the property of the winner to do what he pleased.   Ryoga insisted on that provision.  It was the only way this rivalry could end, outside of the death of one or both the duellists.

Ranma taunted Ryoga, "You just don't know when to give up do you?" Ranma sighed in an exaggerated manner as he exchanged blows. "I wouldn't mind if you weren't a week late keeping me waiting!"  Ranma expressed confidence, as was Ranma’s way but inward there was a nagging feeling that something was different about Ryoga, somehow more confident as if he had already won.

Ryoga answered, "When I own you it will be worth the wait!   He prepared a "Lion's roar" attack!

"Damn, he seems stronger and more eager this time." Ranma thought to himself, unaware of the rain catcher barrel behind him.  

There seemed to be somewhat darker about Ryoga: Unlike before was fighting like a predator and he was the prey.  Nevertheless, it would soon be over and P-Chan would be his pet.  Perhaps he would give the pig to Azuza Shiritori, or maybe Kodachi.  No hurry, he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

It was then that Ryoga let loose the blast.  The blast was a direct hit on Ranma.  The energy of the blast engulfed him. He somersaulted in the air from the effects.  The force of the blast blew Ranma's clothing from him.  He landed in the rain catcher barrel.  Unconscious Ranma-chan floated inside the barrel, her breasts boilient, floating in the water,  Ryoga ruched over to Ranma, pausing only to admire the luscious body he now owned.  He next removed a powder from a packet, opened it, and emptied it into the barrow.  Unknown to the unconscious Ranma she was now stuck in her cursed form.

Ranma in his girl form awoke later with a moan. "Damn it Ryoga..." she moaned. "Got my...clothes all wet...girl form too...."

As she rubbed her eyes, the redhead saw she was sat on a bed naked. She reached over to grab the bed covers to cover her body as Ryoga entered the room.

Besidde him was Akane.  She said, 'Hello Ranma.  I guess you lost!  As they say 'To the victor goes the spoils!"

Surprised, Ranma gasped, "Akane? W-What are you doing here?" Ranma looked puzzled. "And for that matter, where are my clothes?"

Akane answered, "Ryoga and I are lovers.  I guess you said I looked like a mule one too many times!"

The  girl cried, "Whaaaat?" Ranma was so surprised the bed covers slipped out of her hand revealing her chest again before she picked up the covers again. "When did this happen?!? Its not like I noticed you slipping out time and time again!"  Ranma now knew where Ryoga’s newfound confidence came from.

Ryoga answered, "For a long while.  Did  I say we are engaged?

Ranma expressed her surprise, "Engaged?!?" That revelation nearly caused Ranma to faint back down on the bed. His rival in battle has not only bested in him combat finally but in love too. "What did he promise, to always look after "P-Chan?" she joked to try to get her head straight.  She again fainted.

When Ranma came to he found her hands shackled behind her back and her ankles were shackled too.  Besides her, Ryoga and Akane were making love.  Akane was coming!

"What is this?" Ranma questioned her shackles. At this point, she wasn’t surprised they were making love at this point.

Ryoga answered, still between Akane’s thighs, "Just securing my property, remember our agreement.  You are now mine!”  With that, he stood up and positioned the struggling Ranma in a fetal position.  He carried the girl to a trunk filled with memory foam.  He placed her sideways in the foam and it contoured around her holding her fast.  Ryoga asked any last words Ranma?"

"Last words? Ranma started to get annoyed. "I don't recall putting my female virginity on the line you pervert! Thought you meant washing your clothes, putting your tent up, that sort of slavery!"

Ryoga answered, "I am not such a boar, Ranma.  I will only take your virginity until it is freely given!  In the meantime, I have my willing Akane to fill my needs.  Then he added, “Akane told me what you were going to do with me.  You were going to make me into your pet.  You were thinking of giving me to Azuza Shiratori. 

Akane walked over and said, “Don’t worry my love.  I would have stolen you before that happened.  Then they forced a gage in Ranma's mouth, placed electrodes on Ranma’s nipples and cunt, and plunged both her asshole ad Peehole.  They slide ear pods in Ranma's ears. Finally, they closed the box.   Ranma surrounded darkness and silence.  This went on for hours,  Finally, she heard the voice of Ryoga saying, “You are a sex slave and a pet, nothing more.”  When Ranma heard those words her nipples and cunt were pleasurably stimulated.

"Mrrrph!" Ranma moaned through her ballgag, shaking her head a struggling to get out. 


"You think this brainwashing is gonna work on me?" Ranma thought. "As if anyone could be forced to find you attractiv….AAHHHH, these vibrations!”

Outside Ryoga told Akane, "We have to go to our dojo.  Ryoga slipped a lever on the trunk.  Out popped wheels and a handle.  Soon Akane and Ryoga were walking down a road while he pulled the trunk containing Ranma behind him.

As time passed Ranma began to experience sensation.  She had to go.   Eventually, she had to go badly.  She felt she was about to explode!  All she could think of was her desire to pee,  Ryoga’s voice that she was his slave and pet, being accompanied with please being inflicted on her.  In her current condition, it was all she could think of.

Entombed in comfy darkness, the minutes began to feel like hours for Ranma as her body began to sweat. Normally, she would try and look for a way out of continuing helplessly to undo her binds, but she could not focus with the ongoing loop in her ears and the vibrations in her chest and womanhood giving her pleasure. 

"Nooo....I can't...think.....only....pleasure...." Ranma thought as drool oozed under her ballgag. "Have to concentrate...must think.....about....cock....nooo.....not....that..."

Finally, Akane and Ryoga reached the dojo.  They placed the crate containing Ranma in the closet in Akane’s bedroom and left her there, leaving her to stew in her own heat.

Meanwhile took up the task of training new students to the dojo.  They would station Akane, Nabiki, and even Kasumi outside  the dojo, wearing bikinis as a recruitment incentive for the students to sign up and stay around,

At a supper, Soun announced that he and Hinako Ninomiya

Were engaged and he was moving into her apartment and thus he was turning over the day-to-day operations of the dojo Akane and Ryoga now that Ranma was owned by Ryoga and thus out of the picture.  Over the next day, Kasumi cleaned bulled the trunk until it shined.  Nabiki pointed out that Ranma was inside the trunk and Kasumi smiled and asked if that was any reason not to make the trunk as clean as possible.

Standing from the hallway Genma looked disgusted and said, “I have no son!”  Then he looked up Ryoga and said, “She is your responsibility now.  I wash my hands of her.”

After two days   Ryoga opened the trunk, carried her out. took the plugs out of her inner holes and allowed Ranma to relieve herself inside a bucket.  The effect on her mind was almost orgasmic.  Looking into Ryoga’s eyes she wanted to spit.  Instead, her breathing became hard as did her nipples as the juices ran down her legs from her cunt.

As Akane approached Ranma’s nude and offered her a bowl of Kasumi's cooking.  She placed a spoon of the wonderful smelling concoction up to Ranma's lips and said, "It's all yours.  All you have to convince Ryoga that you want him as a slave girl or else you will be fed my cooking."

Ranma could not respond, tired and panting, still horny from the entrapment. The only way she could respond was by hanging her tongue out to accept the food offering.

She was given a spoon full of the delicious meal.  The Ryoga replaced Akane.  He gently started to gently touch, kiss, and fondle her body.  It practically lept to his touch.   Ryoga asked, "Do you want me to continue?  It is your choice!

"C-Cock..." the tired Ranma sounded dumbfounded. Her hand reached out to Ryoga's erect member, her tongue circling her lips. "S-Suck...."

Ryoga said, "I guess you can feast on another kind of mead.  He offered his cock to Ranma's lips as he continued his foreplay."

Ranma's lips kissed the tip of Ryoga's cock. Such an action would have disgusted her previously but thanks to her brainwashing, her sexuality had been rewritten from the occasional thought of boobs and pussy, to the constant desire for a man's cock and to be used. Once her lips and tongue got a good taste of her rival's cock, she moved her head forward to accept more cock into her mouth and latch on so hard with a good suck.

Ryoga shook with pleasure.  He laid his slave on the ground and started to sixty-nine her.  His tongue explored the oily depths of her womanhood.

Ranma blushed as her vagina was getting teased by the male tongue. Her moans with sweet cock in her month only increased the sucking pleasure she was giving her master.

After a long while, Ranma orgasmed as she felt his sperm pumped into her mouth.  Ryoga looked down at her schematically jerking body.  He asked, "Have you anything" to say to me Ranma?

Once she had swallowed her master's offering, Ranma opened her legs wide, reached out her arms, and only spoke two words. 

"B-Breed me!"

Ryoga asked, "Breed me what?"

"Breed me......Master!" 

Ryoga knelt between her legs. and pressed himself against her chest as he entered her He felt her full, hard, erect nipples submit themselves to his weight as they flattened against his chest.  He felt her tight channel stretch to accommodate his penetrating member,  Her tongue invaded hir mouth.  At last he cock came to a barrier.

Ranma's eyes rolled upwards as her womanhood accepted its first cock. As Ryoga began to thrust forward, her body started to sweat again, her large boobs bouncing against his chest with his movements. 

"Ahhh, this feels so right!" Ranma happily moaned. "Use me, master! Do whatever you want to me!"

Ryoga answered, "Oh I will, my pet.  He started to fuck her in earnest, all the while playing her like a well-tuned instrument.  The fucking  went on for hours as Ryoga forced his slave greater and greater orgasms.  Finally, he again pumped his spunk into her.  Deep into her womb his sperm searched and sought out and found an egg.  They gathered around it and started assaulting it from all sides until one spirmfound itself nestled well within the egg.

Ranma panted as her master finally withdrew. Her fuckhole was leaking a combination of her own juices and her master's seed, dripping into a growing puddle by her buttcheeks.

Ryoga merely flipped her over to her had and knees,  placed a touch of pressure on her back, lowered it until her chest was flat on the ground and her ass was sticking up inviting invasion.

Ranma's heart raced with excitement as she was ready for round two. She shook her ass sideways to further invite her Master to come it for landing.

In one strong thrust, he shoved himself into her tighter channel, until his balls bounced against her ass He thrust himself into her again and again.

"Oooooooh!" RANMA YELLED IN EXCITEMENT. "Fill me, Master, fill me till I burst!"

Ryoga answered, "I will do my best!”  He continued the thrust into her over and over again until he exploded into her belly, distending it a bit.

It looked like Ranma had a baby bum, though it was far too early for that.

Her tongue hung out like a panting dog, the feeling of so much heat, fresh cum inside of her was the greatest pleasure ever.

Afterward, Ryoga and Akane set together, cuddling as Ranma was sucking on Ryoga’s chilly dog.  Akane observed, "I believe that our little pet is misnamed.  Ranma's name means ‘Disruptive horse.’  I see not a disruptive horse her but a tamed, broken, loving little filly.  She really should have a new name more fitting her new nature!

"Mmmm, horsey..." Ranma moaned with the image of being a ponygirl in her head. "Take master and mistress everywhere....".

Ryoga said" If you want it so shall it be my ponygirl.  You shall be our carriage horse, out pack animal, and plow horse if need be.  What do you think of that my little Full Bubs!

"Mmmm, yes. Master is so gooood at name-giving.....and fucking!"

So what is your new name my little one?"

 “Full Bubs!"

Ryoga fed his filly a sugar cube.  So true Bathsheba but remember ponies do not talk.  From now on you will communicate by whinnies, snorts, and hoof movements.  Do you understand?"

"Nyaaaah!" Full Bubs smiled.

Akane fondled one of Full Bub's breasts.  She said, "I think tomorrow we will have to get our Full Bubs new livery and a carriage to pull us with!"

Bubs licked her mistress' face in delight.

Ryoga collared Bubs.  He did not fear that she would run away, but it had always been a dream of his to do so to Ranma.  Later he cuddled with his two girls, that four breasts pressed against. him.  It had been a good day!

To Be Continued


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